A collaborative partnership of
school districts, staff, students, parents/families,
and community agencies
Supporting Equitable Learning, Programs and Access
for ALL students.
You Are Invited To The Next CAC Executive Board meeting:
CAC Meeting
Monday, January 27, 2025
4:00pm - 6:00pm
Members of the public are always welcome to attend CAC meetings and give pubic comments.
To receive Meeting Notices Click Here.
Please welcome our newly elected Executive Board:
Amanda Alfred, Chair
Lee Ann Holland, Vice Chair
Jasmine Duron, Membership Secretary
Ashley Pope, Treasurer
Denise Benic, Parliamentarian
Flavia Seawright, Public Information Officer
Vacant, Secretary
Inclusive Schools Week -- Throughout the Year!
This year’s theme, “Every Voice Matters,” echoes the fundamental belief that every individual has a unique perspective and contributes to the rich tapestry of our school communities.
Creating more inclusive learning environments, dismantling barriers to participation, and promoting equity and understanding among all members of the school community is crucial for several reasons.
- Inclusive environments ensure that all students have equal access to opportunities and resources regardless of their background or abilities. This helps to level the playing field and reduce disparities in academic achievement.
- By fostering inclusion, schools reflect the real world and prepare students to thrive in diverse workplaces and communities. Exposure to differing perspectives and experiences enhances critical thinking skills and broadens students’ understanding of the world.
- Inclusive environments promote a sense of belonging and acceptance essential for students’ social and emotional well-being. When students feel valued and supported, they are more likely to engage in learning and develop positive relationships with peers and educators.
- Inclusive schools create a culture of respect and empathy, reducing the likelihood of bullying and discrimination based on factors such as race, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. This contributes to a safer and more supportive learning environment for all students.
- When students feel comfortable expressing themselves and sharing their perspectives, they are more likely to actively participate in classroom discussions, collaborate with peers, and take ownership of their learning. This can lead to improved academic performance and overall learning outcomes.
- Inclusive schools teach students the importance of respecting and valuing the perspectives of others, essential skills for participating in society. By promoting empathy and understanding, schools empower students to become responsible and compassionate citizens who contribute positively to their communities.
Throughout the week and throughout the school, honor the diverse backgrounds and experiences of students, educators, and families. From classroom activities to school and community events, highlight the importance of fostering inclusive environments where every voice is heard, valued, and respected.
The holidays can be fun – but for some people, they can lead to anxiety or depression – the “holiday blues".
Be kind to yourself and to others who might be at risk. Plan ahead for things you can do to make the holiday season healthier for everyone.
Holiday Blues can be a normal reaction to recent stressful events or triggered by:
- Recent loss of family members
- Comparing yourself to other people
- Unrealistic expectations that family time will be perfect
- Trying to do too much
- Changes in diet and routine
- “Take some time alone – but not too much.”
- “Be realistic about what you can and can’t do.”
- “Ask your family to do more". “We let our boys put up and decorate the tree.”
- “Don’t drink alcohol if you are feeling down.”
- “Stick to normal routines as much as possible.”
If You or Someone You Care About Is In Crisis:
- Ventura County Suicide Hotline: 1-877-727-4747 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
- Ventura County Crisis Team: 1-866-998-2243 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
- Emergency: Call 911
International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) is a United Nations (UN) day that is celebrated every year on 3 December. The theme of the 2024 International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) is:
“Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future”
Persons with disabilities make up 16% of the global population, yet they rarely access leadership roles in the health sector. They commonly face numerous barriers which prevent them from accessing these roles, such as discrimination, stigma, or exclusion from education and employment opportunities. World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes that amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities is essential to make meaningful progress in achieving global health goals, advancing health equity for all, and building a more inclusive and sustainable future.
Photo Credit: WHO / Miguel Jeronimo -- A girl who has bipolar disorder and a developmental disability is enjoying sports activities, as part of the access to a holistic health program organized by the NGO Kampuchea Sela Handicap.
World Braille Day 2025 - January 4th
World Braille Day is celebrated around the world every year on January 4th, which is the anniversary of the birth of Louis Braille. It was established by the United Nations to raise awareness of the importance of braille in education, communication, and social inclusion.
Eye conditions are remarkably common. The World Health Organization estimates that globally, at least 1 billion people have a near or distance vision impairment that could have been prevented or has yet to be addressed.
Persons with vision impairment are more likely than those without to experience higher rates of poverty and disadvantage. Not meeting their needs, or fulfilling their rights, has wide-reaching consequences: vision loss often represents a lifetime of inequality, poorer health, and barriers to education and employment.
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted in 2006, has advanced the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. The Convention considers Braille essential for education, freedom of expression and opinion, access to information and social inclusion.
📌 Parent & Caregiver Workshops
(IN-PERSON) This session will offer information on transition to adult life through the IEP process. *Participants are encouraged to bring a copy of their most recent IEP and learn more about the process of moving towards adulthood.
January 22, 2025 | Check-in at 5:45pm
TRAINING: 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Tri-counties Regional - OXNARD
2401 E. Gonzales Rd. Stuite #100, Oxnard, CA 93036
* FOR PARENTS, CAREGIVERS & YOUNG ADULTS. All sessions are FREE and will be offered in English and Spanish concurrently. Registration required by January 20, 2025. Click here.
