The Blazer Beat
October 25, 2024

Principal's Message
North Lake Family,
Thank you to all the families who attended our in-person parent-teacher conference night on Thursday, October 24, 2024. It is always great to visit with families and see the progress our students have made since the beginning of the school year both academic and personal growth. Parents and families are the foundation of who we are at North Lake ECHS and we could not do this work without you!
Please continue to encourage your students to stay ahead of their college and high school courses. I know it can be easy to put work off, but now is the most important time in the Fall Semester. The majority of our students know where their grades are, and now is the time to push for that A in the course.
For next week, there will be no tutoring on Thursday, October 31, 2024, so that students can head home right after school due to increased neighborhood traffic during trick-or-treating hours. Thank you again for your support of our program and make it a great day!
Adrian Hernandez
North Lake Early College High School
Twitter @AdHernandez2648
Familia de North Lake,
Gracias a todas las familias que asistieron a nuestra noche de conferencia de padres y maestros en persona el jueves 24 de octubre de 2024. Siempre es genial visitar a las familias y ver el progreso que han logrado nuestros estudiantes desde el comienzo del año escolar, tanto en el crecimiento académico como personal. Los padres y las familias son la base de lo que somos en North Lake ECHS y no podríamos hacer este trabajo sin ustedes.
Continúe alentando a sus estudiantes a mantenerse al día con sus cursos universitarios y de la escuela secundaria. Sé que puede ser fácil posponer el trabajo, pero ahora es el momento más importante del semestre de otoño. La mayoría de nuestros estudiantes saben dónde están sus calificaciones y ahora es el momento de esforzarse por obtener esa A en el curso.
La próxima semana, no habrá tutoría el jueves 31 de octubre de 2024, para que los estudiantes puedan regresar a casa inmediatamente después de la escuela debido al aumento del tráfico en el vecindario durante las horas de trick or treating. ¡Gracias nuevamente por su apoyo a nuestro programa y por hacer que sea un gran día!
Adrián Hernández
North Lake Early College High School
Twitter @AdHernández2648
North Lake ECHS Teacher of the Year 2024-2025
Congratulations to our Teacher of the Year, Ms. Dhara Katbamna!
PTA Donation Link
Don't forget to join the North Lake ECHS PTA! https://txpta.my.salesforce-sites.com/JoinPTA
Important Dates
October/November Dates - NLCHS Red Ribbon Awareness Week!
Monday, October 28, 2024 - Domestic Violence Awareness Wear Purple!
A Day
Tuesday, October 29, 2024 - Stop Bullying Wear Red!
B Day
Campus Tutoring Day
DESA Recruitment Night
Wednesday, October 30, 2024 - Breast Cancer Awareness Wear Pink!
A Day
Pink out or Campus Uniform
Marsh Middle School Fair
Thursday, October 31, 2024 - Dress Up Day! No Masks, Weapons, Offensive or Gory Costumes
B Day
No Tutoring Today
Friday, November 1, 2024 Mental Health Awareness Day - Wear Green!
A Day
Discover Dallas ISD Application Window Opens
Hernandez Montessori Field Trip to North Lake ECHS
North Lake ECHS Social Media
X/Twitter: @NorthLake_ECHS
Girls Inc. EmpowHER kicked off this month, be on the lookout for more updates from their meetings this year!
Counselor's Corner
Visit our Counseling website for additional resources and Information!
Parent Counseling Needs Assessment - Please complete today!
Next week is Red Ribbon Week! Red Ribbon Week is a national initiative aimed at educating students and families about the importance of making safe, healthy, and drug-free choices. As parents, you play a crucial role in guiding your child toward healthy habits that will support their well-being now and in the future. It’s a valuable opportunity to reinforce healthy lifestyle habits and to open up important conversations at home. Starting conversations early and having them often helps build a foundation of trust and open communication.
Here are some tips:
- Listen and stay positive: Create a safe space where your child feels heard without fear of judgment.
- Share clear expectations: Help them understand your values and the risks associated with drug and alcohol use.
- Teach refusal skills: Role-play scenarios to equip your child with ways to say "no" confidently.
For additional guidance, here are some valuable resources:
- Partnership to End Addiction - https://drugfree.org – Offers practical advice and tools to help parents talk with their children about substance use.
- National Institute on Drug Abuse https://nida.nih.gov – Provides research-based facts and strategies for talking to kids about drugs.
- SAMHSA's “Talk. They Hear You.” Campaign https://www.samhsa.gov/talk-they-hear-you – Includes conversation starters, activities, and resources to help parents discuss substance prevention.
If you have questions or would like additional support, please don’t hesitate to contact your grade-level counselor. We’re here to partner with you to promote the well-being and resilience of every student.
Yearbook Pictures and Senior Portraits
Yearbook Picture day and Senior Portrait Day will be Friday, November 8th. Please make sure you are at school this day. Seniors, instructions on what to wear for your photo are included below. For all other students, please ensure you are within dress code for your photo.
Creating a Parent Portal Account
TSIA Support
UPDATED Bus Transportation!
Bus Routes
Please review the routes below, a live link is also available.
This link also provides information on tracking your bus.
Tutoring Bus Information
Please review the information below for tutoring buses. Please be patient as most of our drivers must compete with rush hour traffic to get back to North Lake ECHS to pick up students. All students must wait for buses on first floor of the library. If a student does not ride the bus, they must have someone pick them up or arrange transportation.
