4-H News in Keith/Arthur Counties
May 2024
Newsletter Contents
- 4-H Calendar
- 4-H Deadlines
- Enrollment
- Animal Affidavits & Tags
- County Fair Documents - Schedules & Fairbooks
- Summer 2024 Workshops
- Next Level Creations
- Keith Progress Show
- Clover Bud/Kid Workshops
- Beginning Cupcake Decorating
- Range Judging Day Camp
- Macrame Wall Hanging
- Build a Better Babysitter
- So You Think You Can Sew?
- Muffin Mania
- Adult & Youth Help Needed!
- 4-H Happenings!
- Extension Office Hiring
- State 4-H Updates/Events
- State 4-H Camps
- Dog Show North Platte
- Log N Camp
- Tractor & Equipment Safety
- Heavy Equipment Career Exploration
May 14: OFFICE CLOSED - Tessa teaching in Chase County
May 21: YQCA Arthur, Veterans Hall, 1 -3 pm
May 22: Keith/Arthur Extension Board Meeting, Roads Department Conference Room, 7 pm
May 23: YQCA Ogallala, Activity Building, 3 - 5 pm
May 27: OFFICE CLOSED - Memorial Day
May 30: Build a Better Babysitter, MPCC Campus
May 30: Arthur 4-H Council Meeting, Fairgrounds, 6:30 pm
June 3: YQCA Ogallala Activity Building, 10am - 12 pm
June 3: Keith 4-H Council Meeting, 6:30 pm
June 4: Wilderness Wonders 4-H Camp 3rd-5th Grade, Cedar Point Biological Station
June 5: Kids Oasis - Tessa teaching K-2nd Grade, 8:30-10:30 am
June 5: YQCA Paxton, Community Building, 1 - 3 pm
June 6: Wilderness Wonders 4-H Camp Ages 5-7, Cedar Point Biological Station
July 29 - August 4: Keith County Fair!
August 5 - August 12: Arthur County Fair!
June 1: Horse IDS due to Office
June 3: Keith 4-H Beef Progress Show Registration Deadline for Cheaper Entry
June 5: Next Level Creations Workshop Registration Deadline
June 10: Clover Bud Arthur Workshop Registration Deadline
June 15: Animal Affidavits, YQCA, 4-H Online enrollment due
June 15: Clover Kid Crafty, Beginning Cupcake Decorating, & Range Judging Registration Deadlines
June 20: Clover Kid Wacky, Macrame Wall-Hanging, & Babysitting Registration Deadline
July 1: Fair Entry Forms due
4-H Deadlines - IMPORTANT!
Here is a little bit information about 4-H deadlines. More information will come out each month as we get closer to the deadlines. NOTE - Both counties have moved up fair entry form deadlines to JULY 1!
June 1: Horse IDs due
June 15: 4-H Online Enrollment, Animal Affidavits due, YQCA certification due
July 1: Fair Forms due
June 1: Horse IDs due
June 15: 4-H Online Enrollment, Animal Affidavits due, YQCA certification due
July 1: Fair Forms due
Enroll Now - 4-H Online!
Have you got enrolled yet?! https://v2.4honline.com/ is open for the 2023-2024 Enrollment Year! Deadline for 4-H enrollment in both Keith and Arthur County is June 15, 2024. If you need help with enrollment, you may contact the Extension office for help!
Enrollment Fees:
- Keith County - $10.00 (payable with Credit Card online, cash, or check)
- Arthur County - Free
Starting in the 2023-2024 program year, project selection is now optional. By successfully completing the 4-H member enrollment by the June 15th deadline, youth will be eligible to participate and exhibit in any project area, contest, county and state fairs. While project selection is optional, it is encouraged for youth to select projects they are interested in exploring.
Please note:
o Youth are only eligible to exhibit in a project area or contest in a single county.
o Horse and shooting sports projects will continue to require project enrollment due to the parental consent required to participate in these projects.
YQCA - Due by June 15
Tessa is certified teach face-to-face YQCA training. The training will include 4-6 hands on activities like giving a shot to a banana and more. There is no test required in-person.
