CWE Newsletter

May 24th, 2024
Upcoming Events
May 25th: CWE Choir Performs at Rainiers Game!
May 27-28: No School- Memorial Day Break
May 29: Monthly Character Assembly, Reader of the Month Lunch
May 31: 5th grade Egg Drop
June 4: FUN RUN
June 5: Talent Show 6pm
June 6/7: Preschool Graduation
June 7: Summer Blast Party!
State Testing
We want to extend our gratitude for your partnership in helping students be successful during State Testing. Ensuring your children were present and on time to school during this crucial period was extremely helpful! Donating snacks and sending letters of encouragement was also appreciated! Thank you for your unwavering support, collaboration, and understanding throughout this testing period. Together, we can help our students reach their full potential! Our Orcas rocked their tests!
Lisa Brozovich & Chris Wheeler
Water Safety
Bonney Lake Police Department
Thursday, we were fortunate to have Detective Johnston and Officer Harris teach us all about Water Safety! Students learned that Lake Tapps is Glacier fed, causing cold water temperatures. They learned about life jacket safety and how to check if their life jacket is the right size for them! We want all Orcas to have a safe, fun summer whether it's out on the lake or in a pool!
June 4th
Orcas are ready to RUN! An email from 99pledges was sent to every student with a donation link! Flyers have gone home in Friday folders! We are well on our way to meeting our goal, but need your help! To make it fun, we added some friendly competition! The grade that raises the most money will get a pizza party! The grade that runs the most laps will earn a Root Beer Float Party. Last but not least, the top 3 earning students will get a special lunch and game time with Mrs. Brozovich! Ready, Set, GO!
Kindergarten Registration is OPEN!
Do you know a child who will be five years old on or before Aug. 31? Kindergarten registration is now open for the 2024-25 school year.
Kindergarten Kickoff video
To learn more about kindergarten in the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District, watch this video for an overview of kindergarten, the registration process and forms, resources, transition events and kindergarten readiness.
Enrollment into the district is online. Visit our enrollment page for details on the three-step registration process. For more information, go to sumnersd.org/kindergarten.
Check out this awesome video about what a day in kindergarten might look like!
PTA Corner!
PTA Events and Announcements
Upcoming Events:
May 25: Rainiers Night
June 4: Fun Run
June 7: Summer Blast!
We need volunteers in order to pull off this event! Sign up to help, here!