Avon Lake City Schools
-From The Desk of the Superintendent-

Dear ALCS families,
We made it through the first week of school even with the bumps along the way thanks to Mother Nature!
It was wonderful to see the smiles and excitement as students entered our buildings on the first day of school. I already see so much engagement in the classrooms. Thank you to everyone for your passion and dedication.
Shout out to all of our staff who worked tirelessly throughout the summer to prepare for the new school year.
Thank you for your patience as we transitioned into using our PaySchools platform for foodservice accounts, which balances have now been transferred over. PaySchools is able to accept account information and deposit of funds. PaySchools is the same platform families are already using to pay school fees.
Another transition taking place within our district is our staff account email domains which will now be @alcsoh.org for all users beginning today (Friday, August 25 at 3:30 p.m.) The transition will not cause any interruption of email services, but you will notice email addresses will look different. My email address is now joelle.magyar@alcsoh.org.
Our school district uses our SchoolMessenger system to communicate directly to families regarding items such as school closings, news/events, etc. If you are not receiving our SchoolMessenger communications, please check your phone number(s) in PowerSchool. The message center pulls data daily into the system so it will call the number(s) in PowerSchool. Please make sure your number(s) are accurate and that there is at least one number in the “emergency number” as that is what is called during an emergency message. Please see the information below in this Superintendent's Message regarding opting in/out to receive text alerts.
It was an honor for our school district to receive a special Resolution last week from State Representative Joseph A. Miller, III - House District 53, on behalf of the members of the House of Representatives of the 135th General Assembly of Ohio to congratulate the ALCS on our 100th anniversary milestone.
As we celebrate our 101st anniversary this school year, we continue planning for our future through the Building ALegacy campaign. We have kept the community updated through this process with a series of community forums, school newsletters, stories in the local media, social media, and district website.
I invite all of you to come to the next Community Forum which will take place Thursday, Sept. 28 at 6:30 p.m. in the Commons at Avon Lake High School, 175 Avon Belden Road. For a complete summary of the project campaign, as well as an FAQ, please click here.
In addition to the project summary and FAQ information, we are creating a series of videos that will highlight the state of our current facilities. It is eye-opening to see the condition of many of our buildings. Thank you to Dr. Ned Lauver (director of operations), Scott Herrick (video production) and our entire Avon Lake Video Production team for creating the videos. To view the first video, click here.
Please reach out with any thoughts, questions and comments. I look forward to continue meeting the Avon Lake community. Reminder to follow me on X (Twitter) @ALCSsuper
#ALexcellence to ALite!
Joelle Magyar
Upcoming events
Sept. 4: No school (Labor Day)
Sept. 8: Fireworks after the home football game, courtesy of the Avon Lake Football Club
Sept. 22: Homecoming football game vs. Amherst
Sept. 23: Homecoming parade
Sept. 28: Community Forum
(For a complete list of district events, click here)
Sporting event ticket information
Individual event ticket prices for 2023-24 have been set by the Southwestern Conference (SWC). To view ticket prices, click here. Cash is also now being accepted at events.
There are some slight changes from the previous few school years. Notably, senior citizens (60+) will now be admitted FREE to all of the Southwestern Conference schools’ regular season events.
Please bring proof of age (driver’s license or equivalent) to any SWC event to pick up your pass. An SWC Senior Citizen pass will allow the holder into any SWC regular season game, but are not applicable for post season games or tournaments. For a complete summary of ticket information, click here.