CHS February Newsletter
A way for families to connect with CHS & The Community
CHS Important Dates Calendar :
- Report Cards Distributed: Thursday, 2/6/25
- Q2 Honor Roll Celebration: Friday, 2/7/25
- ASVAB (Career Exploration Program) testing: Thursday, 2/13/25 (Sign up Here)
- Schools and Offices Closed: Monday 2/17/25, Presidents' Day
- BLUESday - Wear your CHS Gear: Tuesday, 2/18/25
- Official Spring Sports start date- 3/1/25
Check out the BNN Show from home
Subscribe to The Peake Speaks YouTube Channel
Each Morning the televideo team creates a Live BNN show to share school wide. This show helps students stay informed with CHS & Community events! We post the show daily on Schoology through the CHS Hub Group but you can watch via The Peake Speaks Youtube Channel under the live tab.
Chesapeake High Survey to help identify needs of students and families!
We are looking to expand our community support efforts! CHS now has a full time Community School Facilitator, Sarah Miller (smiller18@bcps.org), and her goal is to help support our students and their families in and out of the classroom to expand academic and long term success.
CHS would like your input on items/topics/issues that are important to you so we can act more quickly. The easiest way to do that is to gather that information via this this form. All form submissions are anonymous unless you elect to provide contact information on the last question. In the next couple of months, we would also like to have a shared decision making team meeting that encompasses parents, students and staff. If you would like to join us, you can also email smiller18@bcps.org to be invited. Please take a few minutes to complete the form above so we can make informed decisions to support your students and our community. All input is welcomed and encouraged.
We love our CHS Counselors!
Chesapeake is extremely lucky to have such a dedicated team of school counselors. Each day brings new challenges and they are pulled in a million different directions but they always keep what is best for the student at the forefront. From mental health to career planning out team is top notch!
Ms. Withrow - Last Names A-D
Ms. Ganley - Last Names E-J
Mr. Geilfuss - Last Names K-Q
Ms. Bell (Department Chair) - Last Names R-Z
*We also want to welcome Mr. Geilfuss as our newest counselor that has taken over for Ms. Miller as she moves into the Community School Facilitator role here at CHS.
On January 10th, Mr. Scalice and Mr. Downey took 20 CHS students to visit Towson University to hear a panel on Careers in Athletics. While there, students were able to take in the experience of an active college campus and started thinking about possible future career paths!
Our FALS students continue to get out and about experiencing life to the fullest! In December, they visited White Marsh Mall to get in the holiday spirit & the Baltimore Museum of Art to interact with modern art. Our Best Buddies mentoring group also had a wonderful pre-winter break gathering with the FALS students where they got to make crafts and indulge in some yummy treats! We love any opportunity to get these students together to have fun.
White Marsh Mall
Baltimore Museum of Art
Baltimore Museum of Art
Congrats Corey & Jake!
A big congratulations is in order for Corey M and Jake S for being recognized by the Maryland Association of Coaches of Soccer for their contributions on the CHS Allied Soccer team this fall!
You both are wonderful examples of Bayhawk pride!
Great Job Bayhawks Cheer!!
Our Bayhawk Cheerleaders did a great job at the Baltimore County Cheer Competition on Wednesday January 29th at Pikesville. They have grown so much over that last year and continue to make CHS proud. Great job to you all and Coach Colona!
Intro to Career Research & Development: Chick-Fil-A Leadership Academy
Intro to CCRD students participate monthly in the Chick fil A Leader Academy. January's lesson was about teamwork. Students learned what characteristics make good team members. They identified the best teams believe the best in each other, want the best for each other and expect the best from each other! Their number one take away was good team members let go of pride, ego and control to work together.
Forensics: Crime Scene Boxes
For the final exam in Forensic Science (a half credit elective course), our students had to create a crime scene in a box. Students were able to put everything they learned this semester to use and were able to try to solve each other's crimes! Such an awesome way to combine science and art! Per Ms. Funkhouser, we definitely have some future CSI agents at CHS.
Forensic Final: Crime Scene Boxes
Forensic Final: Crime Scene Boxes
Forensic Final: Crime Scene Boxes
Thank you to our Community Speakers from January!
Department of Natural Resources- Click the Powerpoint below to learn more about what the National Parks Service has to offer.
MD Environmental Service- Learn about what they do and how they support our area!
Marshy Point Nature Center - Check out their upcoming events!
Dr. John Flanders from Maryland Zoo - Check out all the fun events they have coming up and plan a day at the zoo with your family.
Brittany Stephens from MD Service Corps Option
Natural Resources Police
Marshy Point Nature Center
MD Service Corp Option
Path to Become a Zoo Vet
Dr. John Flanders from the Maryland Zoo
Frog X Ray!