North Lake Family Handbook 2024-2025
We have created a family handbook that answers many of the questions you may have for the 2024-2025 school year. Please click on the link below to access the handbook.
Senior Dues
Yearbook on Sale Now!
The Stampede is back! North Lake's yearbook for the 2024-2025 year is on sale now. You can pre-order the book through the link or the QR code. Now through September 30th, all books will be 10% off. Reach out to Ms. Seymour with any questions.
Also check out their Youtube Page! This week is an interview with Dr. Darbonne!
Purchase The Stampede!
Blazer News
Check out the latest edition of Blazer News! This year we will have the Student Newspaper in English and Spanish. Please click the link to read about all the news going on around North Lake!
School Dress Code,Uniforms, and Clear/Mesh Backpacks
Beginning on the first day of school (August 12, 2024), all students will be expected to adhere to the the North Lake Early College dress code and uniform policy.
Wednesday will be "uniform day" On Uniform Wednesdays, students are required to wear their ECHS uniform shirt, black slacks, khaki slacks or a skirt (no shorter than “finger-tip length” with arms in normal position, i.e., arms hanging naturally, as student is standing straight and upright).
New this year will be a special Senior Only Uniform of grey slacks or Grey/Blue plaid skirt with the North Lake ECHS uniform shirt or Senior Shirt!
North Lake ECHS Uniform can be purchased at Levine's two locations or via their website https://levinesstores.com/collections/north-lake-early-college-high-school.
Students will be required to follow the North Lake Dress Code on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Please see the image below which outlines the do's and don'ts.
All students will be required to have clear or mesh backpacks for the 24/25 school year, small personal non clear bags are allowed. Dallas ISD will provide all students with one free clear back from the school year. I would recommend the mesh bag as they are more durable for the year. Each student will receive a new backpack during 1st period on 8/12/24.
Mesh/Clear Backpack examples - https://www.amazon.com/s?k=mesh+backpack&crid=21Z8OKVNB5ZZY&sprefix=Mesh+Bac%2Caps%2C144&ref=nb_sb_ss_pltr-data-refreshed_1_8
Seniors Only, click on the photo for product info at Levine's
2024-2025 Bell Schedule and School Hours
Please review the bell schedule for the 2024-2025 school year. If changes occur due to testing or special events, parents and students will be notified ASAP.
The building is open from 7:15am - 4:15pm. Classes are from 8:00 am - 3:20pm. Note that tutoring will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30pm - 4:45pm.
ASP College and Student Success with Mr. Matney
Parents and Families,
I hope everyone is doing well! Our ASP updates for the week are below.
43% of our seniors have submitted applications to affordable 4 year colleges, and at least 24% have been accepted! The majority of our students are currently working on their Common Applications with me. As I meet with students I am focusing on building their list of affordable colleges to apply to, and working on their common applications with them.
Additionally, we currently have 8 students planning on applying Early Decision to various colleges. The ED deadlines for their schools are November 1st & 15th. The deadlines for Texas A&M and the University of Texas at Austin are on December 1st. As we get closer to these deadlines I will be prioritizing working with these students to ensure their applications and all necessary documents are submitted by the deadlines.
Dallas County Promise:
We are 100% complete with the DCP Path form! The next step in the DCP process will be making sure all of our seniors have applied to at least one DCP partner college. While my primary focus for the next two weeks will be completing early decision applications, I am actively working on plans to ensure all students apply to DCP partner colleges.
Posse Scholarship Updates: I am ecstatic to report that all 5 of our Posse nominees have been selected as Semifinalists! All of our students have completed their second round interviews, and are waiting to find out if they have made it to the final round. I will keep you updated on their status!
ASP X Davidson Scholarship Update:
Vanelly Lopez has officially been selected for the ASP X Davidson Scholars program! Vanelly is only one of three students in DISD selected for this scholarship! The scholarship will cover all costs of her educational journey at Davidson!
SAT Prep:
Our next SAT prep class has been moved to Tuesday, October 29th after school. I will send out the date change along with the invite via remind.
UNT Field Trip: Our Senior class will be visiting the University of North Texas on December 6th! Our students will have a guided tour, an admissions presentation, and will get to have lunch at the UNT Student Union building! I will update you as more information becomes available.
Thank you all for your continued support!
Dylan Matney - dmatney@aspdallas.org
New Safety Protocol at Dallas ISD Sporting Events
To enhance safety at athletic events, Dallas ISD now requires all students attending district-hosted games without a parent, guardian, or other adult responsible for the student to present a current student badge for entry. The badge must be for the Dallas ISD school that is competing in the athletic event. This requirement also applies to visiting non-Dallas ISD schools.
Students without a school-issued ID, and Dallas ISD students from other high schools, will not be permitted to enter the event unless accompanied by an adult. Middle and elementary school students must be accompanied by an adult to enter any athletic event.
Stadium safety and security personnel will be on-site to assist students who need to contact a parent or guardian for a ride home.
The new protocol does not apply to students participating in the athletic event as competitors or a related student activity group as long as they are accompanied by their coach or sponsor.
This requirement applies to all district athletic facilities, including pools, gymnasiums, and stadiums. The updated safety measures align with those of neighboring districts and other University Interscholastic League schools.
Grade Level Remind Code
Remind Codes
Class of 2025
text @nlechs25 to the number 81010
Class of 2026
text @nlechs26 to the number 81010
Class of 2027
text @nlclass-27 to the number 81010
Class of 2028
text @nlech28 to the number 81010
North Lake Tutoring Buses
text @nlechsbus to the number 81010