Falcon News

🍀Save the Date🍀
3/4 Barros Night
3/5 Young Rembrandts afterschool
3/6 Fitness Day 3rd-6th
3/7 Fitness Day KG-2nd
3/7 Family Picnic Day (see flyer below)
3/7 Early Release 12:45
3/10-3/14 Spring Break
3/17 Welcome Back St. Patrick's Day wear green
🍀School Badges🍀
Students did great during our first week of wearing school badges at all times. Parents please keep making sure your students have their badges for school everyday. As a reminder, Students are expected to wear their school badge every day. Students will be asked to show their badge as they enter campus at drop off daily. If your student forgets their badge, they will be sent to the office before entering campus and the office will provide a temporary badge that will be returned at the end of the day. Students who do not bring their badge for three days in a row will be printed a new badge and a fine added to their account. Students who frequently arrive without their badge may be refereed to administration in accordance with the Mesa Schools Code of Conduct.
🍀Dr. Seuss Week🍀
🍀Weekly Lunch Menu🍀
🍀Fitness Day 🍀
Join us for Field Fitness day. Make sure to check the date and time your students will be participating.
Please make sure you have pre registered on our visitor system to save check in time. https://www.mpsaz.org/o/mpsaz/page/visitors.