SHS Spartan News
Week of November 25, 2024
We are thankful for YOU!
On behalf of the Scituate High School community, we would like to wish everyone a restful Thanksgiving with family. We are truly grateful to have such a supportive and caring community at Scituate High School! Thank you for all that you do!
No School Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
-Mr. Hassell and Mrs. Goffe
From Commissioner Infante-Green - SHS Ranks Among Lowest Chronically Absent!
Combating Chronic Absenteeism - One Calendar Day at a Time
As we continue our statewide effort to combat chronic absenteeism and improve student achievement, RIDE is excited to introduce new initiatives to support school and district leaders, families and the wider community. Thanks to support from the Papitto Opportunity Connection, we have begun distributing more than 140,000 magnetic calendars to Rhode Island school districts to help students and families stay on track with daily school attendance. We’ve also launched a free, comprehensive professional learning course titled “Preventing Chronic Absenteeism” that uses research and data to support attendance teams and school and district leaders in addressing chronic absenteeism.
Chronic absenteeism in Rhode Island is defined as missing 10% of the school year, or about two days per month. Attendance is a powerful predictor of student academic success and requires support from the entire community. With the new magnetic calendars and professional development course, along with new attendance and achievement data dashboards and mental health efforts, Rhode Island is demonstrating its unwavering commitment to mitigate chronic absenteeism among students and educators. I encourage all schools and districts to take advantage of all of our resources to continue spreading the important message that #AttendanceMattersRI.
In partnership,
Angélica Infante-Green
Bring in Your Cash Tuesday!
Mr. Hassell will be duct taped to the wall during lunch on Tuesday (11/26) All money raised will be donated to Crossroads RI for the homless.
Scituate High School Accepting Application for the 2025-2026 School Year!
Did you know that Scituate High currently has 70 students from out of district who joined us for one of our four RIDE approved Career and Technical Education Academies? The 2025-2026 School Year application are now open! Students can apply and spend a day shadowing. Any student from any RI town or city can apply!
2025 Winter Ball! January 10th Cranston Country Club
Save the Date!
More details and ticket sales will be coming soon!
From Art
From Culinary Arts
Culinary students have been busy preparing many yeast dough recipes. They made bagels from scratch, cinnamon rolls, calzones and of course everyone's favorite pizza!
From ELA
Students in Mrs. Stormont's AP Literature and Composition class used hexagonal thinking to explore connections among important elements in Celeste Ng's novel Everything I Never Told You.
From the Agriculture Club
The Agriculture Club will have a table set up at our local Winter Farmers Market this year! Stop by if you can and check out our festive selection of tiny decorated cacti.
Balfour Ring Sale!
What an exciting time to order your Class Ring!
Attached you will find a Flyer with all of the necessary information to purchase your
Official Class Ring. You may scan the QR Code or Click on the link provided on the
Flyer and either one will bring you right to your school’s website on Balfour.com.
Also on the Flyer is a link to the Balfour brochure so that you may look through it
beforehand to see all of the different options Balfour has to offer.
Balfour has also provided you with a Finger Sizer. Please print it out and follow the
instructions on how to size your finger. You can always stop by a local jewelry store to
get your finger- sized as well.
For a limited time, Balfour is offering $42.00 off select Celestrium Rings! Prices are
already reflected on the website.
*Also on the Balfour website, there is a lot of great merchandise: Hoodies, T-Shirts,
Sweatpants, etc. Stock up on some great Class Gear!!!
Scituate Business Association Looking for Helpers
The Scituate Business Association is looking for volunteers to help us out the night of Friday, December 13th for our Christmas in the Village. We have a couple of costume characters that we need volunteers for as well as some helpers to work with Reggie on the train rides.
If anyone needs service hours or is just willing to volunteer, please have them contact me at
300-1871. Thank you!
After School Help!
Students, did you know that you can get extra help in reading, writing or math after school if you need it?
Ms. Antonelli (ELA) is available for Reading and Writing support after school on Wednesday from 2:20-3:20. Also, if you have a quiz or test you need to make up, you can drop in to Ms. Antonelli’s class after school to get your work done. Room 210
Mr. Soucar (Math) is after school on Thursdays from 2:20-3:20 for Math Academic Support. Room 109
Ms. Manchester (Special Ed) is also available for academic support to assist students with Math, ELA, Science, or Social Studies on Thursday from 2:20-3:20. Room 208
Please see Ms. Antonelli, Mr. Soucar, Ms. Manchester, or Ms. Goffe if you have any questions about staying after school.
SHS Music Events for the Year!
Come hear the High School Band and Chorus at these events!
