The Wednesday MESSAGE!
Edition #12 October 30, 2024
No School Tuesday November 5th
School will be closed on November 5th for Election Day.
The Salford Hills Spiritwear Store is Open!
Click the link below to get your SH gear! Orders are due by November 6th and should arrive within 3-4 weeks. If you have any questions, please email spiritwear@salfordhillshsa.org.
Girls on the Run Coaches Needed!
Coaches are needed 2 days per week, beginning in February to support our 3-5th grade girls in their journey to the 5k in May!
Email Mrs. Seaman with your interest in helping coach!
Come Learn More About the Salford Hills Renovation Project
Mr. Burns will be doing a presentation with information about the upcoming Salford Hills Renovation Project at the November 12th Home and School Meeting. The Home and School Meeitng will begin at 6:00pm. The presentation will include a general overview of what will be renovated in the building and a walkthrough of the new floor plan layout.
Race for Education
While Race Day has passed, sponsor donations are still being accepted as our total creeps SO close to our fundraising goal! If any family or friends would still like to support a student, donations can be made via:
- Venmo: Log in to Venmo & search for "Salford Hills Home and School Association"
- PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/salfordhillshsa
- Check: made payable to "Salford Hills Home & School" and turn into the main office
Every dollar is gratefully received, deeply appreciated and wisely used to directly support our Salford Hills Community. Thank you for your generosity!
Salford Hills Book Fair
Please Click Below to Volunteer at the Book Fair
Mark Your Calendars for the 2024 Holiday Shoppe!
This year's gift shop will be held during the school day on Thursday, December 5th and Friday, December 6th, and is a great (and optional) opportunity for students to spend up to 25 minutes doing a little holiday shopping for family and friends. There will be a variety of gift items ranging in price from $0.25 to $10.00, with a majority under $5.00. Your child will soon bring home a letter with more information, labels for wrapping, and a money envelope - please check their folders!
Please email holidayshop@salfordhillshsa.org with any questions or concerns.
These events can't happen without volunteers!
Many hands make light work, so please consider signing up for one or more spots to help make this event a success! You can sign up using the link below. Thank You!!
Next Home & School Meeting: Tuesday, Nov. 12th at 6pm in the Cafeteria!
Please join the Home & School Association at our next meeting! This meeting will include both a presentation by Mr. Burns regarding the upcoming SH renovations as well as a brief presentation from the Indian Valley Education Foundation.
Meetings are a great opportunity to meet other parents, learn about HSA events and discover different ways to get involved and volunteer. Bring your ideas, concerns, or questions to the Board and allow the kids to play since childcare is always provided. We hope you'll join us!
Volunteer at Salford Hills!
Salford Hills Home & School Association (HSA) Volunteer Registration Form 2024-25
The HSA invites you to volunteer at Salford Hills this year! The HSA helps coordinate volunteers for classroom activities, social events, school events, etc. As a volunteer, you are welcome to serve as much or as little as you wish. For example, you can volunteer to help during a specific event, lead a committee, help out in your child's classroom and more. There are so many ways to serve Salford Hills and we would love to connect you with opportunities that would be a good fit for you and your family. In order to be contacted regarding these opportunities, you must join our volunteer list by filling out the form below (you must fill this out each year). There is no commitment by joining the volunteer list. By signing up, you will simply join our list to be notified of events needing volunteers and other opportunities to get involved. Thank you for helping serve our students, families, teachers, and staff at Salford Hills!
Clearances should be submitted to Mrs. Landis in the main office or at jlandis@soudertonsd.org.
Questions for Home and School?
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can reach out via board@salfordhillshsa.org to contact all four board members: president (Heather Zeigler), vice-president (Desiree Bonkoski), secretary (Cassandra Clemens), treasurer (Adria Zane).
First In Math Player of The Week
First in Math Team of the Week
Story Book Pumpkins
Salford Hills students created storybook pumpkins based on some of their favorite story characters.
Character Counts Colors
5th grade students rocked their Character Counts colors!
October Story Walk on the Nature Trail
Students at Salford Hills enjoy a great walk through all the fall colors on our story walk trail.
Paying for Your Child's Lunch
2024-2025 School Calendar
Elementary CYCLE DAY Calendar
Salford Hills Elementary School
Fundamentally committed to each other, we at Salford Hills are a caring community of learners who value each individual’s intrinsic worth and potential.
In our supportive environment, learners are encouraged to achieve high standards by developing responsibility for their learning through authentic experiences that require hard work, critical thinking and reflection.
Learning is a process that positively impacts the future.
Website: http://salfordhills.soudertonsd.org/
Location: 2721 Barndt Road, Harleysville, PA, United States
Phone: 610-287-9197
Twitter: @SASD_SalfordHil