The Hornet Buzz
January 22-January 31
To empower, enrich, and enlighten students to reach their full potential while respecting our past.
Greetings from Mrs. Musick
Dear Parents/Guardians,
It is our first normal week in a while where we are wearing normal clothes and having normal routines! However, seeing Homecoming week in a PreK-12th grade building for the first time was pretty remarkable. I went to and taught at a school where the grades were in separate buildings so I never got to experience it school wide. It was amazing to see our whole building get into the spirit dress up days, the community members coming in and judging our high school, the daily lunch activities for high school, our whole school pep assembly, coronation, and the basketball games. I left here late Friday evening excited for all the memories that were created for our students that week. I was also so proud of the work many of my staff members did to plan, set up, and create the amazing displays we had in the gym hallway and for coronation.
If you were a judge who came in during homecoming week, we thank you for your time and willingness to partner with our school for such a fun and tough job of deciding who was really the best dressed for the spirit week! Thank you to all who participated in the liking of your favorite photos on our Facebook page--you all kept the week fun for us too! Thank you to all who came and supported our students on Friday--it was a packed gym! We are so thankful for our community support of our students and school. You are a huge reason our school and students are so successful.
Please be sure to be paying attention to the weather and making sure your child has a coat. It is bitterly cold this week. There has also been some sickness going around and we hope to have everyone healthy again soon! Please be sure to continue good hand washing and disinfecting. Also remember to avoid sending your child to school if they have a temperature of 100.4 or higher. They must be fever free for at least 24 hours to return. Thank you to the many parents who have called in to let us know and who have been making sure to get homework to their child. We appreciate that!
Ashley Musick
St. Elizabeth Principal
Upcoming Events
Reminder that sports events are subject to change. Our facebook page and textcaster will update if there are ever any changes.
January 20-25: GB @ Osage Tournament, BB @ Iberia Tournament
January 24: Archery @ St. Thomas
January 27: PTO Meeting @ 4:30, BB VS Chamois @ Home 6:00, GB @ Osage (make up) 6:00
January 28: GB @ Fatima 6:00, BB VS Hermitage @ Home 6:00
January 29: District FBLA @ Lebanon
January 30: 2nd Quarter Honor Roll Breakfast, High School Scholar Bowl
January 31: BB/GB @ Calvary Lutheran, Archery at Fatima
February 1: Archery @ Fatima
Upcoming Events for your Calendar
February 3: JH and HS Scholar Bowl at Eugene
February 5: Mid Quarter
February 10-14: FBLA Week
February 14: Early Out at 12:09 for Teacher PD, Anglers Fish Fry 4:00-7:00
February 17: No School
February 18: NAEP Testing for 8th Grade
February 19: Board Meeting
February 24-28: BB/GB Districts
February 28: Spring Photos and Sports
Box Tops
Box Tops News
The winning class for scanning the most BoxTops last year was this year’s Fifth Graders! Thank you to all who scanned receipts for Box Tops for our school last year; we earned $163! This money is used for extra classroom materials and activities for our students. Downloading the app is a fairly quick process and taking a picture of your receipts with the app, before you even leave the store if you wish, is a simple habit to get into! They have also made it easier to submit digital receipts.
Step-by-Step Guide to Box Tops App
Step 1: Download Box Tops for Education App and Log in
Step 2: Find a School (Type in 65075, Select School)
Step 3: Complete Profile (Must be 18 to use)
To Earn Box Tops
Step 1: Click Scan (App will guide you through the steps to scan your receipt)
Step 2: Credit a Class (If you choose to)
- After you scan, click the Credit button
- Type your choice of grade level (K-8)
- Click Done/Submit
We have started the archery season. We have shot at Calvary Lutheran already and had several students already qualify for state. Archers will be at St. Thomas this week and Fatima next week.
High School Tier 3:
Harper Kemna
Middle School Tier 2:
Claire Gibson
Kane Kemna
Cooper Lueckenotto
Duncan McDonnell
Abram Wankum
Middle School Tier 3:
Cooper Coleman
Josie Musick
Gavin Werdehausen
Elementary Tier 1:
Henry Wilde
Elementary Tier 2:
Hudson Kemna
Elementary Tier 3:
Brennan Doerhoff
Kiptyn Green
Academic Bowl
The High School and Junior High Scholar Bowl teams competed against Calvary Lutheran and Prairie Home in a practice triad. Congratulations to Sarah Backes and Harper Kemna for being the top scorers for the high school team. Congratulations to Duncan McDonnell for being the top scorer on the junior high team.
Their next event is on January 30th for the High School Scholar Bowl.
We are currently in the Osage and Iberia tournaments.
Make up games so far are:
GB @ Osage Monday, January 27th 6:00
GB @ Blair Oaks Saturday, February 15th 12:00
GB VS Eugene @ Home February 21st 6:00
Positive Office Referrals
I have loved seeing kids in the office for positive things!
Congrats to the following students for earning one for the week of January 13-17th:
Hannah Bax
Easton Blain
Augusta Schanzmeyer
Braxton Wilde
Reid Evers
Homecoming Court
Congratulations to our 2025 Homecoming Court, Aiden Otto, Landon Plassmeyer, Carter Reinkemeyer, Gavin Williams, Grace Wieberg, Addison Kesel, Allie Williams, and Olivia Oligschlaeger.
Our King Runner Up is Carter Reinkemeyer and Queen Runner Up is Grace Wieberg!
Our 2025 King is Gavin Williams and our 2025 Queen is Olivia Oligschlaeger!
Thank you to our retiring King and Queen, Dani Heckemeyer and Cole Wilde.
Homecoming Spirit Stick
Congratulations to our Spirit Stick winners, our Sophomores!
2nd place was Freshman.
3rd place was Juniors.
4th place was Seniors.
Photos from our two weeks!
Reminders for the School Year
Home Basketball Games: To help with supervision, here are a few reminders: The cafeteria should be off limits during games. Students in grades 6 and below should be accompanied by an adult. If your child is going to play outside during the game, please know they are your responsibility. We are starting to pull out the bleachers by the stage to increase our seating. Please try to avoid sitting on stage--we try to save that for managers, admin, and keep that area free of distraction to our scorekeepers. Thank you!
Change to your child's end of day routine: Please be sure to let the office know of any changes to end of day routine by 2:30. Please know without a note, call to office, or email to teacher, we will have to send them home their normal way. Be sure we are notified if there is a change.
Unprepared: Students in grades 5-12 can be marked unprepared. Once class starts, students are unprepared if they don't have their book, notes, homework, chromebook, or charger. It can also be marked unprepared for an uncharged chromebook. Once a student gets three, a note will go home. Once they receive the 4th, a phone call will be made by me and they will have to serve a detention. More detentions come after the 4th unprepared if more are given. These will restart at semester.
Coats/Jackets: With the change in weather, please make sure your child is coming with a coat or jacket!