12/12 Music Department Holiday rehearsal & trip to PPAC (Hamilton)
12/13 Holiday Stroll/ Carols @ the gazebo 5pm
12/17 Dress rehearsal during periods 3 & 4
12/18 Holiday Concert 7pm
3/14 & 3/18 POPS Dress rehearsals periods 3 & 4
3/19 POPS Concert 7pm
5/26 Memorial Day Parade meet at the school 9am
5/30 Great East Music Festival
6/6 Graduation
SHS School Counseling
From the School Counseling Department
Attention Seniors:
You and a parent need StudentAid.gov accounts to be FAFSA® form ready! The new 2025–26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is coming by Dec. 1, 2024. Submitting the FAFSA form is the first step to getting federal student grants, scholarships, work-study opportunities, and student loans. Who is eligible for federal student aid? Make your form submission as easy as possible by doing two things. First, create your StudentAid.gov account now. Second, if you’re under 24 years old, have your parents create their account before December 1 as well. Create your StudentAid.gov account or make sure you can access your existing account by signing in to StudentAid.gov. If you’re under 24, get a parent to create their account. Check this chart to confirm whether a parent or spouse also needs to have an account before you can submit your FAFSA form. Having trouble? Get answers to common questions about creating a StudentAid.gov account. Learn more about the FAFSA form at fafsa.gov. What do I need to create a StudentAid.gov account? Name (exactly as it appears on your Social Security card if you have one) Date of birth Personal email address Social Security number (if you have one) Remember: You’ll have only one StudentAid.gov account to use for the rest of your life, so make sure to use an email address that you’ll have access to even after you graduate from school or change jobs. How do I know if a parent or spouse also need to create an account? Check this chart to see whether any other contributors, like a parent or spouse, also need to create an account before you can submit your FAFSA form. If you’re still not sure whether you need a parent to sign your form, confirm if you’re an independent or dependent student. If you’re a dependent student, you (or your parent) can use the Who’s My FAFSA Parent wizard to figure out which parent, guardian or spouse also needs to create an account. What if I don’t have a Social Security number (SSN) or my parent doesn’t have an SSN? If you have an SSN, you must provide it when creating an account. All students must have an SSN to create a StudentAid.gov account unless you are from the Freely Associated States (Micronesia, Marshall Islands, or Palau). Check eligibility here. If you are a parent or spouse who does not have an SSN, you can still create a StudentAid.gov account to contribute to a student’s FAFSA form. When creating your account, leave the SSN field blank and select “What if I don’t have a Social Security number?” If only one parent has an SSN, that parent is the one who should create an account and join the student's FAFSA form as a contributor. Note: if you get a message saying the SSN you entered is already in use when you try to create a StudentAid.gov account, make sure you entered the SSN correctly. If you entered the SSN correctly, then it’s likely you created an account previously or someone else (such as a parent) created an account for you. Try logging in rather than creating a new account. If you have trouble logging in, try resetting your password or using another email address. You can also check with a parent to see if a StudentAid.gov account already exists for you. If you’re sure an account has not already been created, contact the office of Federal Student Aid for more help. Do not attempt to use an ITIN or other value in place of an SSN for online account creation.
Attention Seniors and Parents/Guardians: As we approach December, remember that the FAFSA opens on December 1! If you haven’t already, make sure you have your FSA ID created. Both students and their contributors (parents/guardians) need this ID to complete the FAFSA and access federal student aid. Use this fillable worksheet that will guide you through the creation process and be a resource to keep your log in information for future use. Start gathering your necessary documents now so you’re ready to apply as soon as the FAFSA opens. Don’t miss this crucial step for financial aid—without the FAFSA, you may not be eligible for federal grants or loans.
U.S. Senator Jack Reed’s Annual Financial Aid Night
This is a friendly reminder that U.S. Senator Jack Reed’s Annual Financial Aid Night is quickly approaching. We would love to have students and parents from across the state attend and learn more about this year’s FAFSA process. Please feel free to share this information with your students and families. Please see the details below and flyer for more information.
U.S. Senator Jack Reed’s Annual Financial Aid Night
When: November 26th, 2024
Time: 6-7:30 PM
Where: CCRI Knight Campus (400 East Ave, Warwick, RI 02886)
College Corner!
College Acceptances last week!
Lily Stein - Plymouth State University
Ella Werbecki - University of St. Joseph
BRAG SHEETS are due!
Guidance counselors are still waiting for brag sheets. They need these before they can write recommendation letters. Students should be mindful of their deadlines and submit their brag sheet well in advance.
Applying to Non Common App Schools?
Any students applying to the California Schools or International Schools should inform their cousenlor right away. These are non common application schools so the applications will have different requirements and deadlines that need planning for.
Some schools, most recently URI, have added a self-reporting component to their admissions process. After the application is received by the institution, the student will be prompted to input the entirety of their academic record. The most efficient way to complete this task is to obtain a copy of your high school transcript to use as a reference. Mrs. Erickson or your guidance counselor can provide you with a copy of your transcript, should you need it.
Please Consider Donating
Please consider donating to the Dan Casey Memorial Scholarship Fund. (The scholarship awards graduating Scituate High School seniors on it’s wrestling team, where he taught, coached and was a director of guidance)
Kindly use the below link, (it’s easy) typing in ‘Dan Casey Memorial Scholaship Fund’ in the ‘in memory of’ box. Thank you so much for your support and for your generosity for these students and for helping his legacy live on.
