Klatt Weekly Update
August 27th, 2024
📆 AUGUST CALENDAR mark the date ✅
🎽 Klatt Puma SWAG for SALE!!!! 🎽
🍿 Popcorn Fridays are ON!!!!! 🍿
👀 Looking Forward into September 👀
🚦NO SCHOOL, September 2nd🚦
Running Club BEGINS 🏃🏿
Make sure to ask your child for their permission slip!!!!!
2nd through 5th ONLY
Have your permission slips SIGNED........
Return signed permission slips to the front office
Photoscreening with the Lions Club
Thursday, September 5th
This is a test to identify children with possible visual defects which place a child at risk for developing amblyopia (lazy eye). This is a quick screen using an optical image in which the student will sit in a chair and ask to look at a camera.
*** It is very important the child wears his glasses if they have already been prescribed.***
Klatt Open House
📸 FALL Picture Day 📸
🛑 When you see this- KEEP IT!!! 🛑
Your child's student ID, will be printed on the upper right hand corner of this handout.
This ID allows you to order pictures!!!!!
WITHOUT this ID, you WILL NOT be able to order pictures.
** (RETAKE DAY, Oct 21st) **
💃🏼 Multicultural Night 🎉
🌟 Student of the Week 🌟
Positive Attitude, Responsible Actions, Motivated to Learn and Practices Safety
James Morse
Student of the Week in Mrs. Anderson's Class
William De Jesus Rangel
Student of the Week in Ms. Roehls Class
Patrick Lake
Student of the Week in Mrs. Rogers Class
Makayla Mullis
Student of the Week in Mr. Victors Class
Leilani Hobson-Delkittie
Student of the Week in Mrs. Headleys Class
Jensen Tweedley
Student of the Week in Mrs. Stotts Class
Ellis Sommer
Student of the Week in Mrs. Stinnet-Voss' Class
Jace Wood
Student of the Week in Ms. Gaines Class
🧩 How can we HELP you? 🧩
Alison Young-Marquez
Klatt A.A
Katherine Bitters-Schwarz
Klatt School Secretary