Andover High School News & Events

December 15, 2024
AAA Award Winners
Congratulations to Seniors Lila Epp and Antoine Ziegler who were selected as this year's recipients of the MSHSL AAA Award! This award is given to a male and female senior in each school who demonstrate excellence in Academics, Arts and Athletics.
Important Calendar Dates
- December 21-January 1: No School - Winter Break
- January 2: Classes Resume
- January 6: Senior Panorama Photo 10:15 AM (GYM)
- January 6: Registration Materials Distributed in Advisory
- January 8: Maximizing High School Event 5:30-7:45 PM
- January 11: Marathon Concert Fundraiser
- January 16: Registration for the 2025/2026 School Year Closes
- January 16: Tri 2 Conferences 2:50-8:30 PM
- January 20: No School; Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- January 24: One Act Performance 7:00 PM (AUD)
Trimester 2 Late Start Dates are listed here.
You can also view a District Calendar here.
Husky House Tutoring Center Dates and hours are listed here.
Trimester 2 Conferences
Trimester 2 conferences will be held on the evening of Thursday, January 16th from 2:50 PM - 8:30 PM. Please watch for more information and how to sign-up to meet with your students teachers in the next E-News.
We will be hosting an 8th Grade Welcome along with conferences on Thursday, January 16th starting at 6:00 PM. This will give students a chance to meet our staff and ask any questions about the registration process.
Counseling Office Info
Registration for the 2025/2026 School Year
January 6 - Kick Off
- Students receive materials and see the grade-specific slideshow in Advisory
- Students will have access to the registration site:
- Copies of materials
- Special Topic information
January 8
- Families can attend the College and Career Planning Event, with PSEO information, to ask
questions about registration
January 16
- Students will turn in worksheets in during 1st Hour
- Students should have entered their choices using Student Vue by the end of 1st Hour
Maximizing High School Event - Wednesday, January 8th
Our first ever “Maximizing High School” event will focus on different ways students can make the most out of their time at Andover. This event will be taking place on Wednesday, January 8th from 5:30-7:45 PM. Students and families will have the opportunity to attend sessions on Advanced Placement courses offered, PSEO, course planning for registration, College Now, hear from an alumni panel and attend a College/Career Fair.
A draft schedule of the event can be found here.
For all other college and career center updates, click here.
Coat Drive - Thursday, January 9th
The Andover Leo's will be holding a Coat Drive on Thursday, January 9th at the boys' basketball games starting at 4:30 PM. Please bring any new or slightly used (no rips, tears, or broken zippers) coats to the game that you would like to donate. The coats will be given to Hope4Youth in order to help fight against homelessness. The Andover Lions will also be there supporting the Leo's and selling 'Care Kits' for one's car for $5. These kits are designed to stay in your car and when you come across someone struggling on the street, you can access your Care Kit which is filled with a bunch of helpful items. A free will donation option will also be available at the games.
News from the Youth Services Coordinator
The Andover Leo's
Is your student looking for volunteer hours?
Join the Youth Service Google Classroom to see a list of upcoming volunteer opportunities in our community. Questions? Feel free to contact me at tammy.peterson@ahschools.us
Leo Club Projects
On November 30th, the Leos partnered with the Andover Lions at the second annual Tree Lighting Event held at the Andover Community Center. Volunteers contributed by serving hot chocolate and s'mores to attendees.
At the December 5th Leo Cub meeting, Mollie Ziebart from the Alexandra House came to speak about the work of the organization, and the impact of the gifts donated by the Leo Club.
Drop in for Service!
In an effort to bring the spirit of service to Andover High School, Youth Service will be hosting a variety of fun and meaningful service projects during select late start Mondays. Service projects will take place right here at school; participating students will receive 1 service hour per session. At the December 16th Drop in for Service, we will be making cards for Family Pathways’ doorstep delivery recipients. Click here to see the Tri 2 schedule.
President’s Volunteer Service Award
The President’s Volunteer Service Award recognizes volunteer hours completed within a calendar year. Any service performed between January 1, 2024, and December 31, 2024, is eligible for consideration. To document your hours, simply submit the Verification of Hours form.
Volunteer Services News
Become an Andover HS Husky Volunteer
FREE Fundraising Vendor Fair for Nonprofits
Mark your calendar for the 2025 FUNDRAISING VENDOR FAIR on Thursday, February 6th from 4:00-7:00 PM. The event will be held at the Educational Service Center at 2727 N. Ferry St., Anoka, door #7.
This FREE open-house event is for Booster Clubs, PTOs, and Nonprofits looking to connect with local businesses regarding their fundraising programs. Participants can also attend mini information sessions on nonprofit best practices with expert speakers. Watch for more details coming soon on how to register to attend.
Andover HS Booster Club Directory
Attention Andover HS Booster Clubs! We are updating our Booster Club Directory and need your current contact information. Information from the directory will be used to contact Booster Clubs directly with important district and school information, updates, and events. Please use the following link to complete the Google form to update Booster Club information: Andover HS Booster Club Directory Update Form.
View Report Cards Online
Families may login to their A-HConnect account or download the ParentVUE mobile app to access student report cards. Report cards are only available online and will no longer be sent through postal mail or student’s backpacks.
The switch to online report cards means that information is available to review at the conclusion of each trimester. Schools will notify families when the report cards are available to view. Parents, guardians and any person with educational rights to a student will be able to access the student’s report card online.
Get steps for viewing report cards on the Anoka-Hennepin Schools website.
For assistance with your login information, contact the Anoka-Hennepin Schools HELP Desk at 506help@ahschools.us or 763-506-HELP (4357). For questions about the report cards or for printing accommodations, please contact the main office at your child’s school.
Budget Update
School Board action addresses $26 million budget gap for 2025-26 school year
The Anoka-Hennepin School Board endorsed a $26 million budget reduction and reallocation plan at its November 25 meeting, a decision that completes a process that unfolded over the past several months and allows planning for the 2025-26 school year to remain on schedule.
A number of factors converged in early 2024 that led to the need to reduce district expenditures. Read about the impact to Anoka-Hennepin Schools.
School Choice
Specialty and magnet school options provide family choice in Anoka-Hennepin
Anoka-Hennepin Schools offers 12 schools that provide in-demand educational options such as the arts; science, technology, math, engineering and biomedical sciences (STEM/STEAM), as well as International Baccalaureate (IB).
Specialty and magnet school options are available to all students at no additional cost, designed to provide family choice. Students who live within the Anoka-Hennepin boundaries are eligible to apply to any of the specialty or magnet schools. The magnet schools belong to Northwest Suburban Integration School District (NWSISD) which provides transportation. Students may join the specialty programs using an in-district transfer process without transportation.
Six sites offer specialty programs, which students can access via in-district transfer; and six sites are magnet schools, available choices for families through the NWSISD. View the full article to learn more about Specialty and Magnet School options available to all families in Anoka-Hennepin Schools.
The specialty and magnet schools are hosting information nights/open houses for parents to learn more about the programs offered. These events range from November - mid January. For specific open house dates and more information on each of the specialty and magnet schools and the application/enrollment process, visit ahschools.us/specialtymagnet.
This e-newsletter is published by Andover High School. Questions, comment or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.