Broadcasting and Media Class
Have Info for the Show??
If you have information you would like shared with the student body like scores of winning games, events you would like students to attend, volunteer opportunities, or anything like that, here is a QR code you can fill out to have your information for the student body to be sent to the Scituate High School Broadcast club to be put in the morning show.
2024-2025 Yearbook!
Purchase an Ad in the Yearbook!
Please help support the Scituate High School
Yearbook by placing your business or non-profit group
advertisement in our 2025 edition.
All ads must be received by December 31, 2024.
Ad size and price list:
Full Page $160
½ Page $ 90
¼ Page $50
Business card $30
Please use this link to place your ad.
If you have any questions, feel free to email Mrs. Scacco or Mrs.
Terceira at sharon.terceira@scituateschoolsri.net
Yearbooks are on sale www.jostens.com
The last day to order a personalized cover is January 5th.
Attention senior parents:
If you would like to place an ad for your senior please visit the site below and follow the directions!
- click yearbook
- click recognition ads
- create a student ad
Due by December 24th
If you need any help reach out to Mrs. Terceira sharon.terceira@scituateschoolsri.net
Seniors- Upload Your Yearbook Picture
2024-2025 Lunch Schedules
Free/Reduced Application
My School Bucks
Student Parking Pass Request Form
NEASC Accreditation Visit Dec. 8th
What is NEASC?
The primary goal of the NEASC public school accreditation process is to provide support and opportunities to develop realistic improvement and growth plans to enhance teaching and learning in order to maintain a quality education for the entire student population.
NEASC SHS Priority Areas
Powerschool Issues?
Email: ParentPortal@ScituateSchoolsRI.net
From our School Nurse
School Nurse Handbook Updates 24/25
From Northwest Special Education - Mark Your Calendars!
Northwest SELAC (Sp Ed Local Advisory Committee) meeting schedule for the 24/25 School Year. All are welcome to attend!
Dec 10, 2024
Feb 11, 2025
May 13, 2025
Meeting Location: Ponaganset Middle School, Room 150
Meeting Time: 6:00pm
SCITUATE SPARTANS 2024 Fall Athletics
Contact our Athletic Director, Sal Gelsomino with any questions!
NCAA National Letter
Below are two links provided by the NFHS to better explain the new NCAA Athletic Aid Agreement replacing the traditional National Letter of Intent.
This information is relevant to guidance and athletic departments.
NCAA Article: What is an athletics aid agreement?
NCAA Eligibility Center – October HS Newsletter: mc97gsxn49y6wmpf4p2n764zq7z1.pub.sfmc-content.com/ebk0pnk01wc
Boys Soccer Honors and Awards
Austin Simas
Congratulations to Austin Simas for being named the 2024 Division III Boys Soccer Player of the Year!
Austin, this incredible achievement is a testament to your hard work, skill, and leadership on and off the field. Your determination and passion for the game have not only earned you this prestigious title but also inspired your teammates and community.
We’re so proud of everything you’ve accomplished, and we can’t wait to see where your journey takes you next. Way to represent Spartan Nation!
Bryant Amaral
A massive congratulations to Bryant Amaral, who has been named the 2024 Boys Soccer Goalkeeper of the Year!
Bryant, your incredible saves, quick reflexes, and unwavering leadership on the field have earned you this well-deserved recognition. Your hard work and determination have been pivotal to the team’s success this season.
This is an incredible achievement, and we’re so proud to have you representing Spartan Nation. Way to go, Bryant!
Girls Soccer Honors
Huge congratulations to Scituate Spartan soccer players Bryn Williams, Dakota Landry, and Sydney Pagnozzi for representing our team in the Division 2 All-Star Game last Saturday!
Your hard work, talent, and dedication shone brightly on the field, and we’re so proud of all you’ve accomplished this season. Way to represent Scituate with pride!
Cheer-leading Fundraiser
The cheer team is accepting donations in order to purchase new competition uniforms. Please consider donating.
Visit our Athletic Website
The Scituate School Department has released an updated non-discrimination policy. Please note that our Scituate High School 2018-2019 student and parent handbook was printed before the new statement was released. Therefore, the non-discrimination policy in this year's handbook is out of date. The current policy with updates is as follows:
The Scituate School Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, race, religion, national origin, color, creed, political affiliation or disability in any of its educational programs and activities, and in employment and application for employment, as required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1965, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and other federal and state laws that prohibit discrimination. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Equal Employment Officer, P.O. Box 188, North Scituate, Rhode Island 02857, Telephone: (401) 647-4100; Email: EEO@ScituateSchoolsRI.net. You may also direct inquiries directly to: Office for Civil Rights (Boston Office), U.S. Department of Education, 8th Floor, 5 Post Office Square, Boston, MA 02109-3921, Telephone: (617) 289-0111; Facsimile: (617) 289-0150; Email: OCR.Boston@ed.gov. If you require an accommodation to attend a meeting or program at a school, call the Equal Employment Officer at least two business days in advance of the meeting or program.