Daniel Wright

Sounds of Spring
Daniel Wright students practice individually and in small groups for hours perfecting their musical and art talents. Watch this brief video about students' perseverance in the arts, narrated by Band Teacher Rob Yaple. To learn more about D103's Portrait of a Graduate, please visit the portrait website.
- Chorus Spring Concert and Recognition Ceremony (Grades 6–8) will take place Thursday, May 11, at 6:30 p.m. at DW. Chorus students will stay after school for rehearsal. A pizza dinner will be provided.
- The DW Show Choir traveled to local retirement communities last week to perform in front of enthusiastic audiences. “Residents at Sunrise and Brookdale were delighted to host our performers and our Show Choir students benefited from opportunities for community engagement," said Choral Director Matthew Clark. Please visit the school's Google Doc folder for pictures of the performances and interactions with residents.
- Stevenson High School Consortium Art Show Tuesday, May 16, will feature our talented artists.
National Competitors
DW Science Bowl returned from Washington, D.C., late Monday with a national first-place trophy in the cyber technology challenge. The five-member team coached by Tony Hafner and Maggie Patel also represented Illinois on the national stage by making it to the double-elimination round in the academic challenge. Students included Ananya Iyer, Whenhan Li, Sanjay Senthilnathan, Anirudh Srinivasan, and Eric Zhang. Great job team! The U.S. Department of Energy National Science Bowl® is a nationwide academic competition that tests students’ knowledge in all areas of science and mathematics. Enjoy pictures from the competition.
Sectional Champs
Congratulations to the Warriors Scholastic Bowl Team for winning sectionals on Monday. The team will now compete on Friday, May 5, at state in Peoria. Great job coaches Jan Lamberti and Allyson Ward and team members Rishab Konada, Cady Munkhbayar, Ani Srinivasan, Vibhav Vosa, Ethan Wang, Netra Wuppalapati, Chelsea Zhao, Ananya Anand, Nikhilan Rathinakumar, Spencer Manning, Rishi Vasireddy, Eeshan Gudapati, Joseph Neela, Eric Zhang, Neil Malpani, Arjun Rajkumar, Ahan Acharya, Svasti Srivastava, Brendan Kim, Grace Xing, and Ethan Lertpatanakul.
Teacher Appreciation
District 103 formally recognizes its 188 certified staff during National Teacher Appreciation Week May 1 through May 5. The district’s Parent Teacher Organization is showing its appreciation with the theme of “You’re a Star! Come Walk the VIP Red Carpet.” The PTO is recognizing teachers throughout the week with lunch, treats, and other acts of kindness for their work both in and beyond the classrooms. Thanks to all the parents who donated items to TAW and volunteered their time. The Board of Education is also thanking its teachers with a luncheon this week.
“Teachers have created a wonderful learning environment for our students, supported our families, and worked together to ensure our students succeed. I am proud of the hard work and dedication our teachers exhibit day-in and day-out. Thank you all for making D103 a great place to learn and grow!” said Superintendent Scott Warren.
Team Places 1st in Math Contest
Daniel Wright placed 1st overall on Saturday, April 29, in the Stevenson Consortium Math Competition.
DW also placed first in both the seventh- and eighth-grade written test and on the eight-person test. DW further placed second in the seventh-grade two-person competition and first place in the eighth-grade two-person test.
Dannan Li placed first as eighth-grade individual winner and Alex Gou as second individual winner. Adrian Gualdron placed 4th and Amarjot Singh placed 5th as seventh-grade individual winners. The most improved contender from 2022 to 2023 award went to Alex Gou.
Celebrate National Prevention Week
- The celebration is an annual national health observance focused on increasing the prevention of substance use and the promotion of mental health.
- Each year, communities and organizations across the country come together to raise awareness about the importance of substance use prevention and mental health promotion.
- Some schools are placing yard signs with healthy messages on campus during the month of May.
- You can do your part by keeping an open dialogue with your child about responsible decision making and making healthy choices.
Alumni Day: Throwback Tuesday
Lost and Found
Stop by the front hallway and look through DW's Lost and Found. We have many unclaimed items including water bottles, jackets, lunch boxes, and more. Unclaimed items will be donated when school ends on Thursday, June 1.