Thanks to community and staff donations we were able to handout 44 coats, 31 pairs of gloves, 14 hats and 17 scarves to students at lunches prior to the cold snap! If you would like to donate items or want to learn more about how to help students, contact our CSF at smiller18@bcps.org
Warm Clothes Giveaway - 1/17
Warm Clothes Giveaway - 1/17
For our January Food Distribution, we were able to welcome families in to our Care Closet where we are offering clothes and school supplies in addition to our normal frozen and non refrigerated food items. Distribution days are the last Wednesday of each month. We hope to grow our offerings as we are able.
Thank you to the Maryland Food Bank and the Exchangeree for supporting our efforts!
Please send in items by Thursday, February 6th
New After School Activity:
Student Academic Support
CHS has multiple interventions for academic support. Students can sign up for these sessions by clicking the images below or they can access them in the CHS Hub on Schoology by clicking Resources and Academic Support.
After School Help on Tuesdays
RSVP to attend by 10am each Tuesday: https://forms.gle/tqEidTtQQztqfyLZ9
Peer Tutors Mon/Wed/Fri at Lunch
Sign up for Peer tutoring: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSduYHNHJ7j-tU3Z9k5vlnBX_hzecY3dXKNOiFzFRBLoHvQe0w/viewform
Application Help & Grade Check ins: Tuesday/Thursday at Lunch
Any student that wants to stay after for a club, coach class or detention can use the activity bus to get home on the designated Tuesdays listed below. The student will need their advisor to request a pass to ride the bus. The bus leaves CHS at 4:30pm and makes stops at various locations, please see the list of scheduled days & stops below.
Additional Time and Support for SPARC Students
If your student is taking a course through SPARC for credit recovery (online/self-paced) and they could use additional time and support, please consider having them stay on the dates below.
Please connect with Ms. Carter for any questions ncarter@bcps.org
Parents please complete the BCPS Climate Survey, today!
It is extremely important that ALL parents fill out the BCPS Climate Survey so we at CHS can be informed of what we are doing right and what we need to improve on to best support students and the community. The survey is only 15 questions total and takes about 3 mins. We have print copies available if you need them. Please reach out to the Community School Facilitator, Ms. Miller, at smiller18@bcps.org if you have questions. Survey must be completed by February 28, 2025. And you should fill one out for each school you have a child in.
Participación en la encuesta
Free Food & Clothing Distribution - CHS Care Closet: Wednesday, 2/26/25
Guidance and Information for BCPS Schools and Families Regarding Immigration Enforcement Actions At Schools
On January 23, 2025, the Maryland State Department of Education provided local school systems with guidance on how school-based personnel should respond to requests from immigration or law enforcement officials while upholding student rights. BCPS will follow the state’s guidance—as well as our established procedures and processes for law enforcement requests at schools—and we will work closely with local, state and federal partners.
The safety and well-being of our 110,000 students remains our top priority, and we want to share important reminders for all members of our community that underscore our commitment to fostering safe and inclusive learning environments where all students thrive—
- All children have a right to equal access to a free public education, regardless of the immigration status of the child or their parent/guardian. The 1982 Supreme Court ruling in Plyler v. Doe ensures equal access to education for children regardless of status.
- While our schools require proof of residency in Baltimore County, BCPS does not ask about a child’s immigration status at any time.
- Federal and state laws protect education records and personal information. BCPS does not release student information without consent from parents/guardians unless we are required to respond to a court order or subpoena.
- BCPS does not tolerate bullying, harassment, discrimination or intimidation for any reason, including immigration status. Students, parents/caregivers, and staff are urged to promptly report incidents of bullying and harassment to school administrators and/or complete the online Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation Reporting Form.
BCPS will continue to closely monitor developments at the local, state and federal level, and work with county and state partners to provide resources and updates and ensure that we address the needs of our school communities.
Thank you for your support.
The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) has identified several resources for families:
- Parents/guardians can identify a “standby guardian” to care for their child if they are detained or deported, by completing this Maryland Judiciary form and providing a copy to schools, health care providers, and family members.
- Families trying to locate someone who has already been detained, may use the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainee locator.
- Legal assistance is available from a variety of sources, including immigration lawyers in private practice, accredited representatives (non-attorneys who assist individuals in immigration proceedings), and legal-aid organizations:
The People’s Law Library of Maryland Immigration Advocates Network
- Several immigration organizations have provided guidance related to preparing for and/or responding to immigration action.
Orientación e información para las escuelas y familias de BCPS sobre las medidas de control de inmigración en las escuelas
El Departamento de educación del estado de Maryland ha proporcionado a los sistemas escolares locales una guía sobre cómo el personal escolar debe responder a las solicitudes de los funcionarios de inmigración o de las fuerzas del orden, al tiempo que defiende los derechos de los estudiantes (enlace). BCPS seguirá la guía que ofrezca el estado, lo mismo con nuestros procedimientos y procesos establecidos para las solicitudes de las fuerzas del orden en las escuelas, y trabajaremos en estrecha colaboración con los socios locales, estatales y federales.
