Inglewood Primary School
NEWSLETTER No 12 - 16 August 2024
Our Mission:
Learning to think, to do, to be
Ako ki te whakaaro, ako ki te mahi, ako kia ora ai te mauri
Our Vision: To provide a teaching and learning environment where of those involved: demonstrate respect, expect the best, achieve through opportunity, communicate actively & feel good and safe
REACH Goal Week 2: Be humble, be kind, be generous
Te Reo Goal: Kia whakaiti, kia atawhai, kia atawhaiia atawhai
Over the last two weeks we have had so much going on! Last week our Science Quiz Team went to Highlands to compete against other Taranaki schools, while they didn't gain a top 3 experience they enjoyed themselves.
Our 7&8 Math Quiz Teams attended the Methanex Math Quiz this week at NPBHS and bth represented IPS well!
St Pats hosted our Kahui Ako EPro8 teams last week, we had 16 students attend and learn all about making gear boxes, then creating automated drum sets and fishing rods.
Our Evolocity Crew are busy building their electric car ready for pre race scrutineering in a few weeks. The car is running and the team are now working hard to make it look cool!
Mrs Tracy White
Deputy Principal
Boccia Tournament
On Thursday 15th August, 7 students from Stratford Primary School travelled to Inglewood Primary for a Boccia tournament with our He Awhi Taonga students. Boccia is a ball sport similar to Petanque and bowls and can be played by people of all abilities.
The students all had a wonderful time playing Boccia together and loved receiving their medals and certificates. We finished our tournament with a lovely shared kai celebration. Congratulations to all the students involved.
Thank you to Parafed and The Halberg Foundation for coming along and supporting us with the running of the event.
If you are collecting your children from the classroom before 3pm, please remember to sign them out at the school office. This is health & safety requirement for our School.
Also, we would appreciate all parents who have children in the Panitahi classrooms, to please wait outside the classroom each day until the bell goes and the teachers release the children. We also ask that no pre-schoolers go into the classroom until this time also. This is a distraction for the children in the class and the teachers are wanting to tidy up and give out any last minute notices to the students at the end of the day.
Students of the Week - Term 3 Weeks 3 & 4
Panitahi Whanau - Naki Plumbing & Gas
Joevan Bandiwan
For always showing his REACH values and making great progress in all areas of the curriculum. Ka Pai Joevan.
Pouākai Whanau - BasePro Lining & Agricultural
Emma Bannan
For an amazing attitude and progress in your learning. You have been working so hard, Miharo Emma!!
Tokomaru Whanau - RJ Mason Transport Ltd
Hollie Samways
for making Mrs Bailey feel welcome in Tokomaru. She shows positivity towards all learning tasks.
Waiongana Iti Whanau - Drain Master
Mila Minnear
For having a positive attitude with her learning and being a focused and hardworking student who produces mahi of a high standard. Ka rawe Mila!
Puke Haupapa Whanau - Jacqui Hemi Mike Pero Mortgages
Elisha Nielsen
For always showing his REACH manners and helping others with their work. Ka pai Elisha!
Panitahi Whanau - Naki Plumbing & Gas
Madison Chilcott
For having a positive attitude towards your learning. Also for demonstrating the school REACH values while being a kind and helpful friend!
Ka pai Madison!
Pouākai Whanau - BasePro Lining & Agricultural
Xavier Rawiri-Gear
For your awesome effort during speech writing. You should be proud!
Tino pai, Xavier!
Tokomaru Whanau - RJ Mason Transport Ltd
For settling well into his new classroom
Tokomaru Whanau - RJ Mason Transport Ltd
Thea Paul
For amazing effort during P.E and X country training.
Waiongana Iti Whanau - Drain Master
Freya Baeyertz
For contributing in class and being BRAVE enough to take a big risk in a class game of Yahtzee in a win/lose situation and having amazing REACH manners when learning in our classroom. Pāia!
Puke Haupapa Whanau - Jacqui Hemi Mike Pero Mortgages
Ivy Suter
For being brave and giving everything a go! You are trying new things and can be proud of what you are able to achieve.
Please support our Student of the Week Sponsors
School Roll
Our current school roll is 413.
Welcome to Mawene Oorthius-Walsh, Piper Kivell, Morris Ingham Leeny Seong and Emi May Kahui Ratu who have joined us at IPS over the last couple of weeks.
ParentLink News
Please like our IPS ParentLink page to keep updated with fundraising events and meetings.
This is a fabulous group of parents supporting our school.
Disco Dance Party: Our fabulous Parent group are holding a Disco Dance Party on Friday 20 September in the School Hall. We look forward to seeing you all there!
Outstanding School Accounts
All school accounts were sent home with children this week. We kindly remind you of the outstanding balance on some school accounts. Your prompt payment is greatly appreciated or a regular automatic payment set up. By paying these accounts, our school uses these funds for educational resources, activities, utilities, wages and school maintenance.
