Bluffsview Connections
January 3rd, 2025
A NEW Year!
Bear Families,
Hopefully the winter break has been restful and rejuvenating for your family! My family enjoyed the slower pace and time spent together. We love family game night and thanks to some recommendations from friends and teachers we found a few new favorites!
-What do you meme? Family Edition
-The Mind Card Game by Pandasaurus (also check out The Game)
-Code Names
-Genius Star (one of our all time favorites and also a fav of MANY Bluffsview Bears, check out Genius Square for the younger kids).
As we look to 2025, let's commit to slowing down a little, putting our devices down more and really spending intentional time together. The connections we make can help our kids as learners and also just as content humans. It is so hard, trust me with two teenagers at home, I know! However, it is worth the effort and some day our kids will thank us (even if it is in their own way). Cheers to 2025! I'm looking forward to spending it together at Bluffsview!
Honored to be a Bear,
Julie L. Payne, Principal
Stay Calm: Parent On
Still on the fence about family game night?! We know it can be hard, but trust us it's worth it! Check out this article on the benefits!
Sincerely, Alexandra Skura, Counselor and Julie Payne, Principal
Reflections 2024- The Results are IN!
Here is the final wrap up of Reflections for “Accepting Imperfections” this year!
Bluffsview had a total of 18 submissions! This is more than any other school in the district! We have a very talented bunch! A HUGE THANK YOU, to you, Mrs. Schumer, for promoting this with the students!!!
The first place and second place winners for category at each level were submitted today to the District competition. The entries that did not make it that far will be on display at Bluffsview! We should have District Results back by January 13th. Those entries that do not advance to State will be returned.
Below are all the participants and winners:
PRIMARY: Grades K-2
· Film Production
o Smith Elsea – 1st place
· Photography
o Leif Tomlin – 1st place
· Visual Arts
o Palmer Elsea – 1st place
o Myles Stack – 2nd place
o Elaine Weatherington – Honorable Mention
o Scarlett Weatherington – Honorable Mention
o Lily Cossin – Honorable Mention
· Dance
o Abel Ash – 1st place
· Film Production
o Maddie Phillips – 1st place
· Literature
o Maddie Phillips – 1st place
· Visual Arts
o Eva Williams – 1st place
o Jason Law – 2nd place
o Rylan Kwiatkowski – 3rd place
o Lyla Stack – Honorable Mention
o Maddie Phillips – Honorable Mention
o Harley Stover – Honorable Mention
o Maeve McGlone – Honorable Mention
o Joshua Gonzalez- 1st place
Great success for this year!! Looking forward to next year!
THANK YOU to Colleen Remboldt for leading this again this year! We appreciate your time and energy in making this possible!
THANK YOU, Mr. Porter, for 33 years of SERVICE!
Mr. Porter helped open Bluffsview and has been caring for the building, staff and students ever since. He retired before break and will be GREATLY missed! We welcome Dustin Bachman as our day custodian! If you see Dusty around the building, please welcome him!
Before Break FUN!!!
Our Green Team!!! Thank you for your service!
THANK YOU to all who signed up! You can still join us, if you want.
Stay Calm and Parent On: Parenting Resources
We need your input!
Is your child or children having trouble sleeping, socializing, putting down their screen or paying attention? In his book, The Anxious Generation, Jonathan Haidt helps educators, parents and all who work with children and adolescents to look not only at the impact of screens, but what we can do about it. Jon says, "I wrote The Anxious Generation with a firm belief that the challenges confronting our children and our families are solvable. However, addressing these challenges requires understanding the traps we have fallen into, so we can see the escape routes. The main escape routes are four new norms, four steps that are hard for any one family to do on its own, but they become much easier if we can coordinate and act together. The book and the website ( are designed to facilitate discussion among friends, family, book clubs, educators, and communities, in order to change norms and reclaim human life for all generations".
If you are interested in learning more consider joining together in dialogue around this topic and discussing how, as a Bluffsview Community, we can help combat the influence of technology. Please let us know if you are interested in joining us and what time would work best for you by filling in the Google Form linked below! Thank you, Julie Payne, principal; Alexandra Skura, school counselor; and Jessica Ansari, instructional coach
Infinite Campus Email Delivery Change
Starting Dec 2, 2024, the email address you receive email communications from Infinite Campus will change. Emails will be delivered from For more information on how to ensure safe delivery, please see our Parent Guide: Email Safe Sender information.
Worthington Parent Portal Changes
Starting Jan 3, 2025, the old site will no longer be accessible. The vendor who owns and supports the system our portal site is built on is no longer supporting it.
The items from the old portal are now available from your Infinite Campus portal in the “More” section in “Parent Access Links”. Here is a guide to help you navigate this change: Parent Access Link.
We also recommend updating any browser bookmarks you may have.
PTA Meeting Dates
Please mark your calendars and join us!
First meeting of the year is Monday, January 13th at 7pm in the library and Zoom. We would LOVE to see you there! Remember that FREE childcare is available in the gym.
Kindergarten Registration Opens January 6th, 2025!
We are thrilled to announce that kindergarten registration for the 2025-26 school year will open on January 6th, 2025. Visit our kindergarten Welcome Center website for information about the registration process and requirements.
We are excited to announce that starting in the 2025-26 school year, Worthington Schools will be offering universal, no-cost all-day kindergarten for all students. This program will provide a strong foundation for learning and allow us to better meet the needs of every child in our community.
For more details about Worthington's All-Day Kindergarten, you can read Superintendent Dr. Bowers blog or watch a presentation about kindergarten from a recent board meeting.
We can’t wait to welcome our newest learners to our schools!
We will go outside even on cold days (we do indoor recess when the temperature with the wind-chill is below 20 degrees)! Please be sure your child is dressed for the weather and LABEL all their hats, gloves, boots and coats. Our lost and found is FULL and we would love to get gear back to its owner. If it is snowy, your child can play in the snow, if they are wearing boots. We want to avoid cold and wet feet! Thanks for your help on this so we can enjoy the winter together!
Upcoming Dates for Your Calendar
January, 2025
Jan 6 School Resumes
Jan 13 PTA Meeting, 7 pm, Bluffsview Library
Jan 20 No School - MLK day
Jan 16 4th grade Field Trip- SWACO and StatehouseJan 13-17 Spirit Week for whole school (fundraiser for 5th grade ONLY)
Jan 27 5th grade to WKHS for Music Intro
Jan 31 5th Grade Biz Town
The calendar for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year is at this link.
Happy New Year! See you in 2025!
Be sure you receive emails from Worthington Schools!
Worthington Schools is planning a change in how our Infinite Campus email is delivered. We plan to make the change before the end of this calendar year.
Prior to the change, all parents of students in Worthington Schools should view the brief parent guide linked below to ensure that emails continue to get delivered to your email inbox.
Is your child going to be absent?!
When your child can't come to school it is important to let the office know. You can do this in two ways-
1) Call 614-450-5100 and report the absence.
2) Email
Please be sure to communicate your child's name, date of the absence and reason for the absence.
THANK YOU! If you communicate it in any other way it might not get communicated to the right people and we may call looking for your child. This causes undue panic. Thanks for your help on this!
Need Help with Tech?!
IF you missed it and you need help with technology, here are the things that were shared so that you can make sure you are receiving all the information and are able to help your child at home.