McDaniel Family Newsletter

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Lockdown Drill - Today
Today, we will hold our first Lockdown Drill of the year at 1 pm.
This is a good time to remind everyone that if you hear or see anything concerning, please say something.
The best way to communicate a concern is:
Safe Tip Oregon will automatically send an email and, in some instances, a call to school administrators, my boss, and outside agencies if needed.
Call the school during school hours to report a concern. Please never leave a message. Keep calling until you get a live person.
If you ever have questions, please email askyles@pps.net
We understand that this is very stressful. We drill, so we are prepared, but our greatest preventive measure as a community is that if you see or hear anything concerning, report it. Please never assume someone else will say something. If you have any doubt that you should report something, report it.
We are sorry that as a Nation our children face these possibilities every day. As a school community, student and staff safety is our top priority.
If you ever have any questions, please let us know.
- 2735 NE 82nd Avenue Portland, Oregon
- Stay updated by checking our website www.pps.net/McDaniel
- Follow us on Instagram @mcdanielhighschoolpdx @mcdanielhighschoolpdx.espanol
- Link to the McDaniel HS Trivory Page: https://trivory.com/mcdaniel
- www.facebook.com/PPSMcDanielHighSchool/
- Follow our TikTok @mcdanielhspdx