Orana Catholic Primary School
Term 2, Week 9, 2024
Prayer for First Holy Communion
Dear Lord,
We thank You and praise You for the most precious gift of the Holy Eucharist. We ask You to bless all those who are preparing to receive Your Body and Blood for the first time.
You have provided for us richly through the gift of Your Body and Blood in the Eucharist. Receiving the Holy Eucharist is a tremendous blessing, and we ask You to help the young children to prepare well before receiving You.
Please assist all who are preparing to make their First Holy Communion, and we particularly ask today that You bless and assist all children who are preparing for their First Holy Communion!
Help us to grow in love for You each day of our lives. Help us to always appreciate the great gifts You have given us for our salvation.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Carers,
Catholic Identity Pillar
First Holy Communion
Our Year 4 students will receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion this weekend. Please pray for these students and they take this important step in their faith journey.
LifeLink Launch
Last week, Kathryn and I took two Year 6 leaders, Summer and James, to the Archbishop’s Lifelink Launch. LifeLink raises the profile of the Catholic Caring Agencies and raises money for their excellent work. This year marks the 25th anniversary of LifeLink. On Orana Day, we will ask for gold coin donations for LifeLink. We aim to make the outline of a child (the LinkLink activity for this year) in the hall out of gold coins. Please donate generously.
Wheelchairs for Kids Fundraiser
Today, we held a free dress day to raise money for Wheelchair for Kids, an organisation that provides wheelchairs to children in countries that do not have access to mobility devices. This is life-changing for these students. I have had the opportunity to volunteer at the Wheelchair for Kids workshop. It was a rewarding experience to provide labour for such a good cause. The work of the group has a significant impact on the lives of these students. Thank-you for your generous support.
Vinnies CEO Sleepout
Father Thai will participate in his 2nd Vinnies CEO Sleepout with a team of parishioners. He will sleep outside at Optus stadium to raise money for the St Vincent de Paul Society to support Western Australians in need. Please donate to this worthy cause. Link
Best wishes and God bless you.
Education Pillar
Punctuality and Achievement
Please make every effort to have your child in the classroom and ready for learning by 8.50am. Arriving late to school does not allow time for students to set themselves up for the school day ahead. If students arrive after 8.50am, they miss essential instructions; important announcements and explicit teaching of concepts during the morning mat time.
Consistent punctuality helps maintain a smooth and focused classroom atmosphere and is linked to academic achievement.
Orana Cross Country Carnival
Congratulations to MacKillop House on winning the Orana Cross Country Carnival. Many thanks to Mr Ellis for his work in preparing the students for the day and the time taken to organise the carnival. Thank-you to all the parent volunteers that assisted to ensure the course was manned. It was heartening to the students strive for their personal best and to encourage others who needed their support to finish the course. Well done to all involved.
Kindergarten Parent Teacher Interviews
The Kindergarten parent teacher interviews are almost complete. This is a new element to our assessment and reporting procedures and replaces the Semester One Reporting Checklist that was used in previous years. Face-to-face meetings honour the importance of parents knowing their children best as their child’s first educators and acknowledges the benefit of face-to-face discussions, for our kindy children in their first year of schooling.
Community Pillar
Home and School Working Together
Students' best possible outcomes are achieved when home and school work together. Good communication is vital to a good working relationship. Staff and students have responsibilities to ensure good communication is achieved.
Respect for teachers as professionals is also paramount to home and school relationships. School staff strive for the same goal parents hold as important; that students are happy and safe with every opportunity to thrive at school. We believe working together can create a supportive environment where every student can thrive.
School life in 2024 is very different to when I attended school; teachers and education assistants have been educated and continue their professional learning on current educational best practices. Furthermore, the teaching profession is widely reported to be a demanding and challenging career. Supporting teachers is crucial, as they are human and face complex issues in educating children on a daily basis.
Stewardship Pillar
WA Student Assistance Payment – Applications Closing Soon!
All Western Australian school students (Kindergarten to Year 12) currently enrolled in a registered non-government school with a valid WA student number (WASN) are eligible to claim the WA Student Assistance Payment. The WA Student Assistance Payment will provide families with children in kindy and pre-primary with $150 for students and can be claimed until the 28 June 2024.
God bless and take care,
Dee Johnston
Orana School Photos
School Photos are on Thursday 20 and Friday 21 of June 2024. Attached is the schedule for the 2 days. Students must wear their full winter school uniform including their school jumper. Your child may bring their sports uniform in a bag to change into if they have Physical Education that day, but this is optional.
If you decide to have sibling or family photos, those photos will be happening in the hall from 8am (see schedule for family names). Remember to go online to view/order your school photo packages.
Faith in Action
Important Dates for First Communion - Year Four
- First Communion Mass at Saints John and Paul Parish - 5.30pm 15th June OR 10.30am 16th June
- Thanksgiving Mass and Celebration at Saints John and Paul Parish - 5.30pm 22nd June OR 10.30am 23rd June
Orana Day - Last Day of Term 2
Our parish celebrates their feast day on the weekend of 29/30th June to coincide with the feast of Saints Peter and Paul. On Friday, 28th June, our day is as follows:
- 9.30am Mass with Fr John
- 11.30am School Mini Fair. Students are asked to make a gold coin donation to raise money for LifeLink - Bishop's agencies https://lifelink.com.au/agencies/
- 12.40pm - Staff vs Year 6 Volleyball Match
Generosity Project
As part of our Orana Generosity Project, 3W and Kindy W went to Herald Avenue Senior Centre for a friendly visit. We ventured in the fresh air to arrive at the centre. When we arrived, we sang two classic Australian songs – Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gumtree and Home Among the Gum Trees. Some of the residents joined in singing with us.
