Curriculum Updates
December 2021
PDE Updates
Act 13 Updates in the Chapter 4 Report
Please take a look at these changes by viewing the slides here.
PVAAS Updates Slide Presentation
Update to the login page: will now have the roster verification dates and roster verification will be completed THIS SPRING!
Links for the PVAAS Powershots will be on this page.
There are companion guides for some of the videos.
There is a slide on the Teacher: 3-Year Composites.
Science Standards
On December 1st, the recommendations and standards revisions produced in response to the stakeholder feedback were presented to the State Board of Education. The document compiling the revisions can be reviewed HERE.
Act 158 Trainings
To assist LEAs with Act 158 implementation (beginning with the class of 2023), PDE is offering trainings during the months of Sept., Nov., & Dec. Prior to participating in office hours, please review the Act 158 Toolkit and associated resources on the SAS website. Click on this link for more information on training dates/times. Training topics include:
- Act 158 Overview
- Resources
- Implementation
- Tracking and Reporting
Here is a link to access all of the recorded sessions. Office hours are offered in November and December, and in these office hours specific student scenarios will be reviewed and discussed in depth. Here is a list of other topics and a format for how the office hours will operate.
Act 35: Accessing and Completing the Survey
The survey is housed in the Future Ready Comprehensive Planning Portal system and is available on November 15, with a reporting deadline of January 7, 2022.
ARIN's Curriculum Department
Accelerated Learning Choice Board
Our curriculum department created this choice board of Accelerated Learning topics for you to use FREE in your schools if you'd like. Each topic consists of 2 hours of professional learning for teachers and/or principals.
*This choice board meets all Accelerated Learning topics
Asynchronous Training Winter 2022
Our fall asynchronous training sessions ended on December 1st. We are opening the winter window of asynchronous training from January 3rd through March 31st.
The Achievement Mindset
When we think about reaching and teaching students in poverty, what are the greatest factors in their success? Where does individual teacher expectations of their students' success fall in the ranking of factors? Through this four hour training, teachers will assess their understanding of how poverty impacts student learning and learn how to set gutsy goals for ALL of the students in their classroom. Participants will also learn key strategies for how to set micro-goals for their students and how to ultimately help students self-manage these goals on the path to reaching high expectations.
Google Training: Google Basics and Bootcamp
Google Basics Part One
Part 1 of this bootcamp teaches participants the basics of using Google Drive, Docs, Slides, and Forms. Participants will listen to instructional videos, complete a skills challenge for each Google Application, and also reflect on each skills challenge. By the end of part 1, participants will have a Google Doc, Google Slide, and Google Form ready to use in their classroom. This section of the bootcamp takes a full day to complete, or seven hours.
Google Basics Part Two
In Part 2, you will learn how to operate the tools and features in Google Sheets to create spreadsheets, sort and analyze data collection, and consider how to use this application in your classroom. Learners will also create a Google Site and navigate the features in a Site. The Gmail/Calendar portion of the learning experience will expose participants to organizational features in these applications to enhance workflow and collaboration. An introduction to Google Meet and some practical suggestions for successful synchronous lessons and meetings are included in this training, followed and concluded by a useful section on creating channels, playlists, and using YouTube in a classroom. This section of the bootcamp takes a full day to complete, or seven hours.
Google Classroom
Part 3 of this bootcamp concludes with learning on Google Classroom and how to set up a classroom, create and assign interactive assignments, differentiate assignments, and more. This section of the bootcamp takes a half day to complete, or four hours total.
*Accelerated Learning Categories: Equitable Practices, Class-Wide Supports, SEL
ACT WorkKeys
ARIN IU is hosting a training session regarding the ACT WorkKeys Assessment and National Career Readiness Certificate. Rick Harris, from ACT, will engage learners in a three hour session of information and hands-on exploration of the ACT WorkKeys assessment. Participants will learn about the three WorkKeys assessments that award the National Career Readiness Certificate, which are the Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents assessments. Click here for an agenda of this session.
The date for this session is Thursday, December 16th:
- Session #1: 8:00am-11:00am
- Session #2: 12:00pm-3:00pm
Lunch will be provided at 11:00am. If you attend the first session, you can stay for lunch, and if you attend the second session, you can come early for lunch. The cost of this session is $40 to help cover the expense of the trainer. Please click here to register and access more information!
New School Director Training
ARIN IU 28 is offering a training for new school directors in January 2021. The training is designed for two evenings of interactive learning and participation. Interested attendees can choose from the options listed below:
Session A: January 11th and January 27th from 5:30pm-8:30pm
Session B: January 10th and January 26th from 5:30pm-8:30pm
Here are the agendas for each evening of the training:
Please contact Danielle Patterson ( for registration information.
Math Training Opportunities
Building Blocks for Math
Building Blocks: Early Numeracy
Participants will look at what early numeracy is, why it is important, and what they can do to increase early numeracy skills in their students. There will be a focus on number identification, subitizing skills, and the progression of learning that takes place at the primary level. Supplemental activities will be shared to help enhance the current curriculum being used in the classroom.
February 2, 2022 from 8:30am-3:00pm
Building Blocks: Number Sense
Participants will look at ways to introduce problem solving to their students, building consistency across grade levels, and improving their students' problem solving skills. Various activities and strategies will be shared that promote number sense and ways to help students develop number sense so they can check for logical answers when solving problems. These skills are important for students to acquire, and continue to use, in order to be successful as they progress through different levels of their mathematical education.
March 1, 2022 from 8:30am-3:00pm
NEW Data Series Training Opportunity
Know Your Data (and what to do with it)!
Please click here for more information.
NEW Co-Teaching Training Opportunity
Co-Teaching in the Classroom
This training is recommended for all teachers, however, districts are encouraged to send co-teaching partners. This training will focus on the different models of co-teaching, the pros and cons associated with each model, and it will also help teachers to determine the best model to use in their classrooms. We will look at ways to best utilize all professionals (teachers and support staff) in a classroom in order to actively engage learners and meet the needs of every student.
Please click here for more information.
STEM Sessions and Competitions
Upcoming Student Competitions
STEM Design Challenge
ARIN Regional Competition: March 30, 2022 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Elderton High School Gym
Media and Design Competition (MadCom)
Regional Competition Date: April 6, 2022 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Registration for all regional competitions will open November 1, 2021
To register to
STEAM 2021 - 2022 Sessions
These sessions are designed to provide deeper learning for participants involved in the new teacher induction series. They can also be accessed by ANY teacher as well.
New Teacher Requirements
This session would be additional focus on the TIMS website, requirements for level two certification, and teacher evaluations.
Meeting Special Education Needs in My Room, Including Gifted Students
Additional information geared toward general education teachers with full inclusion within their classroom. We will look at what they are required to do legally, but also how they can meet the needs of their learning support students along with the students who are learning at a much higher level. Explore ways to make sure all students are showing growth, writing and understanding an IEP and GIEP, etc.
Visible Learning and Accelerated Learning
This training will look at best practices to help all students learn and succeed in your classroom. There will be additional information on differences between accelerated learning and remediated learning, instructional practices that hold all students to high expectations, and making sure we are exposing students to core content at grade level.
Universal Design for Learning
This training will take a deeper dive into Universal Design for Learning, how to incorporate it into your classroom daily without burning yourself out, and creating a learning environment that impacts all learners. There will also be some focus on Webb's Depth of Knowledge, and making sure that educators are getting higher level questions and activities into their lessons.