Join our workshop designed to equip parents and caregivers with essential knowledge and strategies for supporting children in Preschool and Transitional Kindergarten. Gain insights into developmental milestones, effective communication techniques, and activities that foster a love for learning in young children.
January 29, 2025 | Check-in at 5:45pm
TRAINING: 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Tri-counties Regional - OXNARD
2401 E. Gonzales Rd. Stuite #100, Oxnard, CA 93036
Registration deadline is January 27, 2025. Session is FREE and will be offered in English and Spanish concurrently. This is for Parents & Caregivers.
Registration is Required. Please click HERE for registration.
Parents/Caregivers: Are you looking for safe, effective strategies to help de-escalate your child when they get upset? This training will provide an overview of verbal de-escalation strategies and safe ways to support a child when they become physically dysregulated.
NCPI (National Crisis Prevention Intervention) is a SELPA-approved training to assist adults working with and supporting school-aged children. The workshop will give parents and care givers insight into behavior patterns of their child ideas for intervening early as behaviors start to escalate, and ways to keep everyone safe.
January 30, 2025 | Check-in at 7:45am
TRAINING: 8:30am - 3:30pm
Location: VCOE Conference & Educational Services Center
5100 Adolfo Road, Camarillo, CA 93012
Conference Room - CONEJO ROOM
Presented by: Michele Harding, M.S., M.A., Program Specialist, VCOE & Julie Affronti, LMFT, BCBA, Behavior Specialist, VCOE
**There is NO COST for registration/lunch; however, online Registration is required. Please click HERE.
Spanish interpretation is available. Must be requested 10-days in advance.
Join us for our third inclusion conference, Advancing Inclusion, on Saturday, February 1st, 2025!
Families and early childhood educators are invited to join community partners and local experts as we pave the path of belonging. We look forward to a day full of learning, exploring, and investigation!
February 1, 2025
TRAINING: 8:00am - 12:30pm
Location: VCOE Conference & Educational Services Center
5100 Adolfo Road, Camarillo, CA 93012
** REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN. Please register HERE. Registration deadline is January 17, 2025.
FREE CHILDCARE Available Upon Request.
2025 VCOE Equity Conference
Parents and guardians, students, educators, support personnel, and community members are invited to join us in Camarillo for this free in person event, which is going to include:
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion workshops in English and Spanish
- Sessions for educators, parents & community members
- Complimentary refreshments
- Language interpretation provided
Presented by Dr. César Morales
Superintendent of Schools
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Time: 4:00pm - 7:30pm
VCOE Conference & Educational Services Center, 5100 Adolfo Road, Camarillo, CA 93012
Alternative Pathway to a Diploma
In 2022, new legislation in California went into effect that states that local education agencies (LEAs) should offer all qualifying students with disabilities a new pathway to a high school diploma. This legislation was amended in 2023 and clarified by the California Department of Education (CDE) in a 2024 guidance letter and frequently asked questions.
Governor Approves AB 438 Establishing New Postsecondary Goals and Services Requirements for High School Students
Existing law requires local educational agencies to identify, locate, and assess individuals with exceptional needs and to provide those pupils with a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment, with special education and related services as reflected in an individualized education program. Existing law requires, beginning not later than the first individualized education program to be in effect when a pupil is 16 years of age, or younger if determined appropriate by the individualized education program team, and updated annually thereafter, the individualized education program to include appropriate measurable postsecondary goals and transition services, as defined, needed to assist the pupil in reaching those goals.
This bill would instead require an individualized education program, commencing July 1, 2025, to include measurable postsecondary goals and transition services, if determined appropriate by a pupil’s individualized education program team, beginning when an individual with exceptional needs is starting their high school experience and not later than the first individualized education program to be in effect when the pupil is 16 years of age, as provided. By imposing additional requirements on local educational agencies in relation to individualized education programs, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.
🌟🌟 Parent Group Outreach!🌟🌟
Family Reading Experience Program
National PTA is committed to helping families support their child’s development of literacy skills and encourage a love of reading through access to books, particularly those that reflect the diversity of our world.
Studies show...
- Just like going for a jog exercises your cardiovascular system, reading regularly improves memory function by giving your brain a good workout.
- Reading books about different people, places and experiences is critical to healthy child development and should be a priority, particularly in early literacy.
- A parent’s understanding of each element at play in their child’s school reading life will support their personal growth, and their advocacy can serve the greater student community.
PTAs Can Host a Family Reading Experience Event
We encourage local PTAs to host a Family Reading Experience program to support families as they encourage a love of reading through access to books, especially those that reflect the diversity of the world.
The Family Reading Experience aims to:
- Empower PTAs with information on hosting literacy activities that improve book access and book choice and incorporate a lens of diversity and representation
- Provide families with ready-to-go literacy resources
- Equip families in-need with books during this school year
The program offers guidance on how to host literacy activities that improve book access and book choice, incorporate a lens of diversity and representation and provide families with ready-to-go literacy resources.