After singing the songs, we shared some special handmade bookmarks with the members of the centre. Time was also spent introducing ourselves, sharing stories, jokes and having a laugh together. We left the residents laughing and smiling. This special excursion showed us how important it is to be kind and generous. We are excited to visit the centre again at Christmas time.
Year 3W and Kindy W
New Book Club at Orana!
We are thrilled to announce that we are starting a book club at Orana in Week 2 Term 3! This initiative aims to encourage a love for reading and provide our students with a fun and engaging way to explore new books, share their thoughts, and build a sense of community.
The book club will be open to students in Years 3 to 6, and meetings will be held every Tuesday morning at 8 am in the school library. During these sessions, students will have time to silently read and then discuss books.
We believe that a book club can offer numerous benefits, including enhancing reading skills, fostering critical thinking, and creating lasting friendships. It is a wonderful opportunity for students to connect over shared stories and learn from one another.
The numbers are limited, if you are interested in having your child participate, please complete the form below by Tuesday 16 July.
From Our P & F
Dear Orana P and F Community,
Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough Fundraiser is here!
Help us to raise funds for the school P and F whilst you enjoy dough-licious home-made cookies.
There are 9 delicious flavours to choose from, including one for your beloved family pooch.
Please note Billy G’s is a completely cashless fundraiser.
All orders must be placed online and paid by credit or debit card or PayPal, so make sure you create your online fundraising page at www.australianfundraising.com.au today.
How do we create a Fundraising Page?
Creating a fundraising page is easy!
1. Visit www.australianfundraising.com.au and click the “Cookie Dough Login” button on the home page. Then click the register button to fundraise on the cybersafe, Billy G’s Cookie Dough platform.
2. Complete the registration details, Choose your goals and create a unique avatar!
3. Place your order using the “Order Now” button and share your fundraising page with your family and friends via the “Share” section so they can start buying some yummy cookie dough. Easy!
The cookie dough shop will be available to purchase between the 14th and the 28th of June 2024.
The orders will be available for collection on the 26th July 2024 from the school quad.
Your children have received a Billy G’s Order Form with instructions on how to collect orders today.
Please contact the front office if you have not yet received your form.
For any queries please contact Priya Narsing by email on sailesh.priya@yahoo.com
Our school P & F still require the following positions to be filled:
P & F Chair
Coordinator of Classroom Reps
Please consider how you can assist your child's school through the P & F. It is by filling these positions, that community events can take place. You can also join the committee as a general member. If you have any queries, please contact the P & F - oranapandf@gmail.com
Thank-you all
Orana P and F
Uniform Update
Track tops and pants are now available at Uniform Concepts. Socks are in limited supply in some sizes, so please wear plain white socks until the new socks arrive, if the required size is unavailable. We have some old uniform stock for sale. Look out on Seesaw for a list of available items.
Here is a preview of our new Orana folio. This is a multipurpose satchel with two sections that will be used for homework and library books.
From our Parish of Saints John & Paul
Arise Charismatic Prayer Group - Wednesday 19th June 11.30am-1.30pm
Led by Irene Er-Smith and present by Dan Hewitt on the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. This will include a shared lunch.
Wedding Anniversary Mass - Sunday 4th August at 10.30am
Calling all couples celebrating significant wedding anniversaries this year - 1, 10, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 years or more! Register in the church's foyer no later than 26th May. Hand in your wedding photo by 31st May.
Term Dates 2024
Term 2 - Monday 15th April - Friday 28th June
Term 3 - Monday 15th July - Friday 20th September
Term 4 - Monday 7th October - Thursday 12th December
Pupil Free Days 2024
Pupil Free Day - 15th July
Pupil Free Day (Catholic Day) - 26th August
Pupil Free Day - 7 October
Events Coming Up in Our Calendar
2024 - Term 2 - Week 10 and 11
- Monday 17th June - Year 5 Excursion - Shipwreck Museum - Fremantle Prison
- Monday 17th June - Young Engineers Club - 3.30pm
- Tuesday 18th June - Inter-school cross country
- Thursday 20th June - School Photos: Kindy - Year 6
- Friday 21st June - School Photos: Kindy - Year 6
- Friday 21st June - Year 2 Liturgy
- Friday 21st June - Senior Assembly - 2.30pm
- Saturday 22nd June - Thanksgiving Mass - First Communion - Cake and Certificates 5.30pm
- Sunday 23rd June - Thanksgiving Mass - First Communion - Cake and Certificates 10.30pm
- Monday 24th June - Young Engineers Club 3.30pm
- Tuesday 25th June - Reports released via SEQTA Engage
- Wednesday 26th June - Year 6 - Academic Day - Quest Students
- Friday 28th June - Orana Day Mass 9.30am
Social Worker News
8 Tips for Helping Your Child Resolve Conflict and Be a Good Friend
As much as we try to avoid it, conflict is a normal part of life. Helping children learn to manage conflict effectively will also help them to experience more fulfilling friendships and enjoy better social experiences, both at school and outside of it. Of course, how well children are able to resolve conflict is directly related to their age, stage of development and life experiences – for examples, a young child may not know how to compromise without assistance or have the emotional capacity to empathise with the needs of others. Equipping children of all ages with the strategies shared below will help them become more effective at resolving conflict and being a good friend.
Help your child unlock the keys to friendship with these five conflict resolution behaviours and three important ways of practicing them.
Kind regards
Kath Warburton
Social Worker