The Delevan Digest
October 2024

From the Principal's Desk
Dear Delevan Families,
October has flown by here at Delevan and our students are really starting to get in a groove. At the end of the month we finished up our Delevan is against bullying initiative. This was spearheaded by our mental health team who also went into the classrooms to educate our students on the importance of being kind to everyone. We also had a lot of fun events from celebrating homecoming with a spirit week and concluding it with our first pep rally. The students really got into cheering on their teachers as they competed. We also had fire prevention day for our students where they even got to see mercy flight. Lastly, we finished up with our Halloween parties and parades. The creative costumes that our students wore were absolutely incredible.
This November I would just like to remind everyone of a few important dates. November 8th is a half day for students. November 25th and 26th are parent teacher conference days and then the 27th - 29th we are off for Thanksgiving break.
Wishing you and your families the best!
Mr. Jansma
Upcoming Dates:
- November 4th: HSA McDonald's Pancake Night
- November 5th: Picture Retakes
- November 8th: Half-Day ELEMENTARY ONLY
- November 11th: NO SCHOOL- Veterans Day
- November 25th: Parent Teacher Conferences- NO SCHOOL ELEMENTARY ONLY
- November 26th: NO SCHOOL- Parent Teacher Conferences
- November 27th-29th: NO SCHOOL- Thanksgiving Recess
Students of the Month
During the month of September we were very busy working on our school pledge: RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE & SAFE. These students were nominated by teachers and staff for going above and beyond our school pledge! Congratulations to our Students of the Month for September:
Kindergarten- Elizabeth Ball, Lyla Feldman & Calvin McCabe
1st Grade- River Abrams, Lyla Flederbach, Hadley Gwise
& Declan Hostottle
2nd Grade- Aiden Baker, Blake Rauscher & Andrea Sebzda
3rd Grade- Bo Andrews, Maximus Andrews & Alexa Fechter
4th Grade- Emily Heim, Sophia Petrillo & Abigail Stender
Thank you to our families for coming to our breakfast to celebrate these students!
Homecoming Spirit Week!
Delevan's First Annual Pep Rally!
Fire Prevention Day!
Delevan's Spooktacular Night
Kindergarten ABC Fashion Show
Halloween Fun!
Free/Reduced Lunch
Pioneer Central School District is participating in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program this school year. CEP is a federal program that allows eligible schools to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students. Every Pioneer student receives one free breakfast and one free lunch every school day. Nothing about the meals themselves has changed, and they all still meet the same nutritional standards they always have.
We will continue to collect the Education Benefits Form (formally meal application form) from families because this data is used to qualify the district for many forms of funding our schools. These funds help the district provide specialized services and school supplies directly to students that support ALL children in our schools. Forms can be filled out online at the link below or paper copy (available at the greeters desk). Information for families is included in the return to learn student folders.
Please contact Heidi Miles at hmiles@pioneerschools.org with any questions.