The 2024 Parent Guide to Special Education
The Ventura County SELPA recognizes that we can't do our best for our students with disabilities without the care and support of their parents, guardians and others who know and love them. The SELPA and its member districts are committed to involving parents as important members of the team in reviewing assessments and progress and making decisions about their children.
In addition, the SELPA is committed to including parents of children with disabilities in evaluating programs, providing ideas for improvement, and developing educational opportunities for other parents along the way. Our Special Education administrators appreciate your input regarding program improvements and encourage you to call or write with constructive suggestions. In addition, the Ventura County SELPA Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is mandated by California Education code to receive input and make recommendations about Special Education programs.
Disability Celebrations Toolkit
Are you looking for a replacement for the Abilities Awareness Kit? Are you looking for a way to celebrate people with disabilities? Are you looking for a way to foster #DisabilityPride?
This kit is for you!
This kit was created and curated by Conejo Valley Unified School District's Special Education District Advisory Committee
December 2-6, 2024
What is Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)?
What is Pathways2Partnership?
The Pathways to Partnership consortium envisions a statewide educational community with the necessary skill sets to prevent, reduce, and resolve conflicts building trust and mutual understanding between families and educational agencies.
Pathways to Partnership provides professional learning and continuous improvement for educators and families throughout California with the goal of building capacity, expertise, and resources in the prevention and resolution of conflict with a student-centered focus. Visit our website for professional development opportunities at no cost to participants.
Rainbow Connection Family Resource and Empowerment Center
Rainbow Connection serves children and adults with developmental disabilities, their families, the professionals who work with them, and their communities, families of children and young adults with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 22 navigating special education and the IEP process throughout Ventura County.
Rainbow Connection believes that every person should be valued, respected, and given the opportunity to reach their fullest potential. Rainbow Connection is dedicated to offering understanding, support, information, education, and resources to all members of the community in both English and Spanish.
Email: rainbow@tri-counties.org
Website: https://rainbowconnectionfrc.weebly.com/
Phone: 805-485-9643
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/rainbowconnectionfrc
Record Keeping With Rainbow!!
Rainbow Connection offers training sessions to help parents and caregivers keep track of their child's paperwork!
Please call for more information:
Rainbow Connection
Tri-Counties Regional Center
Tri-Counties Regional Center is one of twenty-one non-profit regional centers in California providing lifelong services and supports for people with developmental disabilities residing in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties.
TCRC provides person and family-centered supports for individuals with developmental disabilities to maximize opportunities and choices for living, working, learning, and recreating in the community.
Early Start Program – Newborn to Age 3, No Referral Needed
Are you concerned about your child's development? Does any aspect of their speech, physical abilities, behavior, or any other area seem delayed? We want you to know that the Tri-Counties Regional Center Early Start program is here to identify and treat developmental delays in children 0-3 years of age. These services are free; there is no cost to you. Please share the word that anyone may refer to our Early Start program. If you are concerned about your child’s development, visit our Connect with an Intake Coordinator web page. Learn more about our Early Start program here.
Register Here For Regional Email Alerts
2401 East Gonzales Road, Oxnard, CA 93036
(805) 485-3177 (800) 664-3177 FAX (805) 988-9521
Simi Valley
2635 Park Center Drive, Suite A, Simi Valley, CA 93065
(805) 522-8030 (800) 517-2524 FAX (805) 522-8142
970 W. Ventura Street, Fillmore, CA 93015
(805) 292-1101 (844) 926-5992 FAX (805) 292-1103
State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD)
Welcome to SCDD!
The State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD)is established by state and federal law as an independent state agency to ensure that people with developmental disabilities and their families receive the services and supports they need.
Consumers know best what supports and services they need to live independently and to actively participate in their communities. Through advocacy, capacity building and systemic change, SCDD works to achieve a consumer and family-based system of individualized services, supports, and other assistance.
Californians with developmental disabilities are guaranteed the same full and equal opportunities for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as all Americans.
The Council advocates, promotes and implements policies and practices that achieve self-determination, independence, productivity and inclusion in all aspects of community life for Californians with developmental disabilities and their families
The Ventura County SELPA office is responsible for the
implementation of the Ventura County Special Education Local Plan, and for ensuring a free appropriate public education to all students with identified disabilities according to the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
Joanna V. Della Gatta - Executive Director
Sarah Fontenot - Administrative Assistant III
Regina Reed - Director of Personnel Development
Anabel Lopez-Penny - Administrative Assistant II
Ana Teran - Administrative Assistant II
Kerry Newlee, Director, Technical Support and Transition
Heather Manheim & Jorge Contreras, Workability Program
Lisa Garcia, Administrative Assistant II
Stacey Alvey - Director, Family & School Collaboration
Peter Aguirre - Program Specialist, Family & School Collaboration
Lisa Garcia - Administrative Assistant II
Vacant, VC SELPA Director
Lisa Garcia, Administrative Assistant II
Email: vcselpa@vcoe.org
Website: www.vcselpa.org
Location: 5100 Adolfo Road, Camarillo, CA, USA
Phone: 805-437-1560
Facebook: https://facebook.com/VenturaCOE
Twitter: @VenturaCOE