Bronco Announcements
Bella Vista High School

December 20, 2024
Enjoy your Winter Break and we will See you Back next Year!!
BVTV's Video Broadcast will be back Tuesday, January 07, 2025
Staff Absences
David Gonzalez – sub Amy Stockett
Vanessa Sosa – sub Thomas Flora
Brenda Yassu – sub Christine Kesterson
Dariu Mois – sub Julia Wickware
Lorraine Shurley
Vicki Jenks
Katie Errington
Diana Vincent
Taja Ferrarini (1:00-2:00)
Student Body
- Congratulations to our very own Choir teacher, Wendy Carey! Mrs. Carey not only runs the BV choir program, but she also runs the choir program at Andrew Carnegie Middle School. Mrs. Carey's hard work is being recognized and she'll be receiving the California Music Educators Association Middle School Music Specialist Award!
- TODAY *Lunch will be Served in the Cafeteria from 10:29-10:39am.
Reminder: Early Dismissals will Not be Delivered to Classrooms during Finals. If you have an early dismissal, please plan accordingly.
Library is accepting semester Textbooks, ARC Textbooks & English Novels through Friday 12/20 from 8am - 1pm. Check your emails to find out what books you need to return before checking out next semester’s books.
TODAY, get your presents wrapped at BV’s Soccer Gift-Wrapping Event from 2 - 6pm in the BV parking lot. $1 for small packages, $3 for medium and $5 for larger packages, bows $1. Support the soccer program and have the soccer elves do your wrapping!
Attention Seniors: Time is running out! Last day to take Senior Portraits with Bill Smith Photography is December 31! Book your appointment ASAP!!
- Appointment Link: https://billsmithphoto.com/bellavista/
- Ordering questions: text or call (916)749-1026
Stop by the Front Office to Check the Lost & Found! All unclaimed items will be cleared out TODAY and donated!
Upcoming Meetings
- TODAY: FINALS 5th & zero/6th period minimum day 8:30am-12:37pm
- Friday, Dec. 20: Soccer Gift Wrapping Event, BV Parking Lot 2-6pm
- Friday, Dec. 20: Semester 1 Ends
- December 21 - January 06: Winter Break - No School
- Tuesday, January 07: Semester 2 Begins - School back in Session
- Monday, January 20: Martin Luther King Holiday - No School
- Wednesday, January 22: CASH for COLLEGE FAFSA Night 3:30-5:30pm Cafeteria
Athletic Events
Support our Bronco Athletics! Free home admission with your ASB card!
Come cheer on Girls Basketball at TONIGHT's home games against Union Mine. JV starts 6pm and Varsity at 7:30pm. Show your support and Wear Black!
BV Track & Field Team Sign Ups: See Coach U during the school day or sign up online through the team website bvtrack.com.
Baseball Conditioning will be held Monday, January 6 - January 11. (Time & Location TBD)
Come support BV Girls & Boys Basketball at their upcoming Bronco Blizzard Fundraising Event (Varsity co-ed games) on Monday, January 6 from 6-8pm. Cash only - Adults $10 & kids $5. Specialty snack bar items will be available.
BV Girls Lacrosse Pre-season Conditioning starts Monday, January 13. Tryouts start the week of February 3rd. If you have questions Email scott.s.hackman@gmail.com
On going Reminders...
- Kaiser Permanente Summer Internship Applications are now open! Students interested in a competitive paid summer internship with Kaiser Permanente must be 16 by June 1st to be eligible. You can get more information by seeing your counselor or visit the website: https://kplaunch.kaiserpermanente.org/apply-now/
- Attention Seniors!! BV will be having a CASH FOR COLLEGE WORKSHOP on Wednesday, January 22 from 6-8:00pm in the Cafeteria. Attend this FREE workshop to receive help completing the FAFSA or the CA Dream Act Application.
- Pre-order Yearbook for $70: purchase online https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/ (Use Code 6038) or purchase in the Finance Office with cash/check.