La seguridad y el bienestar de nuestros 110.000 estudiantes sigue siendo nuestra principal prioridad, y queremos compartir recordatorios importantes para todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad que subrayan nuestro compromiso de fomentar entornos de aprendizaje seguros e inclusivos donde todos los estudiantes aprendan —
- Todos los niños tienen derecho a un acceso igualitario a una educación pública gratuita, independientemente del estatus migratorio del estudiante o de su padre/tutor. La resolución del caso de la Corte Suprema de 1982 en el caso Plyler v. Doe garantiza la igualdad de acceso a la educación para los niños independientemente de su estatus.
- Si bien nuestras escuelas requieren prueba de domicilio en el condado de Baltimore, BCPS no pregunta sobre el estado migratorio de un niño en ningún momento.
- Las leyes federales y estatales protegen los registros educativos y la información personal. BCPS no divulga información de los estudiantes sin el consentimiento de los padres o tutores, a menos que estemos obligados a responder a una orden judicial o citación.
- BCPS no tolera el acoso, el hostigamiento, la discriminación o la intimidación por ningún motivo, incluyendo el estatus migratorio. Se insta a los estudiantes, padres/cuidadores y personal a denunciar de inmediato los incidentes de acoso y hostigamiento a los administradores de la escuela o completar el Formulario de denuncia de acoso, hostigamiento o intimidación en línea.
BCPS seguirá de cerca los acontecimientos a nivel local, estatal y federal, y trabajará con socios del condado y del estado para brindar recursos y actualizaciones y garantizar que abordemos las necesidades de nuestras comunidades escolares.
Gracias por su apoyo.
El departamento de educación del estado de Maryland (MSDE por sus siglas en inglés) ha identificado varios recursos para las familias:
- Los padres/tutores pueden designar a un "tutor en espera" para cuidar de su hija/o en caso de ser detenidos o deportados, se puede completar este formulario judicial de Maryland y proporcionar una copia a las escuelas, a sus proveedores de atención médica y miembros de su familia.
- Las familias que necesiten localizar a alguien que haya sido detenido, pueden utilizar el localizador de detenidos del Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE). https://locator.ice.gov/odls/%23/search
- Asistencia jurídica disponible en diversas fuentes, incluyendo abogados de inmigración en la práctica privada, representantes acreditados (no abogados que ayudan a las personas en los procedimientos de inmigración) y las organizaciones de ayuda jurídica:
-The People’s Law Library of Maryland Immigration Advocates Network (La Biblioteca Derecho Popular de Maryland Inmigración Advocates Network) https://www.peoples-law.org/directory
-Immigration Advocates Network (Red de abogados de inmigración) https://www.ilrc.org/
Varias organizaciones de inmigración ofrecen orientación de la preparación y/o respuesta a la acción migratoria:
- Planes de preparación para la familia
- Immigrant Resource Center. (Centro de recursos migratorios)
- USAHello.
Supporting Our Immigrant Families: Additional Resources from the Office of Community Schools
- Identify Standby Guardian Form English | Spanish Version
- Locating Detained Individuals Link
- Legal Assistance Resources
- The People's Law Library of MD
- Immigration Advocates Network
- Family Preparedness Plans (Multiple Languages)
- AFT Know Your Rights | Spanish Version
- Do's & Don’t's For Students | Spanish Version
We will house these on the Resources for Spanish Speaking Families Portion of our website
Virtual Inclement Weather Day Plan
Stay informed about upcoming emergency closings due to inclement weather.
Where can I find information about BCPS school closings or delays?
There are several places to find out information:
- BCPS school status information line: 443-809-5555
- TV/Radio: local radio and television stations, including The Education Channel, Comcast Cable Channel 73.
- BCPS Home page
- Please do not call schools or media outlets for this information.
You can find additional information on notifications on the BCPS Website.
Virtual Inclement Weather Day Plan for the 2024-2025 school year.
With the storm in January, BCPS used 2 of the 3 closure days. Only one true closure day remains then we will shift to virtual learning. The Virtual Learning Days will include a two hour delay to allow teachers to prepare for synchronous instruction. The first class will begin at 10:00. Students will access the Google Meet address and code on their teacher's Schoology page. The schedule is outlined below. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Virtual Schedule:
10:00-10:55 - Period 1
11:00-11:55 - Period 2
12:00-12:30 - Lunch
12:35-1:30 - Period 3
1:35-2:30 - Period 4
Students are reminded to bring devices, chargers, and other instructional materials home each day.
