The Weekly Update 11/1/2024
The Weekly Update 11/1/2024

Tawanka's Trunk or Treat!
Thanks to everyone who made Trunk or Treat so much fun!
Retake Picture Day!
November 13, 2024
What to expect on picture day
- Any student wishing to have a retake should bring their original picture package to exchange for the retake image. (Original pictures are expected to be received during the week of 11/4.)
- When an order is placed online, the parent/guardian will receive a camera pass via email. This should be printed for the student to bring to school on picture day. The photographer will photograph the printed camera pass along with the student.
- If a student is not able to print their camera pass, that is not a problem. We will match up the student to their order manually in the production process.
- A parent may order from the flyer up until 24 hours after picture day. After 24 hours, the online ordering access will close. This will allow our imaging team to "Pull" all orders submitted and match them with the students photographed.
- When pictures are returned to school, all students that purchased pictures will receive their prepaid package. Any student that was photographed but did not order a package, will receive a "Proof" (PX) of their picture that was taken on picture day.
All proof packages offer parents a second opportunity to order prints. All orders are subject to shipping and handling costs of up to $8.50 and will be shipped directly to home.
Mrs. Kane
Mrs. Kane's class celebrated their annual Pumpkin Day with pumpkin painting and pumpkin math!
Ms. Piccinetti
Ms. Piccinetti's class rocked their Halloween costumes!
First Grade
Mrs. Fedele and Mrs. Blaydon (4th Grade)
Mrs. Fedele and Mrs. Blaydon got their buddy classes together to decide what their teachers should be for Halloween.
Ms. Kotsopoulos
Ms. Kotsopoulos' class, investigated pumpkins! They counted the seeds, measured the pumpkin, and conducted a sink or float experiment. Afterwards, Ms. K turned the pumpkin into a silly Jack-O-Lantern!
Ms. Mortimer
Ms. Mortimer's class did a pumpkin exploration in math. They measured the pumpkin with cubes and counted the seeds in our pumpkin. There were 582 seeds in all!
Second Grade
Kilowatt Kitchen Assembly ! The second grade learned about different ways to save energy in the kitchen.
Ms. Fisher
Ms. Fisher's class went on a nature walk to collect Pinnates and Palmates. These are the two different types of leaves we learned about in the October Number Corner calendar. With the leaves we colored over them to transfer them to paper to showcase their differences.
Ms. Ross
Ms. Ross' class got into the Halloween spirit with their awesome costumes.
Ms. Veneziale and Mrs. Gardocki (Kindergarten)
2nd graders in Ms. Veneziale's class had a great time creating pumpkins with their kindergarten buddies from Mrs. Gardocki's class!
Third Grade
The staff chaperones took a moment to share some smiles during the 3rd grade field trip to Elmwood Park Zoo.
Miss Schautz
3rd grade field trip and Halloween fun!
Miss Schautz's class learned about the different bones and joints in their hand and then created their our own hand "x-rays"!
Fourth Grade
Mrs. Cromwell and Mrs. Banks (Kindergarten)
Mrs. Cromwell’s 4th graders celebrated fall with Mrs. Banks’ kindergarten buddies.
Mrs. Blaydon and Mrs. Woltemate
Mrs. Woltemate & Mrs. Blaydon hosted Spooky Yoga with their fourth grade friends!
Mr. Finkel and Mr. Barberides (2nd grade)
Mr. Finkel's 4th grade class did Halloween crafts with their 2nd grade buddies.
Ms. McHugh
Ms. McHugh's 4th grade was ready for a day and night of treats !
Mrs. Phillips and Ms. Wells (1st Grade)
Mrs. Phillips 4th graders partnered with Ms. Wells 1st graders for buddy bingo on Halloween.
Autistic Support
The Autistic Support classes went to Altitudes Trampoline Park! We had so much fun working to build students imitation skills at the park, along with social skills, communication skills, gross motor skills and play skills! Some of our favorite parts were climbing the rock wall, shooting hoops in the basketball zone, and lots of jumping! 😊
PTO Events
Paint Night
Tawanka Elementary - Title I
Neshaminy Title I Parent and Family Engagement News!
Click here to see the most recent edition of Neshaminy's Parent and Family Engagement News. In this newsletter, you will find important beginning of the year updates on Neshaminy Title I, parent resources, and beginning of the year photos from each of the Title I schools across the district.
Title I schools have two important components: making academic progress and engaging parents and families. In order to address these areas, Tawanka has specific plans and information to share with our families throughout the year. Below you will find four important documents that guide Tawanka’s work as a Title I school. Each document listed is linked to a copy of the document on Tawanka’s Title I website.
- Tawanka’s Schoolwide Title I Plan is a blueprint of our academic work this school year. It lists two goals for Tawanka students and staff to reach by the end of the school year, and outlines how we will work to achieve these goals.
- Tawanka's Title I Program Handbook is a district-level document that provides an overview of the Title I program. It includes information about parent and family engagement at both the district and building level.
- Tawanka's Parent and Family Engagement Policy looks at various components of Tawanka’s Parent and Family Engagement programs and addresses how Tawanka plans to include parents of ALL Tawanka students in their programming, events, and resources for the year.
- Tawanka's Home-School Compact outlines the roles of each member of Team Tawanka, including the students, parents, and school staff. Please take the time to review the Compact with your child, as they are an important part of the team!
Tawanka is proud to be a Title I school and looks forward to partnering with your family throughout the year to support the success of all our Tawanka Eagles! Please reach out to one of our Title I Reading Specialists - Andrea Gansor (agansor@neshaminy.org) or Beth Smith (bsmith@neshaminy.org) - if you have any questions about our Title I school.
Community Resources & Support
The Shop with a Cop application form is now available on-line.
Application Deadline is November 15th.
Holiday Help Resources 2024
The United Way has prepared this list of holiday help resources for those in need and those wishing to help and support.
Community resources available for those in need!
If your family is in need of financial assistance, we have a few resources to offer that may be able to help.
Feasterville Rotary donates new coats to children who may need them. Please contact a staff member listed below as soon as possible to order your coat.
Free lunch applications, list of Food Pantries, heating assistance, and other community resources are available as well.
We will be contacting clubs and organizations in the area on your behalf to make a truly “Happy Holiday” for your family. Since we do not know how many organizations will respond to our appeal, we cannot guarantee the type or the amount of gifts your children will receive. These donations may be in the form of food, gifts or gift certificates.
Please contact the nurse’s office or our guidance counselors for further information.
Nurse 215-809-6316 calexis@neshaminy.org ddisandro@neshaminy.org
Guidance counselors cdonnelly@neshaminy.org mkovak@neshaminy.org
Any information shared will remain confidential.