Wayland Union High School
October 2024
Upcoming Dates
October 2: Student Count Day
October 2: NHS Induction, 6:30pm, FAC
October 4: Blood Drive, hosted by LOC Club, Aux Gym
October 4: Theatriks presents "The 9 Worst Breakups of all Time", 3pm and 7pm, FAC
October 5: improv.anonymous to perform at The Wayland Expo, 11:30am and 1:30pm
October 7: Parent-Teacher Conferences, in-person 4-6:30pm
October 8: MSBOA Marching Band Festival
October 11-14: No school for students and staff
October 16: Picture Retake Day, Aux Gym
October 29: WUHS Marching Band Fall Review Concert, 7pm FAC
October 30: WUHS Orchestras 7th-12th grade Fall Concert, 7pm FAC
October 31: Hallowed Halls 5pm - 7pm
November 1: No school for students, staff PD
November 14: Final Exams
November 15: Final Exams, End of 1st Trimester
November 18: Start of 2nd Trimester
November 22: Report Cards published
November 27-29: No School, Thanksgiving Break
From the Guidance Office
Upcoming Dates and Happenings
October 2: College visit to Western Michigan University for juniors/seniors that signed up and returned permission slip. Information becomes available in the WHS daily news 2 weeks prior to visit. This is the same for all WHS college visits.
October 4: Deadline for juniors to sign up for PSAT/NMSQT. Students must submit the registration form and payment to the Guidance Office.
October 17: College visit to Grand Rapids Community College.
October 18: Tech Center counselors will be coming to the high school to offer information to the sophomore class about available programs. Students will go to the Tech Center for a visit in December.
October 21: Deadline to sign up and pay for AP exams through Revtrak.
October 22: College visit to Kalamazoo Valley Community College.
October 23: PSAT/NMSQT for those who signed up by the 10/4 deadline.
October 29: College visit to Davenport University.
October 30: Dual enrollment meeting during Pride Time for students that signed up.
Credit Recovery: Credit recovery registration is still open! If students previously failed a course required for graduation, they should strongly consider credit recovery. Both in-person and virtual options are available. Please see your counselor to register!
If your student is going to be absent from school, please make sure to call the office the morning of to report the absence. You may leave a message on the attendance line, or hold to speak with an office staff. Wayland High School phone: 269-792-2254.
Please provide doctor notes for any appointments during school hours, to excuse your student's absence.
Count Day
Tomorrow is Count Day!
Count Day is when all public schools in Michigan tally the number of students attending their schools. Count information is critical to districts, because each student translates into state funding. When your student shows up on Count Day, you help ensure that our school gets the funding and resources we need to keep providing our district with the best education possible.
Be present, be counted!
Flu Clinic
Thursday, October 10
Wayland Village Pharmacy is working with our school to give the annual influenza vaccine to students and staff. This vaccine will protect against all four influenza strains that are expected to circulate this year. We will hold a vaccination clinic on Thursday, October 10. This is optional for all students and staff. There will be no cost if billed through insurance. If no insurance, the cost will be $28.00.
Forms are available in the main office, and are due October 4.
Capturing Kids' Hearts
Engage, Empower, Excel
Wayland Theatriks will present a One Act play, "The 9 Worst Breakups Of All Time" on Friday, October 4th, in the FAC. Showtimes are at 3pm and 7pm.
improv.anonymous will be performing at the Wayland Expo! Come out and support our students!
Wayland Expo
Wayland Union Middle School
Saturday, October 5, 2024
10:00am - 2:00pm
FREE Admittance to guests
Picture Retake Day
Picture Retake Day is coming up! Any student who did not have their picture taken during the Open House is encouraged to get their picture taken during retakes. This is how students receive their school ID.
(Parents can still order pictures taken during the Open House: use order code 87817MA.)
Jostens Class Meetings
Freshman Class:
It is a longstanding tradition for freshmen of Wayland Union High School to order and receive their class rings. Freshmen students met with our Jostens rep on September 18th, and were given information about ordering their class ring. They were given a packet which has useful information and a class ring sizer to guide them in determining their ring size. See details below for more information. Packets are available in the Main Office.
All orders will be placed online at Jostens.com.
Senior Class:
Class of 2025: Let's talk graduation. Now is the time to order your cap and gown! This is a requirement for walking in graduation. Ordering information was discussed with our Jostens rep on September 19th. Please visit Jostens.com to place your order, or click the button below:
**There are many packages to choose from. However, the only items required for graduation are cap and gown (which includes tassel and stole).**
Please note: The Senior Order Deadline is October 4, 2024.
Halloween Fun
Hallowed Halls is happening Tuesday, October 31st from 5-7pm.
Come Trick-or-Treat with us!
Marching Band
Our Wayland Marching Band has been working hard and it shows! The following is a list of the upcoming competitions. Feel free to show your support and see our students showcase their talents!
- The WUHS Marching Band will be attending the Hastings Marching Band Invitational on Saturday, October 5th.