Financial Aid Resources for Students & Families:
Financial Aid Resources from the State of Maryland
State Financial Assistance Programs & Applications
Resources for Undocumented Students :A Guide to Postsecondary Resources
Ms. Ganley will be communicating with all senior families via talking points and email about FAFSA Help Sessions the week of February 10th. The Maryland Financial Aid Deadline is March 1.
Acceptances are starting to roll in!
Seniors, PLEASE check your emails frequently for information from colleges. Schools (as well as employers and military recruiters) may reach out about missing information, acceptances, scholarships or questions...Don't let your lack of engagement make you miss out on an opportunity.
As you are starting to get college acceptances and financial aid packages, please communicate with your counselors for help! We are available every Tuesday/Thursday in the CCR for all lunches or you can send us a Schoology message. We also want to celebrate your acceptances with you so please update us and your Xello account with each acceptance. Don't commit to a school with our talking to someone and making an educated choice!
All classes collect dues each year to support yearly class events and to prepare for prom and senior year events. Each student is expected to pay $15 per year they attend CHS. This money is going directly to their class fund to reduce ticket costs to students. Payment links can be found below by class.
Class Advisors' emails:
Tara Funkhouser - tfunkhouser@bcps.org
Jennifer Dyke - Jdyke@bcps.org
Please reach out to advisors with any Class Specific Questions.
Class of 2025: Class Dues Payment Link
Class of 2025 Instagram: @chs.co2025
Next Class meeting is Feb 19th after School in Ms. Funkhouser's room to discuss prom!
Below is the Senior Calendar that lays out all the events for the Class of 2025 for the year:
- Senior/Junior Prom is May 16th at Sparrows Point Country Club
- Graduation is June 2nd at 10am
Upcoming Senior Class Fundraisers
Fundraiser runs through 2/6/2025
To make a general donation to the class scan the QR code below or visit: https://app.pledge-drive.net/Participant/S188011F4
Class Advisors' emails:
Jillian Ganley - jganley@bcps.org
Sarah Miller - smiller18@bcps.org
Please reach out to advisors with any Class Specific Questions.
Class of 2026: Class Dues Payment Link
Class of 2026 Instagram: @chs.co2026
Our Chipotle fundraiser earned $146.10, thank you for your support!
Next class meeting is: Wednesday February 19th after school in room 18, combined meeting with the class of 2025. We will discuss our upcoming fundraisers and prom planning!
Our Next Fundraiser is March 3rd-28th : Hershey Park Ticket Sales
Sophomore Class - 2027
Class Advisors' emails:
Shaun Downey - sdowney2@bcps.org
Lindsey Withrow - lwithrow@bcps.org
Class dues payment link - Class of '27: https://osp.osmsinc.com/p/EI584-240
Class of 2027 Instagram: @chs.co2027
Please reach out to advisors with any Class Specific Questions.
Freshman Class - 2028
Class Advisors' emails:
Rachel Wilson - rwilson16@bcps.org
Courtney Rohde - crohde@bcps.org
Next class meeting is: January 9th after school
Class dues payment link - Class of '28: Coming Soon
Class of 2028 Instagram: @chs.co2028
Valentines Fundraiser - On sale at Lunch Shifts:
February Career Spotlight: Health and Biosciences
This cluster focuses on preparing dedicated professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue challenging and rewarding careers as they further their education. These programs require students to apply knowledge learned in science and mathematics to professions in the Health and Biosciences field. These careers are among the fastest growing and highest in demand in the country as the population ages and healthcare needs continue to increase. Some programs of study would be the academy of health professions and Project Lead the Way Biomedical Sciences. Careers in this pathway include physicians, research scientists, nurses, and other exciting careers.
Careers and Trainings in Health and Biosciences:
- Hopkins School of Imaging: Sonography (Ultrasound), Nuclear Medicine, Radiography
CCBC School Of Health Professions:
- Allied Health
- Anesthesia Technology
- Dental Hygiene
- Emergency Medical Services Technology (EMST)
- Health Informatics and Information Technology
- Histotechnology
- Medical Imaging
- Medical Laboratory Technology
- Mortuary Science
- Nursing
- Occupational Therapy Assistant
- Radiation Therapy
- Respiratory Care Therapy
- Surgical Technology
- Veterinary Technology
- Bachelors of Nursing - Towson University
- Bachelors in Public Health - Towson University
Guest Speakers coming to CHS this Month:
- Medstar Franklin Square – Jenna Page (Thursday, February 6th) Medstar looks to serve their patients, those who care for them, and the communities which they are within. They look to be the trusted leader in caring for people and advancing health.
- MD Department of Health – Wendi Lott (Date TBD) As a public health department, our goal is to improve the health status of every Maryland resident and to ensure access to quality health care. We are responsible for helping each person live a life free from the threat of communicable diseases, tainted foods, and dangerous products.
