October in 3rd Grade!
Students must arrive to school by 8:10am on Monday, 10/3, for our field trip to the National Liberty Museum. We will leave promptly at 8:30am. Students should wear regular uniforms and bring a brown bag lunch. Thank you!
Dates to Remember!
October is a very busy month! Please take a look at what's coming up!
- 10/1 - Applebee's Pancake Breakfast
- 10/3 - Field Trip to National Liberty Museum - Students must arrive to school by 8:15am! Wear regular uniforms and pack a brown bag lunch.
- 10/4 - School wide photo shoot - Please wear regular uniforms (polo shirt and khaki bottoms with brown shoes)
- 10/4 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 4pm-8pm
- 10/6 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 4pm-8pm
- 10/10 - No School - PDD
- 10/11 - Book Fair Begins
- 10/11 - Electives begin
- 10/12 - Cherry Crest Farms Field Trip - Dress Down and pack a brown bag lunch
- 10/13 - Chester County Historical Society Field Trip - Regular uniforms
- 10/17 - Bringing Hope Home comes to CBA & pumpkins are delivered. Pumpkin sales start in the afternoon (sign up genius coming soon)
- 10/20 - Parade of Pumpkins set up - Volunteers needed (sign up genius coming soon)
- 10/21 - Parade of Pumpkins 6:30pm
- 10/27 - Mystery Box Book Reports Due
- 10/28- PAC Halloween Parade and Party at 12:30pm. Send costumes to school.
- 10/31 - Happy Halloween! Students will visit Bringing Hope Home offices to volunteer and Trick-or-Treat. Dress down and send costumes to school for trick-or-treating at BHH