Principal Welch's Weekly Update
August 12th, 2024
Thank you to all of our families who weathered the rain to attend our Open House!
Don’t forget, if you are interested in signing up to take the PSAT, the deadline is August 16th. There are flyers in the hallways with a QR code you can use or you can stop by the college and career center to sign-up. See attached flyer for more information.
Ranger Fans
If you are someone who likes to attend Rincon sporting events, whether it’s to support the band, color guard, cheerleaders, or competitions, you can save a lot of money by purchasing a 2024-2025 Sports Pass, which allows you entry to sporting events at Rincon for the entire school year. For families who have students who participate in more than one sport, this is a bargain. Sports passes for the entire school year are $30 and can be purchased in the finance office.
Hearing and Vision Screenings: Freshmen
All freshmen will have their hearing and vision tested by our nurses during their English classes on August 15th. If your child wears glasses or contacts, please make sure he/she has them on this date.
Planning Ahead
-No School for Students: Wednesday, August 21st Teacher Professional Learning Day
-Student Club Fair: September 10th Encourage students to find a club that they would like join!
RHS College & Career Center (CCRC) Update: August 11, 2024
What a great first week Rangers! We registered 40+ Seniors to retake the ACT in September! Remember to use your Free self-paced study guide from Kaplan to practice and learn test taking strategies at ACT.org! Seniors, if you want to retake the ACT you can still sign up for the October Test, come to the CCR Center for details.
We also registered many Juniors for the The Official ACT Self-Paced Course, Powered by Kaplan so they can start prepping for Thier ACT in April! We'll be visiting classes this coming week to help more Juniors get registered free for this resource.
All Students:
Success happens when you Plan for it! Start your future plans by Registering for My Future AZ (pipelineaz.com) and do the Career Interest Inventory to find and explore your career matches. We'll be into classrooms to take deeper dive into the other areas of this career exploration and planning tool later this quarter. FOLLOW the RHS CCR Center on Instagram to stay up to date on all our activities, workshops and resources throughout the school year!
Upcoming Save the Date items:
This Week:
Senior Personal Statement & College Application kick off workshops in English class Mon. & Tues. Bring your charged laptop!
Junior ACT Self-paced study guide registration in Am. History class on Wed. Bring your charged laptop!
Career Rep Lunch Visit: Army National Guard, Wed. on Admin Breezeway outside the CCR Center
Next Week:
College & Career Club Meeting, Tues. 8/20, location TBA, check our Remind for updates.
Dual Enrollment and AP Course administrative info sessions in class 8/15 thru 8/22. On ZOOM (Meeting ID: 883 3420 8990 Passcode: RHSCCRC) for Families on Thurs 8/22 @4pm
This Month:
Individual Student Future Planning meetings will begin the week of 8/26. if you have any questions before your appointment, please email Mrs. Vasquez.
Or contact one of your New Peer Coaches: Ripley Ingersoll, Katie Lopez Bazaldua, Milan Peralta, Sabrina Singkhek, Gigi Trujillo & Jalexy Yepiz !
National ACT Exam, Saturday, September 14th, 8am (see your test ticket for location)
The Southern Arizona College and Career Night, Tuesday, September 17th, 6:30 - 8:30 pm at the TCC. (Field Trip permission slips to ride the bus to and from Rincon HS will be available Aug. 27 and Due Sept. 3)
Senior ASVAB Career Aptitude Assessment, Wednesday, October 16, 8am, RHS Cafeteria
Southern Arizona Construction Career Days, Field Trip from RHS, October 23, Kino Sports Complex (permission slips will be available Oct. 2nd and Due Oct. 9th)