- Baltimore Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu – Robert Sullivan (Tuesday, February 18th) We exist to provide a place for those who want to work and change their lives. The sport of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and the whole of grappling teaches us how to over come all aspects of the condition known as stress. The more we engage in new and difficult situations, the less stressful they become for us both physically and mentally. We hope to help you find the form of therapy you need to make life that much easier on the mats of Baltimore Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with us.
- CCBC Medical Imaging – Debbi Lam (Thursday, February 27th) This is a medical imaging program offered at the Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC). The program trains students to become radiographers (X-ray technicians) and provides additional specialized training in areas like computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) through post-certification courses. Students create diagnostic images of the human body using various imaging technologies for medical diagnosis.
Mr. Scalice has posted sign ups for these presentations in the CHS Hub on Schoology.
See him with any questions.
Getting a Work Permit
If your student (anyone under 18) is trying to get a job, they will need a work permit. Once a student accepts a job offer, they must complete a work permit and enter their place of employment and personal contact information. They then print the form and take it to their place of work to keep on file.
Work permits are found online at: https://www.dllr.state.md.us/ChildWorkPermit/web/content/Home.aspx
Current Job Postings from Ms. Boyd:
Loonasea: Various jobs
207 Nanticoke Rd, Essex, MD 21221
Marco's Pizza: Crew Member
149 Orville Rd, Essex, MD 21221
Starbucks: Barista
Target location (Martin Plaza Middle River, MD)
Summer Volunteer Opportunity @ Franklin Square deadline to apply 2/3/25
Baltimore Hunger Project Empowering Minds Program: Upcoming Applications for 5th Cohort
I am thrilled to introduce Empowering Minds, a leadership and service program created by Baltimore Hunger Project to inspire high school students to become changemakers in their communities. As we prepare to welcome our 5th cohort, we are seeking rising 10th and 11th graders who are eager to develop leadership skills, learn about food insecurity, and participate in meaningful service projects that directly support children facing hunger.
Empowering Minds is more than just a program—it’s a transformative experience for students. Participants will gain valuable skills in teamwork, problem-solving, and advocacy while making a lasting impact in the fight against food insecurity.
All program information will be available starting February 3rd, when applications open on our website. Applications will remain open through March 31st, and acceptance notifications will be sent on May 2nd.
Empowering Minds is looking for students who are passionate, driven, and ready to grow as leaders and want to connect with the next generation of changemakers.If you have any questions or would like additional materials about Empowering Minds, please feel free to reach out to Lynne@baltimorehungerproject.org.
Help with our Food Distribution
Ms. Miller needs volunteers for both delivery day unpacking and distribution day (last wednesday of the month). If you are interested in getting involved to support our community please email her today, smiller18@bcps.org Parents are welcome to volunteer and students can earn SSL hours for their time.
Do you know a young woman between the ages of 11 and 20 who has taken a leadership role to advance the rights of women and girls? Maybe she has advocated for menstrual hygiene products in school or helped elect a fierce woman candidate to office. She may be president of a gender equity club at school or lead a faith-based youth group. Perhaps she has volunteered with a local shelter or advocacy group.
If you know a wonderful young woman leader, please forward our application to her! Applicants must submit a personal statement and answer a short essay question. In addition, they are asked to submit a letter of recommendation. Applications are due by noon on Wednesday, February 12, 2025.
Four awardees will be selected as 2025 Maryland Young Women Leaders. They will receive a citation at our Awards Ceremony in March from Governor Wes Moore, and an award of $2,000 to advance their work or education. The award is sponsored by the Foundation for the Maryland Commission for Women. For more information and to apply, go to this application page. Questions? Please email C4.Women@maryland.gov
The following agencies are approved partners for Baltimore County Public School's (BCPS) student service learning requirement. Agencies will added to this list on an ongoing basis.
Chesapeake Bay Association, Inc.
Goucher Prison Education Partnership
I AM MENtality | Baltimore County Volunteers (baltimorecountymd.gov)
Lutheran Social Services of National Capital Area (LSSNCA)
Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland
St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore
Yieldcamp, LTD | Baltimore County Volunteers (baltimorecountymd.gov)
If you volunteer anywhere, helping the community be sure to fill out the form below and turn it in to Mr. Lalia (dlalia@bcps.org).
Sr. Jay
Wednesdays - Ms. Stack & Mr. D'Orazio
Every other Wednesday - Mr. Evans
Every other Tuesday - Ms. Lalia
Ms. Withrow & Ms. Roberts
Tuesdays & Wednesdays - Ms. Slone
Spotlight on Art Club:
Join Art Club!
