The Weekly Update #4
July 12th, 2024

November 2024
⭐Every Tiger, Every Day, Without Exception⭐
RES Mission: Learning, Loving and Growing Together
RES Vision: Equipping Everyone for Excellence
Happy November! As we embrace the season of gratitude, I want to thank you all for supporting our school and helping us create a positive environment for our students. We have a few exciting events coming up that I’d like to highlight:
- 4th Grade Parent Lunch – Join your 4th graders for lunch on November 13th! We look forward to having our 4th-grade families on campus.
- Dos Bros Spirit Night – On November 6th, we’ll have a Spirit Night at Dos Bros to raise funds for our PBIS Aquatic Field Trip planned for January. We would love for all students to join us on this exciting field trip! In order to earn their way for this earned reward, students should work toward great grades (A's, B's, and C's for the 2nd 9 weeks), excellent behavior (no office discipline referrals in the 2nd 9 weeks), and consistent attendance (no more than 3 unexcused absences in the 2nd 9 weeks).
Thank you for your support, and let’s make November a fantastic month for our students!
Upcoming Events
Attendance Matters
At RES so far this year we have a total of:
883 absences
684 tardies and early dismissals
For a total of 362,465 minutes of missed instruction.
Family Engagement
Turkey Feather Family Project
Did you know that November is National Family Engagement Month? We are so thankful for all of our students and their families here at RES! We value your involvement and engagement at our school.
To celebrate National Family Engagement Month we are creating a school wide turkey project together! Each student received a turkey feather in their Tuesday folder. Please work together as a family to cut out and decorate your feather. Then discuss what your family is thankful for and have your child write it on the feather. Return the feather to school to be added to our turkey! Stop by and check out the turkey (located near the cafeteria). Also watch Dojo for pictures of Tom the Turkey as he gets more and more feathers added!
School-Family Compacts
Our School-Family Compacts went home last month along with a signature page that we asked you to sign and return. We had 366 returned....that is 84% of our school! Thank you so much for that great return rate! As a thank you, each student who returned the signature sheet received a paw print vinyl sticker!
Make sure you keep the School-Family Compact. It outlines how we will all work together to help our students achieve their learning goals this school year. The Compact can also be found on our school website under the Title 1 tab, or in the Family Resource Room. The Compact will be used at all parent-teacher conferences.
4th Grade Thanksgiving Lunch and Learn
We would like to invite our 4th grade families to come eat lunch with your student on Wednesday, November 13th. You will also have the chance to visit your student's classroom and participate in a fun learning activity with your student!
All 4th grade students received a light yellow paper in their folders about this event. Please complete the RSVP form and return it to school so that we can have enough delicious turkey and dressing prepared for that day! You MUST RSVP to attend this event. Please do not send money ahead of time, but bring $5 cash the day of the event. You can also RSVP by clicking on this link:
RSVP for 4th Grade Lunch & Learn
We hope to see all of our 4th grade families here with us to celebrate Thanksgiving on November 13th!
P.E. with Mrs. G
Ringgold Elementary students are going to have a blast this month with Jump Rope for Heart! Jump Rope for Heart is a national fundraising event created by the American Heart Association and the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. The jump-roping event encourages elementary students to join other students nationwide to fight heart disease and stroke. The children will be learning about community service and will become engaged in learning more about how to care for their bodies and establish heart-healthy lifestyles at a young age. RES set a goal to raise $5,000! We are excited and looking forward to celebrating as we meet this goal! Thanks for all you do to make this event a success.
Fun websites to encourage healthy living:
Media Center Matters with Mrs. Crawford
Veterans Day Information due no later than Nov. 4th
Complete this form to include your veteran in our slideshow.
It takes 270 Electoral Votes to win the presidency.
CAN YOU READ enough minutes to be PRESIDENT?
This is a fun way to log minutes read at home.
Color in the state with the number of votes that equals the number of minutes read. When 270 minutes have been colored in on the map turn this in to Mrs. Crawford in the library. You may read and color more than 270 minutes if you have time between now and Nov. 7th(day after election day).
Full STEAM Ahead with Mrs .Nepp
Thanks to everyone who came to STEAM night and made it a huge success. I loved seeing all the smiles. I hope everyone had fun and enjoyed making memories with their family. We had over 100 families here that night!
This month:
3rd grade will begin a unit on Native Americans and will explore different art styles.
4th grade will begin learning about ecosystems.
5th grade will be finishing up volcanoes and will begin physical and chemical reactions.
Our Tech Club students will continue to work and prepare for our county competition in December.
Voting for the Red Ribbon Contest will begin November 2nd and continue through the 16th.
Please continue to watch class dojo for upcoming events, contests and announcements. We are in the midst of an exciting and busy season.
Music Notes with Mrs. Roach
Our winter chorus and dance team concert will be on December 19th. It will be held at Ringgold High School. Look for permission slips to come home soon for students to attend for $2. Thank you!
From the Academic Coaches
New Georgia Literacy Laws
As part of a statewide initiative to enhance literacy rates among students, Georgia has implemented new literacy laws aimed at ensuring that all children achieve reading proficiency by the end of third grade. These laws emphasize early intervention, targeted support, and the use of evidence-based instructional methods. Our district is committed to these standards and will provide the necessary resources to help every child succeed.
Introduction to Benchmark Advance
To support these initiatives, we have adopted the Benchmark Advance program, a comprehensive literacy curriculum designed for students in grades K-5. This program focuses on developing strong reading and writing skills through engaging, diverse texts. Key features of Benchmark Advance include:
- Evidence-Based Instruction: The curriculum is rooted in research and aligns with the new literacy laws, ensuring our teaching practices are effective.
- Balanced Literacy Approach: Students will receive instruction in phonics, comprehension, vocabulary, and writing, allowing for a well-rounded literacy experience.
- Differentiated Learning: The program offers resources and activities tailored to meet the diverse needs of our students, ensuring that every child can thrive.
How You Can Support Your Child
We encourage you to take an active role in your child's literacy journey. Here are some ways you can help at home:
- Read Together: Spend time reading with your child daily. Ask questions about the story to enhance comprehension.
- Encourage Writing: Provide opportunities for your child to write, whether through journaling, storytelling, or letters.
- Stay Informed: Use Parent Portal and Dojo to be aware of your child's progress and communicate with your child's teacher. Be sure to look over Tuesday Folder papers.
We are excited about these changes and believe that with your support, we can help our students become confident, capable readers and writers. If you have any questions or would like more information about the Benchmark Advance program or the new literacy laws, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Thank you for your continued support in your child’s education!
Alicia Webb
Literacy Coach
Cafeteria News
Tiger Den
Care Solace
School Contact Information
Website: https://res.catoosa.k12.ga.us/
Address: 322 Evitt Lane Ringgold, GA 30736
Phone Number: 706-935-2912
To request a paper copy of this newsletter, email Parent Involvement Coordinator, Cathy Cooper at ccooper.res@catoosa.k12.ga.us