Dates face-to-face training will be offered:
• May 21 - 1:00- 3:00 pm, Arthur Veterans Hall at Arthur Fairgrounds
• May 23 - 3:00-5:00 pm, Keith County Fairgrounds in Ogallala
• June 3 - 10:00am- 12:00 pm, Keith County Fairgrounds in Ogallala
• June 5 - 1:00-3:00 pm, Paxton Community Building
To register, click the link below and register for the instructor-led courses in Keith or Arthur County under the date you prefer. https://yqcaprogram.org/
Nebraska 4-H requires all youth enrolled in livestock projects to complete annual quality assurance training through Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA).
Youth enrolled in any of following projects or project areas will need to complete YQCA training;
• Beef (bucket calf, feeder calf, breeding beef, market beef)
• Dairy Cattle
• Goat (breeding meat goat, dairy goat, meat goat)
• Poultry
• Rabbit
• Sheep (breeding sheep, market sheep)
• Swine (breeding swine, market swine)
There are 3 options to complete the YQCA requirements;
• Web-Based Training (costs $12 per individual regardless of age)
• Face-to-Face Training (costs $3 per individual regardless of age)
• Testing Out (Intermediate -$36, Seniors-$48, not an option for juniors)
Test-out options are only available to youth in the first year of Intermediate (age 12) and Senior (age 15) age levels.
Animal Affidavits & Tags
All animal affidavits that are due June 15 (Horse is due June 1) are available in our office or on the website. https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/kap/4-h-county-fair-information/
Swine & Beef tags are available in our office!
County Fair Here Before We Know It!
Summer 2024 Workshops!
Our 2024 Summer Workshops are all planned and ready to go! You can find our complete packet with all of the details here!
- Youth do not have to be in 4-H to attend workshops.
- Workshops are subject to cancellation if minimum participation is not reached.
- Most workshops have a maximum number of participants. These workshops will fill on a first come, first serve basis.
- *Note - you are not required to pay ahead of time. You can pay the day of the workshop.
There is 1 way to register for summer workshops-
- Paper Form: Attachment Below
We prefer you fill out the paper form so we can ensure we get all the necessary information. You can email the paper form, drop off, or mail. Some workshops have individual registration forms. These include: Wilderness Wonders4-H Camp & Keith Beef Progress Show
Next Level Creations - June 11
Time to take your creations to the next level! Youth will create a small barn quilt, door hanging, and crayon art.
Who: Ages 8-18
When: June 11, 2024, 10 am - 4 pm
Where: Arthur County Fairgrounds
Cost: $20
Bring: Sack lunch
Projects: C229021, C257012, C257013
Register By: June 5, 2024
Next Level Creations - June 13
Time to take your creations to the next level! Youth will create a small barn quilt, door hanging, and crayon art.
Who: Ages 8-18
When: June 13, 2024, 10 am - 4 pm
Where: Keith County Fairgrounds
Cost: $20
Bring: Sack lunch
Projects: C229021, C257012, C257013
Register By: June 5, 2024
Keith 4-H Beef Progress Show - June 15
Keith County 4-H is hosting their Beef Progress Show on June 15, 2024. Early bird registration with cheaper fees is due by June 3rd. See the below attachment for more information!
Clover Bud Workshop - June 18
Join us for Clover Kid fun! This workshop will introduce your child to fun, friends, and 4-H. Youth will complete several projects that can be exhibited at fair.
Who: Ages 5-7
When: June 18, 2024, 9 am - 1:30 pm
Where: Arthur County Fairgrounds
Cost: $20
Bring: Towel, swimsuit is not necessary
Register By: June 10, 2024
Clover Kid Crafty Corner - June 20
Join us for Clover Kid fun! This workshop will introduce your child to fun, friends, and 4-H. Youth will complete several projects that can be exhibited at fair.
Who: Ages 8-18
When: June 20, 2024, 8:30 am - 12 pm
Where: Keith County Fairgrounds
Cost: $15
Register By: June 15, 2024
Beginning Cupcake Decorating - June 20
Learn the basic cake decorating skills using butter cream frosting and beginning decorating techniques. Each youth will decorate six cupcakes to take home.