Art Club runs every other Tuesday and meets in Ms. Timpone's classroom (11). Some weeks students are helping create decorations for Senior games, Homecoming or Pep Rallies, other days they are doing fun independent art projects. Art Club is open to any and all students regardless of if they are in an art class at CHS. Its a relaxed and inclusive space to get creative! Message or email Ms. Timpone (ktimpone@bcps.org) with any questions.
Come Join us for a game!
Sports Schedules can be found outside of Downey's office and on the Digital Sports website: https://chsbayhawks.digitalsports.com/ and home games are also listed on the Student Engagement Calendar each month shared on the in school monitors and the BNN show.
All tickets for sporting events must be purchased via Go Fan. Download the APP on your phone. No cash can be accepted at the door for tickets. Any questions regarding athletics, eligibility or tickets can be directed to our Athletic Director, Shaun Downey at sdowney2@bcps.org
Bocce Schedule
Boys Basketball Schedule
Girls Basketball Schedule
Spring Sports Start March 1st
Spring Sports officially begin on March 1, student eligibility is based off of their Q2 grades (report cards posted Feb 6th). They must have a 2.0 unweighted GPA or higher and no more than one E to play. Below are instructions to register for winter sports via BCPS focus. You must register and have an up to date sports physical to participate. If you need a physical, you can sign up for the School Based Health Center and have the Nurse Practitioner do one for you during the school day. You must complete the program application and provide your insurance card.
Please contact our athletic trainer, Wendy Fabriziani (wfabriziani@bcps.org) or our Nurse (salbrecht@bcps.org) if you have any questions about physicals.
If you have a question about Spring Sports, contact:
- Athletic Director - Shaun Downey (sdowney2@bcps.org)
- Baseball - Coach Bull - mbull@bcps.org
- Boys Lacrosse - Coach Stepney - dstepney@bcps.org
- Girls Lacrosse - Coach Sasser - msasser@bcps.org
- Softball - Coach Tata - mtata@bcps.org or Coach Timpone (ktimpone@bcps.org)
- Track & Field - Coach Walker - twalker9@bcps.org
- Allied Softball - Coach Wrightson- twrightson@bcps.org
A reminder from Nurse Albrecht that if you are ill, please stay home to minimize spreading illness to others. If your child is ill, please upload a note to FOCUS or send it in to the main office so their absence can be marked excused.
Please upload your child's absent note(s) to FOCUS
If your child misses a day of school the parent can now upload their note directly into FOCUS. Doctor's notes, personal notes, court summons, whatever proof you would normally send in with your child, can now be directly uploaded for verification. Follow the steps below to learn how
(Visual Steps are also provided below in a PDF).
1. Log into the Focus Parent Portal. Navigate to the Alerts section and click on the “Student’s name has X days with unexcused absences/tardies without a note or reason” link. Note: You can also locate your student’s attendance information by navigating to your student’s name on the left menu. Click the down arrow to expand additional menu options. Select Absences.
2.Scroll down the page. Locate the Date column to find the date you wish to submit the note. Locate the Excuse Note column, hoover over the No Files section, and select Scan, Upload, or Take Photo to upload the note for that day’s absence. Select the file to be added.
3.The file name/image will be displayed in the Excuse Note column if the attendance note has been uploaded successfully.
Do you need Health Insurance?
If you are in need of health insurance please click one of the flyers below to get connected to someone at the Baltimore County Department of Health to determine eligibility.
Interested in starting your own business?
Check out these virtual events hosted by the Baltimore County Public Library!
Do YOU have a restaurant IN ESSEX?
Check out this GREAT opportunity to SHOWCASE YOUR FOOD to a wide audience of food lovers at the Chesapeake Gateway Chamber of Commerce’s 1st Annual Taste of the Chesapeake on Friday, February 21 at the Hilton Garden Inn - White Marsh.
There is NO FEE for restaurants to participate!
Space is limited! Please contact Sharon Kihn, President, Chesapeake Gateway Chamber of Commerce at sharon.kihn@chesapeakechmaber.org to SIGN UP.
You can also purchase ticket to attend this event! More information below.
SIGN UP TODAY for BCPD’s Community Partnership Academy!
Are you interested in learning more about how Baltimore County Police Department Officers respond in a critical situation, or why they operate the way they do?
The Academy is a nine-class program that takes place in the evenings and on weekends. Evening classes are from 6:30-9:30pm, and there is one Saturday class from 9am-3pm.
Dates for the 2025 Spring Program are April 2-May 21.
DEADLINE to apply is March 24!
What does The Community Partnership Academy do? It serves as an introduction to the role of policing & its role in society; gives an opportunity for community, business & religious leaders to become informed & educated about the many aspects of police work & foster relationships; creates an alliance that leaves us with voices in the community to act as ambassadors to build solid partnerships, creating a better quality of life for those we serve.
The Academy will cover a variety of topics related to the police department and give attendees the opportunity to learn and participate. For more information visit the website at: https://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/departments/police/community/citizen-programs#cpa
Great Opportunity for all students with United Healthcare OMW (On My Way)!
