The Falcon Flyer
November 2024
Dear Foothills Families,
It is hard to believe that another month has passed us by! October was a great month at Foothills. We finished Term 1 and have had a strong start into Term 2. We ended the month with a wonderful Halloween Costume Parade and 2nd grade program. Thank you to all the parents who came to the parade, watched the 2nd grade program, or helped with Halloween parties, it was a memorable day!
The PTO also held an amazing Fall Fundraiser in October. A huge thank you to all who donated. We raised over $9000 which is awesome! These funds will go towards supporting and helping our students and teachers this year. The PTO movie night to celebrate meeting our fundraising goal was so fun! Thanks to all who came and enjoyed the Legend of No Noggin with cute Curious George!
When we have so many great things happening at our school it truly shows We are Falcon Strong! There are many parents that come to school to volunteer their time in the classroom, help with different PTO Activities, attend parent/teacher conferences, and I know so many parents help at home with homework, reading, or just spending time with their children! And finally, the teachers and staff at Foothills work hard every day to ensure your children receive the very best education, services and love possible! We are definitely all working together to help the best group of students I know!
Since November is the month that we focus on gratitude we want to show our teachers some gratitude this month. We would love to have our students and parents take a few minutes to write a card, draw a picture, or send an email to their teacher thanking them for all they do for their class and our school. Thank you for taking some time to let our teachers and staff know how grateful you are for them.
We look forward to a great November. We feel lucky to have such great help and support from our school community.
--Thanks, Mrs. Stoddard
November Calendar
3- Daylight Savings Time Ends
7- PTO Meeting at 10:00am
11- Veteran's Day Assembly at 9:30am (Wear Red, White, and Blue)
12-School Community Council at 3:30pm
15- 3rd grade Field Trip to SHHS to see Alice in Wonderland play
18-22 Book Fair- watch for details coming home
21- SEP Parent/Teacher Conferences
27-29- Thanksgiving Break- NO SCHOOL
Dec 2-6 Jingle Grams
Dec 4-Foothills Choir Concert at 6:30pm
Hi Foothills Families! Welcome to November! Over the next few months, we will work on supporting students as they manage challenging feelings. Here are some things you can work on at home with your students.
Identifying emotions in ourselves helps us deal with them in healthy ways. The basic emotions are happiness, sadness, anger, anticipation, fear, loneliness, jealousy, and disgust. Having strategies to calm ourselves will help make our relationships better!
*Name your feelings
*Get enough sleep
*Breathe deeply or stretch
*Get enough sleep
Conversation Starters
*How do emotions affect other people?
*What activities help calm you down?
*How can you tell?
Things You Should Know
- The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) values your role in your child's education and supports your involvement. USBE's Parent Portal, under law 53-G-806, offers insights into Utah’s public education system, your rights, and ways to engage with schools.
Why Engage? Research shows that family involvement leads to better attendance, stronger social skills, higher grades, and successful graduation rates. Get involved locally to make your voice heard! Your participation matters!Discover more about the Parent Portal here: https://schools.utah.gov/parent/. - Recently our 3rd-5th grades took a District Wellness Survey. If you are interested in seeing your child's responses please reach out to your child's teacher or to Mrs. Stoddard for a copy.
- Click here to see information about our upcoming Book Fair. We are very excited for the Book Fair this month and to get some great books into our Foothills' Families home. If you would like to get a $5 off coupon sign up to help at the Book Fair below!
PTO Information
Foothills PTO extends a heartfelt thank you to our families and community for making our annual school fundraiser a success! Thanks to your generosity, we reached our fundraising goal and can continue to support our students, teachers, and school. We'd also like to thank our volunteers and student council for their time and support—we appreciate each and every one of you!
If you are interested in volunteering, here are a few ways you can help and support activities at our school this month and the first week of December. Click on the links to sign up to help!
- Next PTO Meeting: Thursday 11/7 10:00-11:00 am at the school. All are welcome, including small children. We'd love for you to join us - no volunteer commitment necessary! If you can't make it to the meeting please check our PTO tab on the website for the running minutes of the meetings.
- Veteran’s Week November 11-15
If you would like to help you can sign up here. We encourage children to pick up the My Veteran paper in the office to share about the Veterans they know and what freedom means to them. Teachers will also be emailing an electronic version of the page as well. These pages will be displayed for our Veteran’s Wall of Fame the whole week. - Book Fair November 18-22
Our first Book Fair of the year is coming up and we will need a lot of volunteers to make it successful! Sign up here if you can take a shift to set it up, help during open times, or clean up. This is a great way to meet other parents, and interact with your student as they visit the Book Fair during the day. Books make great Christmas gifts and it’s a perfect time to shop the Book Fair, so please make time to come check it out with your student! - SEP Dinner November 21
We are planning a meal of soups and sandwiches to provide to the teachers. If parents can donate desserts we would appreciate it! Here is the sign up to do that. Or if you can help set up or clean up dinner, sign up here. Jingle Grams December 2-6
Our Student Store Jingle Grams is running the first week of December! Each morning that week, we'll have a pop-up shop in the school foyer where kids can purchase fun items like pencils, erasers, friendship bracelets, temporary tattoos, candy canes, and suckers to send to friends around the school. It’s a great way to spread some holiday cheer or play secret Santa! Each item costs just $0.25, or $5 to gift the whole class. We’re looking for volunteers to help run the store in the mornings—if you’re available, please sign up here.
Have you have heard about all the exciting things our students here at Foothills are learning about? Things like Mesopotamia, tall tales, medieval times or even Ancient Greece!
Our Core Knowledge Language Arts(CKLA) curriculum is filled with amazing topics to support students in their learning. At the start of a new term we will send out a quick update all about CKLA and what fun units our grade levels are working on. Here is what is happening in Term 2.
Now that the cold weather is upon us, please remember to dress appropriately for the weather. Please bundle the kids up with a coat, hat, gloves and scarf.
When your child is absent...
We appreciate you taking the time to let the office know when your child is absent. You can also let us know ahead of time when you will be on vacation. Please call 801-423-9172 to report absences before 9:15 am. Thanks so much for your help.
Stay Connected
Email: angela.stoddard@nebo.edu
Website: foothills.nebo.edu
Location: 412 South 810 East, Salem, UT, USA
Phone: 801-423-9172
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Foothills-Elementary-394381170688810
Twitter: @FoothillsElem