- Wayland will be hosting the MSBOA Marching Band festival on 10/8. This will be on campus at the High School with several schools attending.
- The WUHS Marching Band will also be attending the Grandville Marching Band Invitational on Saturday, October 19th.
- The WUHS Marching Band Fall Review will be on Tuesday, October 29th, along with our Middle School Band Spooktacular!
The freshman dance company from Grand Valley State University is coming to WUHS to perform for our dance students on November 6, 2024. After the performance, GVSU dancers will have a Q&A session with our students about taking dance in college and the career opportunities related to dance.
Wildcat Dance Theatre presents the Fall Preview Concert on Thursday, November 7, 2024. This is the first performance of the year for our dancers. The concert starts at 7:00 pm in the High School Auditorium. Admission is free.
Dance II and Dance Production students will be attending Oakland Dance Festival on Saturday, November 23 in Farmington Michigan. At this all day event, dance students have the opportunity to attend the College Recruitment & Scholarship Auditions, as well as perform for evaluation and feedback. Our students will attend master classes and workshops, visit the college fair, and attend the College Showcase Concert before heading home.
European Tour
Enrollment is still open for students (and parents) who are interested in attending our Europe tour to Switzerland and Italy at the end of this school year. Visit www.educationaltravel.com/Knauf-4462. for more information about this exciting trip. Freshman, Sophomores and Juniors also have an added opportunity to earn 1 or 3 college credits with a virtual college course in fall of 2025. Feel free to email Ms. Knauf at knaufa@waylandunion.org if you have any questions.
Hygiene Pantry
Wayland High School has a free hygiene pantry! If you are in need of any hygiene items, simply scan the QR Code below. All information will be kept confidential.
Voter Registration
Juniors & Seniors:
Students, have you registered to vote? Michigan law now allows young people to register to vote starting at age 16 for future elections. The Allegan County Clerk's office will be at both lunches on Friday, October 4. Please take this opportunity to register to vote, and let your voices be heard!
Hand 2 Hand
Hand2Hand is a program that helps provide a student with food for the weekends and is intended for families who may currently be experiencing a financial burden.
There is no cost to participate! If you sign your student up to receive Hand2Hand, they will continue to receive the bags each week they are at school. However, if down the road you no longer need the assistance, simply write a note expressing your desire to discontinue receiving Hand2Hand bags and give this note to the school office. To learn more about Hand2Hand, please visit their website: https://h2hkids.org/.
If you feel your student would benefit from this opportunity, please complete the response form at the bottom of this letter as soon as possible and we will make sure that your student’s name is then added to the list. Your response will be kept confidential.
Class of 2025 Senior Photos
Senior photos should be emailed to yearbook@waylandunion.org. Please share only ONE photo to be used in the yearbook. Photos need to be in portrait orientation. The clothing choice needs to follow the school dress code. A simple head and shoulder shot looks best in the yearbook. Please crop photos before submitting.
Photos due are by Friday, December 13, 2024.
We request that the pictures look professional (i.e. no “Selfies”). If there are financial issues preventing a student from having a senior picture taken, please let us know because we can arrange for a yearbook photographer to take some nice pictures. For questions please contact yearbook@waylandunion.org.
WUHS 2025 Senior Salutes
Senior Salute space is now available for purchase in the 2024 Wayland Union High School Yearbook! Senior salutes are spaces for parents, grandparents and friends to congratulate, honor and recognize their senior with a baby or childhood photo and text.
Senior salute sizes are ⅛ of a page and are available in color or black and white. Pictures need to be submitted as jpeg and text is limited to 30 words. Cost $20 per Senior Salute.
Checks can be made payable to Wayland Union Schools and can be delivered to Mrs. Denhof in room B216 or mailed to Wayland Union High School, Attn: Yearbook, 870 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI 49348. Email text and jpeg picture to yearbook@waylandunion.org by Monday, January 27, 2025!
Business ads
Email yearbook@waylandunion.org to buy a business ad in the 2025 Yearbook. Yearbook sponsorship is a great way to advertise and your advertising dollars also help Wayland Union High School build a better yearbook for the students in this area.
1/8 page ad- $30.00
1/4 page ad- $50.00
1/2 page ad- $100.00
full page ad- $200.00 (parents or grandparents who buy a full page ad get a complementary copy of the 2025 Yearbook)
Social Media
Follow the WUHS Yearbook on social media Instagram @waylandunion_yearbook & Facebook @Wayland Union High School Yearbook.
To order your 2024-2025 yearbook, visit yearbookforever.com
HS Administration Team
Mr. Santino Di Cesare
Email: dicesares@waylandunion.org
Location: 870 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: 269-792-2254
Mrs. Karyll Russell
Assistant Principal
Email: russellk@waylandunion.org
Location: 870 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: 269-792-2254
Mr. Brett VanDeRoer
Assistant Principal
Email: vanderoerb@waylandunion.org
Location: 870 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: 269-792-2254
Mr. Adam Valk
Athletic Director
Email: valka@waylandunion.org
Location: 870 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: 269-792-2254