If you’re a teen or young adult who's getting ready to live on your own, UnitedHealthcare OMWTM(UnitedHealthcare On My Way) is for you. You’ll learn what it takes to be independent. Like finding housing, getting a good job, managing your money – and more. It’s easy. It’s fun. And it’s all right here. You do not have to be a United Healthcare member to participate and the service is FREE!
Through UnitedHealthcare OMW, users can learn about important life topics, engage with their peers and be rewarded with virtual points, badges and messages of encouragement as they progress through six life tracks:
• Money: Create a budget and learn how to save money and do taxes
• Housing: Understand and compare affordable housing options
• Work: Create a resume and get interview tips
• Education: Decide what to do after high school
• Health: Learn important health information and get answers to common health questions
• Transportation
Find out how to get around Using the UnitedHealthcare OMW virtual vault housed in the cloud, users can upload important documents like immunization records, medication lists, school transcripts and resumes for on-the-go access. This can be especially helpful for young people in foster care that often live in a mix of group home locations and transitional housing. The virtual vault allows them to easily access their important paperwork no matter where they are currently living.
To learn more about the UnitedHealthcare OMW, view our YouTube video or go to uhcOMW.com > Questions.
Top Tier Driving School
We offer offsite, virtual, and on-site driver education courses. We have experience in the past teaching inside of schools during the scheduled school day.
Learning the right way to drive from a certified driving school and the instructor is now more important than ever. With more cars on the road, busy highways, the rise in distracted driving, and with vehicles with more technology and features than ever before, having the core driving skills is essential to being a safe and effective driver.
"According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), teenage drivers are four times more likely to be involved in a car crash than adult drivers. Traffic crashes are the #1 cause of death and injury for people ages 16-20, with more than 5,600 teens dying in motor vehicle collisions each year. Problems which contribute to the high crash rate of young drivers include: driving inexperience, lack of adequate driving skills, risk taking, poor driving judgement and decision making, distraction, alcohol consumption and excessive driving during high risk hours (11PM-5AM)."
Ultimately, driving is a pertinent life skill. Adequately preparing high school students with life skills prior to high school graduation statistically increases their success in adulthood. Our driver's education services could have a positive impact on the success of your students!
We are currently offering promotional rates for students who enroll when mentioning this promotion. Tell them you were referred by Chesapeake high school and you will only have to pay $315 instead of $350!
Contact Information:
Top Tier Driving Academy
Phone: 443-946-1831
Website: https://www.toptierdrivingacademy.com/
7902 Belair Road
Nottingham MD 21236
Information about Learner's Permits: https://mva.maryland.gov/drivers/Pages/rookie-driver-general-learners.aspx
Free activities at BCPL Essex
The Bayhawk Branch is open daily at all Lunches!
Did you know CHS has its own working branch of the First Financial Federal Credit union?!
What is a credit union? It is a place where you can open a checking or savings account, deposit and withdraw money and learn about personal finance. If you open an account, the first $5 deposit is on them & you get a free gift card for joining!
Learn more at https://www.firstfinancial.org/ or connect with Ms. Moore!
MedStar Health Social Needs Resource Page
Search our online, local resource directory for free or low-cost services to support your family, such as help with medical care, food, utilities, transportation and more.
Deep Creek Middle Food Pantry: Every 3rd Thursday
SNAP Food Benefits
Baltimore County has a new web tool displaying community partner food distribution sites across the County.
Developed by Baltimore County’s BCSTAT team, the Food Pantry Locator web tool includes detailed information about community food access locations. Residents should enter an address or select "Use my location" and adjust the distance slider to view food pantries near them; selecting a pantry's entry in the list will reveal contact information, hours of operation, and special instructions.
Please read through this article for more information about the program and other food assistance resources: Baltimore County Releases New Food Pantry Locator (baltimorecountymd.gov)
Free Heath Care Services!- No Insurance needed!
See the flyer below for more information.
Eviction and Utilities support
New Resource Guide from Baltimore County
Affordability Connectivity Program
As a result of Baltimore County's participation in the CEP Program, which provides free breakfast and lunch to students, all families are eligible to receive a discount of $30 per month off your internet bill. Please visit GetInternet.Gov to apply and/or ask questions.
By offering Talkspace’s digital modalities, like unlimited messaging therapy, we can extend support that students can access beyond school hours, year-round, at their convenience. Eligible students interested in therapy can sign up, take a brief assessment specific for teens, and get matched with a dedicated, licensed therapist. Once matched, therapy sessions take place on Talkspace’s secure and encrypted platform, accessible from the teens’ smartphones, tablets or computers. Teens can communicate with their therapists at any time with an unlimited number of private messages at no cost.
