Redwing News
24-25 Welcome Edition
8/12/24: First Day of Fall Sports
8/19/24: Senior Parking Pass Sales Begin
8/20/24: Junior Parking Pass Sales Begin
8/21/24: Sophomore Parking Pass Sales Begin
8/21/24: Orientation, ALL Student Pictures & Device Pick up
8/26/24: First Day of Classes
8/30 & 9/2: No Classes
9/8/24: Powderpuff
9/13/24: Homecoming Game & Parade
9/14/24: Homecoming Dance
9/27/24: Make Up Picture Day
10/4/24: Hall of Fame Game
11/21-11/22: 1st Trimester Exams Early Release
5/29/25: Class of 2025 Commencement
All students should plan to attend orientation on 8/21. Times are posted below:
- 2pm-6pm Photos Available (Athletic Entrance Lobby): Take their photo for IDs and optional purchasing.
- 3-3:30pm- MANDATORY Freshmen and New Students Welcome (Auditorium) from the SJHS Leadership Team
- 3-5pm- Device Pick Up (Seminar Classrooms) All students 9-12 should pick up their device from their Seminar Teacher.
- 3-5pm- Meet the Teacher (Classrooms) Teachers will be available in their classrooms.
- 3-5pm- Deposit Lunch Money (Cafeteria)
- Chromebooks must be charged and ready for the first day of instruction.
Photo Ordering Information
School portraits for ALL STUDENTS are scheduled for Wednesday August 21st.
Please use the link below to order your school portrait package.
This is a link to take advantage of our special Prepaid Package pricing (BEST VALUE). Please submit your order on or before your child's scheduled picture day. All orders will be processed and the picture packages will be delivered back to the school about 3 weeks after picture day. If you choose not to take advantage of this special prepaid package pricing you will receive information when the prepaid packages are delivered to the school with an opportunity to submit a reorder.
There will be no order forms sent home. If you would rather not submit an online order please call the studio 989-227-8441 and we will take your order over the phone.
NOTE: The school picture that you will see on the ordering site is a sample picture not of your child.
Directions: Simply search for your student by name. You can type either their first or last name and you will see student names pop up. If you have multiple students please submit separate orders for each child. If you do not see your students name, choose "New Person" and add their information then click the "prepay for photos button"
You DO NOT need to send the printed receipt to school. We will already have a record of your payment!
Click this link or copy this web address below and paste into the address bar
We are looking forward to photographing your children!! If you have any questions please call the studio 989-227-8441 or email Andrew@Canfieldjenkins.com
Picture Make Ups and Retakes 9/27
Parking Passes
Parking passes need to be purchased online through ludus for $5 each (plus a $1 processing fee) during the designated times. When you purchase, you will choose your own numbered spot in the parking lot.
Seniors can begin to purchase on Monday, August 19th at 6:30 am
Juniors can start to purchase on Tuesday, August 20th at 6:30 am
Sophomores (with a driver’s license) can start on Wednesday, August 21st at 6:30am
An email will be sent to your student email address prior to your purchase date with live links to a google form, which will then direct you to ludus.
The Athletic Entrance is only used before school, after school, and for RESA students only from 9:50-11:15. Aside from those times all students should check in and check out though the main office in the interest of student safety.
Painting of parking spots is not permitted. Painting parking spots will resort in a $50 cleaning fee.
Vape Detectors Installed
To further enhance our efforts in promoting student well-being and safety, we have recently installed vape detectors throughout the school. These devices are part of our proactive approach to address and prevent the use of vaping products on campus.
Why Vape Detectors?
Vaping has become a growing concern in schools due to its potential health risks and its impact on student well-being. By implementing these detectors, we aim to:
Promote a Healthier Environment: Vaping can expose students to harmful chemicals that may affect their health. By detecting and addressing vaping activities, we are working to safeguard our students from these risks.
Encourage Positive Choices: The presence of vape detectors serves as a deterrent and encourages students to make healthier choices. Our goal is to support them in leading healthy, smoke-free lives.
Enhance Safety: The detectors help us maintain a safer school environment by ensuring that any instances of vaping are quickly identified and addressed.
What You Can Do
We believe that collaboration between home and school is crucial in supporting our students. We would encourage all families to have a candid and proactive conversation with their children. Having that proactive conversation may avoid a potentially more significant conversation that involves school and athletic discipline/consequences. We encourage you to:
Discuss the Risks of Vaping: Have open conversations with your child about the potential health risks associated with vaping and the importance of making positive choices.
Support School Policies: Reinforce the importance of adhering to school policies and the role they play in maintaining a safe and healthy environment.
We want our students to be well aware that these detectors have been installed and will be monitored. Students in proximity to a monitor once it is activated will be subject to questioning and potential search by building staff. Our commitment to your child's safety and health remains our top priority. In addition to concerns about wellness, vaping is a distraction from teaching and learning, ties up our facilities, and leads to additional conflicts and issues among students. We are confident that these measures will contribute to a healthier, more secure school experience for all students. Thank you for your continued support and partnership in fostering a safe and healthy learning environment!