Who: Ages 8-18
When: June 20, 2024, 9 - 11 am
Where: Keith Arterburn Youth Cabin
Cost: $15
Bring: Youth are encouraged to bring at least one star top and one line (writing) to the workshop.
Register By: June 15, 2024
Range Judging Day Camp - June 24
Come learn about plant ID & classification and work on a range project! Youth will also get to compete in a small contest. Great way to prepare for contests and develop a project for fair.
Who: Ages 8-18
When: June 24, 2024, 9 am - 3 pm
Where: Arthur County Fairgrounds
Cost: $5
Bring: Sack lunch
Register By: June 15, 2024
Clover Kid Wacky Water Fun - June 27
Join us for Clover Kid fun round 2! Specifically designed for kids ages 5-7, youth will leave the workshop with even more projects and a little wet from water games!
Who: Ages 5-7
When: June 27, 2024, 8:30 - 12 am
Where: Keith County Fairgrounds
Cost: $10
Bring: Towel, swimsuit is not necessary.
Register By: June 20, 2024
Macrame Wall Hanging - June 28
Learn the art of producing knots with textiles to create a macrame wall hanging for your room. Youth will learn basic knots: larks head knot, cow hitch knot, square knot, and the wrapping knot.
Who: Ages 8-18
When: June 28, 2024, 1 -3 pm
Where: Keith County Fairgrounds
Cost: $15
Projects: C227010
Register By: June 20, 2024
Build a Better Babysitter - July 2
Youth will learn what it takes to care for a variety of ages, nutrition, safety, basic first aid, how to advertise your babysitting services, and more! Youth will make lunch.
Who: Ages 8-18
When: July 2, 2024, 9 am - 3:30 pm
Where: Arthur County Fairgrounds
Cost: $25
Register By: June 20, 2024
So You Think You Can Sew? - July 9
Learn the basics of machine sewing while making a personalized pillowcase. Youth will also make a simple pin cushion and an embroidery embellishment on a wearable garment. Youth will need to bring their own embroidered garment such as a t-shirt, crewneck, ball cap, beanie, shoes, etc.
Who: Ages 8-18
When: July 9, 2024, 9 am - 3 pm
Where: Arthur County Fairgrounds
Cost: $20
Bring: sack lunch, sewing machine if have one, sewing notions, and a garment to embellish
Register By: July 1, 2024
So You Think You Can Sew? - July 11
Learn the basics of machine sewing while making a personalized pillowcase. Youth will also make a simple pin cushion and an embroidery embellishment on a wearable garment. Youth will need to bring their own embroidered garment such as a t-shirt, crewneck, ball cap, beanie, shoes, etc.
Who: Ages 8-18
When: July 11, 2024, 9 am - 3 pm
Where: Keith County Fairgrounds
Cost: $20
Bring: sack lunch, sewing machine if have one, sewing notions, and a garment to embellish
Register By: July 1, 2024
Muffin Mania - July 16
Experiment with different ingredients to create muffins for breakfast, lunch and snacks. Youth will learn food safety practices, explore sensory effectiveness, how to correctly measure, and how to calculate nutrition. Cost includes lunch.
Who: Ages 8-18
When: July 16, 2024, 9 am - 1 pm
Where: Arthur County Fairgrounds
Cost: $20 (If you attend both Muffin Mania & Beginning Cupcake - discount of $30, instead of $35!)
Register By: July 10, 2024
Beginning Cupcake Decorating - July 16
Learn the basic cake decorating skills using butter cream frosting and beginning decorating techniques. Each youth will decorate six cupcakes to take home.
Who: Ages 8-18
When: July 16, 2024, 1 - 3 pm
Where: Arthur County Fairgrounds
Cost: $15 (If you attend both Muffin Mania & Beginning Cupcake - discount of $30, instead of $35!)
Bring: Youth are encouraged to bring at least one star top and one line (writing) to the workshop.
Register By: July 10, 2024
Adult & Youth Help Needed!