We understand that financial situations can change, and we are committed to working with families to find solutions. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact our school office to discuss payment arrangements.
Thank you to the families who are continuing to pay on a regular basis or have paid their account in full.
IPS Logo Clothing
Come and grab a bargain while stocks last. Fleece Jacket was $30 now $15, Showerproof Pants was $20 now $10 and Showerproof Jacket was $30 now $15. All prices are while stocks last. Still available to purchase the hoodies and school shirts which are not on sale.
Yummy Stickers
Yummy stickers are found on fruit. Please keep collecting these for free sports equipment for our school. Extra sticker sheets are available from the school office.
Scholastic Book Club
Issue 5 has gone home with all children this week. These are due back to the office by Friday 6th September.
Out of Zone Enrolments for Term 4 2024
Enrolment at Inglewood School is governed by an enrolment scheme, details of which are available on the school website or from the school office.
The board is now inviting applications from parents who wish to enrol their children at Inglewood Primary School starting within Term 4 2024.
All applications must be received by 3pm Monday 9 September for Term 3 2024. If a ballot for out of zone places is required, it will be held on Wednesday 11 September 2024. Parents will be informed of the outcome of the ballot within three school days of the ballot being held.
The board has determined that 10 places from Year 1-5 are likely to be available for out-of-zone students within Term 4 2024. The exact number of places will depend on the number of applications received from students who live within the school’s home zone. Parents of students who live within the home zone and intend enrolling their child at any time during the year should notify the school to assist the school to plan appropriately.
The application form for enrolment is available from the school website, or from the school office.
Please note, that if the number of out-of-zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot. Parents will be informed of the outcome of the ballot within three school days of the ballot being held.
Congratulations to all of our rugby and rugby league kids for a great season in their respective clubs. Especially though to the young talented students who were named in the representative teams for tournaments coming soon!!
Term 3/4 Calendar of Events (Please note these may change on a regular basis)
Wednesday 21 August
Year 7 & 8 Sports Exchange in Hawera
Wednesday 28 August
Mini Moa Pre School Visit 9 - 10am
Thursday 29 August
Daffodil Day
Friday 30 August
Spring Break - School Closed
Thursday 5 September
Inglewood Primary School Cross Country - 12 noon
Friday 6 September
Year 5 & 5 Speech Finals - 9.15am
Monday 9 September
Out of Zone Enrolment Closes at 3pm for Term 4 2024
Year 7 & 8 Speech Finals - 12.15pm
Wednesday 11 September
Mini Moa Pre School Visit 9 - 10am
Friday 13 September
Tatarakihi Kapa Haka Festival in Waitara
Thursday 19 September
Kahui Ako Cross Country
Friday 20 September
Tatarakihi Taranaki Festival - Waitara
Panitahi Speech Finals - TBC
School Disco
Wednesday 25 September
Mini Moa Pre School Visit 9 - 10am
Friday 27 September
Kahui Ako Kapa Haka Festival - Inglewood High School
Last Day of Term 3
Monday 14 October
First Day of Term 4
Wednesday 23 October
Mini Moa Pre School Visit 9 - 10am
Monday 28 October
Labour Day - School Closed
Tuesday 29 October - Thursday 31 October
School Production - Matinee & Evening Performances - Times to be Confirmed
Friday 1 November
Gumboot Friday - Gold Coin Donation
Free Child Health Service
All schools have a Public Health Nurse who is available to provide help and advice to
children and their families with any health concerns they may have. This is a confidential
service and all families are entitled to use it. The nurse for our school is Steph and she can
be contacted on 0274064822 or through the school office. Here are some examples of some
things the nurse can help with include hearing/vision concerns, speech, parenting,
immunisations, wetting, soiling, constipation, headlice, impetigo, nutrition, growth and
development, emotional and behavioural concerns and any other general health issues.
Before and After School Care
Community Notices
Wellness With Stacie
One of our wonderful parents have written a book on Yoga. If you would like a copy the book is selling for $23 a copy.
Two Bedroom Rental Wanted: One of our wonderful staff members is looking for a rental. They have excellent references and can pay up to $400 per week. Also willing to do any relief milking to subsidise the rent each week. Please contact Debbie in the school office if you can be of assistance.
IPS Clothing
IPS Zip Front Hoodie
IPS Jacket & Trousers
Trousers $20 now $10 while stocks last
IPS School Shirt
2024 School Term Dates
Term 2
Monday 29 April - First Day of Term 2
Monday 3 June - Kings Birthday School Closed
Friday 28 June - Matariki Day School Closed
Friday 5 July - Last Day of Term 2
Term 3
Monday 22 July - First Day of Term 3
Friday 30 August - Spring Break School Closed
Friday 27 September - Last Day of Term 3
Term 4
Monday 14 October - First Day of Term 4
Monday 28 October - Labour Day School Closed
Monday 4 November - Staff Only Day School Closed
Tuesday 17 December - Last Day of Term 4