Joining Our Team
Samantha Buggia, Science and Agriscience
Help Wanted
SJHS currently has several Student Support Personnel vacancies that need filling for the 24-25 academic year. These are critical roles that work directly with our students. The schedule for these jobs aligns very closely with the school calendar and schedule. The postings for these vacancies can be found at on the district employment page. Questions can be directed to Mark Dobson, dobsonm@sjredwings.org.
Students MAY NOT practice or receive equipment and/or uniforms until these two steps are completed:
- MHSAA Medical History Sports Physical Form is completed and uploaded on to your Big Teams profile. Forms may be picked up in the HS Activities Office , or on the Athletic Web Page at www.sjredwings.org.
Big Teams Online Registration - ALL (New and Returning) Students and parents must complete the online registration (this replaces all paper forms). Visit www.planeths.com. Your school email address will serve as your username. If this is your first time logging in, your password will be “big teams”. Once logged in, please immediately change your password.
"Pay to Participate"- The fee for pay to participate will be collected via RevTrack. See the link above or go to https://sjredwings.revtrak.net to access. Discounts may apply, please see the below "Education Benefit Card".
- Season contest schedules may also be found on the school athletic website www.sjredwings.org. or www.stjohnsathletics.com.
For more information, contact the SJHS Activities Office at (989) 227-4134.
Starting Dates for Fall Sports – ALL PRACTICES BEGIN ON MONDAY, AUGUST 12, unless noted otherwise:
Football – equipment issue is August 5 at 9:30 a.m. for varsity and August 6 at 9:30 a.m. for JV and freshman. Meet in the HS AUX gym. Mandatory Parent Meeting on August 7 at 7 p.m. in HS Auditorium. Practice begins on:
August 12 – Practices for all three levels is 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (includes lunch break)
Contact Coach Schmitt at schmitta@sjredwings.org.
Sideline Cheerleading 3:30-5:30 p.m. Meet in the HS aux gym balcony.
Contact Coach Kay Shepard at shepardk@sjredwings.org
Boys & Girls Varsity Cross Country 5-7 p.m.
Contact Coach Sackrider at sackriderr@sjredwings.org.
V/JV Girls Golf 8-10 a.m. Meet at The Emerald Golf Course. You must provide your own golf clubs.
Contact Coach Schultz at schultzr@sjredwings.org.
V/JV Boys Soccer 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Meet at the soccer field.
Contact Coach Feldpausch at feldpauschl@sjredwings.org.
Girls Varsity Swimming & Diving 4-6 p.m. Meet in the pool.
Contact Coach Smith at essmith3610@gmail.com.
V/JV Boys Tennis 3:30-6 p.m. (Starting on the 8/14) Meet at the tennis courts. Must provide your own racquet and water bottle.
Contact Coach Gove at govejo@sjredwings.org.
Volleyball 8-10 a.m. in HS gyms. Bring indoor and outdoor shoes, knee pads and water bottle.
Contact Coach Hutchinson at hutchinsonk@sjredwings.org
1st Hour: 7:45-8:49
2nd Hour: 8:55-9:58
Seminar: 10:04-10:44
3rd Hour: 10:50-12:19
(A Lunch:10:44-11:10)
(B Lunch: 11:53-12:19)
(*Lunch assignments are determined by 3rd hour teachers)
4th Hour: 12:25-1:28
5th Hour: 1:34-2:37
St. Johns High School Theatre Presents... Chicago Teen Edition
MEETING: Any student interested in joining as a crew or cast member, must attend an INFORMATIONAL MEETING on Aug. 28th from 3:00-3:30. Any potential cast member is asked to stay for an audition workshop (vocal and choreography) until 5:00. Crew members may leave when finished.
AUDITIONS: Auditions are 9/3 3:30-6:00, 9/4 3:30-6:00.
Chicago is a satirical musical set in 1920s Chicago that follows two women on trial for murder as they compete for fame and celebrity:
- Roxie Hart: An aspiring chorus girl who kills her lover after he breaks his promise to make her a star. Roxie's husband, Amos, takes the blame for the murder, but eventually turns on her. While in jail, Roxie befriends Velma Kelly, a fading vaudeville star who also faces trial for murder.
- Velma Kelly: A nightclub performer who kills her husband and sister after finding them in bed together. Velma and Roxie become rivals for the attention of Billy Flynn, a slick lawyer who promises to make them media stars and win their acquittals. However, the women eventually join forces in their pursuit of fame, fortune, and acquittal.
Education Benefit Card (formerly known as Free/Reduced Lunch Application)
Please consider completing this application... EVEN IF YOUR CHILD MAY NOT WANT A SCHOOL LUNCH! Applications are annual and only one is required per household.
Our Free/Reduced rate is an important number used to determine individual student's and district eligibility for many programs and services for students including, but not limited to:
- Health and Wellness Services
- Before/After School Academic and Enrichment Programs
- Guidance and College Counselors
- Fee Waivers for College Applications and Admissions Tests
- Resources for CLassrooms, Teachers, and Children
Thanks for your cooperation in trying to make programs and services accessible to our students.