Stepping up and helping the Extension Office with our 4-H programs is a great leadership and volunteer experience. It will look good on your 4-H achievement applications or resumes. If you want more details, please ask.
Camp Counselors - We are needing camp counselors 15+ for our Wilderness Wonders 4-H Camps on June 4 and 6. Camp counselors are responsible for leading their group all day from station to station, making kids use sunscreen when needed, keep track of all your group, etc. The time commitment on June 4th would be 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. The time commitment on June 6 would be 8:00 am - 4:00 pm. Please let Tessa know if you would be willing to be a counselor by May 20.
Clover Bud/Kid Workshops - Tessa is needing youth 14+ and adults to help with our Clover Bud/Kid workshops. Helping at these workshops means having to teach a simple craft (you will be provided the craft ahead of time), helping keep youth engaged, etc. You do not have to help at all Clover Bud/Kid workshops. Whatever works for your schedule. Please let Tessa know if you can help by June 10.
- Clover Bud Workshop - Arthur County - June 18, 9 am - 1:30 pm
- Clover Kid Crafty Corner - Keith County - June 20, 8:30 am - 12 pm
- Clover Kid Wacky Water Fun - Keith County - June 27, 8:30 am - 12 pm
Platte Valley Sharp Shooters 4-H Club Award Night
Arthur 4-H Trash Clean Up
Water Riches Day
Ladybug Life Cycle - Paxton
Ladybug Life Cycle - Arthur
Ladybug Life Cycle - Ogallala Kindergarten
AgSplosion Field Day - Ag Technology
AgSplosion Field Day - Beans
AgSplosion Field Day - Beef
AgSplosion Field Day - Corn
AgSplosion Field Day - Dairy
AgSplosion Field Day - Potatoes
AgSplosion Field Day - Swine
AgSplosion Field Day - Wheat
AgSplosion Field Day - Introduction
Keith - Arthur Extension is Hiring! - Office Manager/4-H Aide
The Keith-Arthur County Extension Office has an opening for a full-time Office Manager/4-H Aide. Strong communication, organizational, and time management skills are essential plus knowledge in Word, Excel, and publisher. The job description is below or available at https://www.keithcountyne.gov/news_detail_T6_R230.php
Applications are available at the Extension Office. Applicants may also submit a cover letter and resume, but not required. Application should be returned to the Keith-Arthur County Extension Office at 511 North Spruce, Room 203, Ogallala or tessa.reece@unl.edu. Applications will be reviewed May 17, 2024 with position remaining open until filled.
Keith County is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
State 4-H Updates/Events
Registration for Nebraska 4-H Summer Camp now open!
Registration for the Nebraska 4-H Summer Camp program is now open! Registration deadlines are two weeks before each camp. The first deadline is May 18!
The summer 2024 theme is The Power of Being 🍀 Green. Youth will get to explore and interact with their natural world in six different sessions. Youth will learn how they can use their head, heart, hands, and health to make our natural world a better place for all.
The 2024 sessions offer tailored age cohorts, providing sessions for younger campers between the ages of 8-10, and an older cohort for ages 10-14.
You can find dates, session summaries, and registration information by visiting https://4h.unl.edu/camps-register.
Tractor & Equipment Safety - North Platte May 21&22
Keith & Arthur 4-H Leadership
Arthur 4-H Council:
President - Garrett Storer
Vice President - Tammy Delatour
Treasurer - Megan Sprague
Secretary - Jeana Meeks
Members at large: Aaron Eilers, Julie Haynes, & Tara Hanna
These people are YOUR voice! Please contact any of them if you have an idea for a new or existing event or activity, have concerns with the program, or just want to have input in the decision making process.
Keith 4-H Council:
President - Jeremy Spurgin
Vice President - Rachel Walker
Treasurer - Brooke Namuth
Secretary - Melissa Franken
Modern Pioneers - Lora Barnhill
Members at large: Anita Perrin, Amanda Harger, Hannah Flaming, Ruby Schow, & Audrey Moorhead
These people are YOUR voice! Please contact any of them if you have an idea for a new or existing event or activity, have concerns with the program, or just want to have input in the decision making process.