To be eligible for this program, teens must be enrolled in a BCPS high school and be over the age of 13 at the time of signup. Eligible teens can sign up for unlimited messaging therapy and gain access to Talkspace Go, a comprehensive teen mental health self-guided program.
Students can access this service by registering at talkspace.com/bcps and use the keyword: bcps
Are you (or your student) looking for help with your mental health?
Check out these BCPS approved providers:
Key Point Health Services - Dundalk
Changing Lives at Home, Mental Health, INC.
GIFTS, Children's Guild and Thrive all meet with students within the CHS building weekly. You can reach out to your student's counselor for help with a referral if you are interested.
Students are assigned an administrator and counselor based on their last names:
Principal, Mrs. Amy Tyler
Assistant Principal, Mrs. Holly Kern - Last Names A-F
Assistant Principal, Mr. Mike McWilliams - Last Names G-O
Assistant Principal, Mr. Logan Belinda - Last Names P-Z
Ms. Lindsey Withrow - Last Names A-D
Ms. Jillian Ganley - Last Names E-J
Mr. Thomas Geilfuss - Last Names K-Q
Ms. Michelle Bell - Last Names R-Z & Department Chair
Follow us on Instagram to keep up with all things CHS!
Get Connected in FOCUS & Schoology
Did you know you can get an automated grade report and missing assignments to be sent straight to your email every week so you don't have to remember to go looking for them? It's an amazing way to stay informed about your student's academic performance. If you haven't created an account in Focus, you'll have to do that first. Directions Below.
Join Groups in Schoology to stay up to date on CHS events!
Schoology groups are created to share information outside of courses for specific groupings. AP Students, Graduation Cohorts, CHS Hub (School wide) , and various clubs all have different groups where they share info. To join groups once you have logged into Schoology, click Groups at the top, and then click the My Groups link on the top right corner, on the next page click join group on the right and enter the join code.
The CHS Hub is where all the School wide news, events, and information is posted. To join the CHS HUB on Schoology, use join code WMTMX-CXF6X.
Each Graduating Class also has their own group to discuss class events and class dues and fundraisers, The join codes for those are listed below in bold:
Seniors - Class of 2025: DX56-SDWD-6KQZB
Juniors- Class of 2026: S4HF-SS5W-QF24W
Sophomores - Class of 2027: MWBM-K6TF-HHGZ8
Freshman - Class of 2028: KFN4-4HRS-BVF42
If your child has an issue with their device, such as it is physically broken, won't hold a charge, missing a key...please complete a technology support request by using the student's google log in to be added to the list and our tech liaisons will connect with them as soon as possible. You can also complete the form if your child does not have a device because it is lost or stolen (charges may apply see below for chart).
If your issue is not related to the physical device (like resetting a password or an issue with schoology/microsoft) you must contact the BCPS Help Desk by calling 443-809-4672.
Costs for lost or damaged items:
Repair/Charges information in Spanish: https://youtu.be/46Yc2TikeRs?si=mVIaIbHRk8XRHTOt
The Next Bluesday is February 18th
All students and staff are encouraged to show their School Pride by wearing CHS Bayhawk Gear or blue on the 3rd Tuesday of each month!
If you would like to purchase some CHS to show your school pride you can order apparel here: https://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/maryland/essex/chesapeake-high-school
Stay Connected with your child's teachers with Talking Points!
BCPS has purchased a new tool to help connect families and teachers more directly. Teachers can text the primary contact in focus and it will translate to the contact's native language, automatically. We hope this will help increase two way communication with all families and improve student achievement.
Download for Iphone App Store here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/families-talkingpoints/id1320244591
Stay informed!
If you are not already signed up for BCPS text notifications, now is the time to do so to be ready for the school year. Text "Y" or "Yes" to 67587. Click the image to see all the BCPS Social and communication options.
Need a Locker?
Lockers are not automatically given to students. Any student that would like to be assigned a locker for the school year must request one through this link: Locker Form
The CHS website is a great resource for families. Informational Links about bus stops, the bell schedule, the handbook, monthly engagements calendars, and much more can all be found right on the main page of the website. There is also a tab for department contacts that have email contacts for all teachers and staff.
Check out the Website today: https://chesapeakehs.bcps.org/
We have created a new portion of our website to better support our Spanish Speaking families. There is a link to BCPS created videos and resources as well as community resources. We will continue to add materials as we get them.
Free and Reduced Meals
As a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) school, meals are available to all students at no cost. An application does not need to be completed. Breakfast and Lunch well be provided each day.
Menus can be found at: https://bcps.nutrislice.com/menu/bcps-weekly-menus
All BCPS cafeteria's are cashless.If you would like to add money to a student account to purchase additional snacks, drinks and/or items from our vending machines after school please set up a School Bucks Account (information is below).