Saranac High School Counseling News
June 2020
What A Year
Well looking back to the fall we could have never imagined a year like this. What we can say is that we appreciate you working with us day in and day out during this global pandemic. Clearly nothing is perfect, but please know that we have tried our very best to support all students during this trying time. If you have questions throughout the summer, please do not hesitate to reach out. Once we are aware of our summer hours and schedule we will let you know.
Congratulations Seniors & Families
Class of 2020...we are so proud of you! We wish you all the best and hope you come back to visit us often. If you need anything, feel free to reach out to us anytime. Good luck!
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." - Gandhi
Family, Student & Staff Survey
WE NEED YOUR ASSISTANCE! Community members please find the Panorama Education link below. It is very important that you take this short survey as soon as you can in order to help us prepare for the year ahead. Your feedback about distance learning during these last few months and general wellness overall is important to our district. Students grades 3-12 will also be surveyed and so will faculty and staff. If you require a paper copy of the survey please let the main office know at 518-565-5800.
Coryer Staffing RAMP
RAMP career counselor Ann Mazzella and her team are ready and willing to help graduating seniors find local employment just for the summer or permanent employment through the RAMP program. Please find more info in the RAMP document below. If interested please call Coryer Staffing at: 518-324-5678.
Special Zoom Town Hall w/ One of Our Own
JW Wiley and Mr. Claus are hosting a Zoom Town Hall on race for HS juniors and seniors next Thursday (June 11) from 7 to 9 p.m.
Topic: "Hypocrites or Allies: "Would Racial Justice Exist Without Video?"
Time: Jun 11, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 873 8373 2371
Password: 0DnN0z
Helpful Resources - UVM Webinars
Caring for Children's Mental Health as America Reopens UVM Webinar
Preparing for College When High School is Closed Due to Coronavirus Webinar