Eighth-Grade Graduation & End of Year Information
We are quickly approaching the end of the school year and all of the exciting events for our eighth-graders. Eighth-grade graduation and year-end information can be found on the DW website.
Leave a Legacy Behind
What a wonderful way to leave your mark in the district by gifting your graduating student a legacy brick that will be installed in the Daniel Wright walkway. Please visit the LFF website to purchase your special brick today from the D103 Learning Fund Foundation.
District News
Returning Student Registration
- Returning Student Registration – The registration window is open through Friday, June 2. To ensure your child is included in first round class/course scheduling, we ask that all families complete the online registration form for each child no later than Friday, June 2.
- Registration Directions – Families will access returning registration through the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Families should have received registration instructions. If you have not created a PowerSchool Parent Portal account, please contact your child's school for further information. For all other questions, please contact PowerSchool@d103.org.
- Residency Verification – Returning student residency verification is now performed by the district throughout the school year. Families will no longer be required to submit documentation as they have in previous years.
PTO Partnership
Scott S. Guziec Volunteer of the Year Award
We are fortunate to live in a school district that encourages and supports parent/guardian involvement through volunteerism.
The PTO would like to recognize a District 103 volunteer who has dedicated his or her time and talents to our schools with the "Scott S. Guziec Volunteer of the Year Award". Anyone may nominate a deserving person for this award. All nominees and nominators remain confidential; however, nominations cannot be made anonymously.
NOMINATIONS ARE DUE BY MONDAY, MAY 8. The award recipient will be announced in May.
Dawn Anderson Volunteer Angel Award
Each year, the PTO recognizes a volunteer who exemplifies the commitment of Dawn Anderson to District 103. Dawn generously volunteered for District 103, the D103 PTO and in our community. We now award a volunteer that demonstrates that commitment. The nominee must be someone whose youngest child is an eighth-grade student so that this volunteer will be "graduating" from District 103. The volunteer should be someone who has committed his or her time over several years to our District, including volunteering for the PTO.
7th-Grade End-of-Year Pizza Party
Volunteers are needed for the seventh-grade end of year pizza party. The event takes place at North Park 11:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, May, 31. Volunteers will assist with setting up, passing out pizza, water, candy, clean up, and monitoring students. Please sign up on Membership Toolkit today!
6th-Grade Field Day
Help the sixth-graders celebrate the last days of school (or end of the school year)! We are looking for volunteers to assist with set up, and run games and activities for Sixth-Grade Field Day. The event is Wednesday, May 31, in the afternoon. It will be held at Daniel Wright School and will mostly be outside, if the weather cooperates. Please sign up on Membership Toolkit today.
Run for D103 5K Registration
Community News
STEMgirls Camp
SHS Dance Auditions
Stevenson High School's Mélange and Repertory dance company general auditions will be held from 3:45 to 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 10, and Thursday, May 11, Stevenson High School.
First Responders Expo
Fire Safety Expo & Law Enforcement Expo 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, May 20, Gurnee Mills floor and decor parking lot. Join us for a family-friendly event filled with activities, food, fire safety tips, squad cars, demonstrations, and give-a-ways.
Kentucky Derby Gala: Fundraiser for Riverside Foundation
The Riverside Foundation is a not-for-profit community based organization serving adults with moderate-to-severe intellectual and developmental disabilities. The foundation provides a home and support services for more than 500 adults at the campus located along the Des Plaines river in Lincolnshire. The Riverside Foundation is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)3 charitable organization that is dependent upon donations and fundraising efforts from the community. One of this year’s fundraisers is the Kentucky Derby Gala on Saturday May 6, at the Marriott Resort in Lincolnshire. For more information about Riverside and to reserve tickets for the gala, please visit this website Riverside Foundation Homepage.
Summer Music Camp
AMI Summer Music Camp (July 17-21) takes place at American Music Institute's (non-profit org) Clarendon Hills Campus.
- Beginner through Advanced Camps
- Open to ages 5-18 years-old
- Tuition ($500)
- All instruments welcome
- Aftercare available
Daniel Wright Information
- Principal Michelle Blackley, Ed.D.
- Assistant Principal Nina Nusbaum, Ed.D.
- Assistant Principal Melody Littlefair
- 847-604-5280
- Dw_attendance@d103.org