HEMMS Weekly Parent Newsletter

The H.E. McCracken Middle School mission is to build on the academic foundation of diverse
learners and establish high expectations for contributing, independent, and collaborative members of an ever increasing technologically driven society.
Our Vision is to promote:
High expectations for all learners,
Critical thinking skills;
Authentic, real world applications;
Literacy; and Strength of our diversity.
What's Coming Up at HEMMS...
- Now through Friday, March 7th, ACCESS Testing for our Multi-Language Learner Students. Please make sure students are bringing their laptop and charger to school daily.
- Monday, February 10th-Jnauary Students of the Month Party-7th Period in Room 625
- Tuesday, February 11th Parent Meetings in person or Zoom Link
- PTO Meeting 4:15-5:00 in the Media Center
- School Improvement Council Meeting @5:00 in the Media Center
Join Zoom Meeting
https://beaufort-k12-sc-us.zoom.us/j/94812659278Meeting ID: 948 1265 9278
- Monday-Wednesday, Track and Field practices after school until 5:30 p.m.
- Monday- Wednesday, Baseball Practices at Oscar Frazier Field from 4:30-6:30 p.m.
- Softball Tryouts February 10th, 11th, 12th from 4:00-5:45 p.m. McCracken Field
- Monday-Wednesday, Girls Soccer Practices from 4:00-5:30 pm HEMMS Soccer Field
- Monday-Wednesday, Boys Soccer Practices from 4:00-5:30 pm HEMMS Soccer Field
- Wednesday, February 12th- HEMMS Science Fair winner participate in Round 2 of the Science Fair for the district level.
- Thursday, February 13th- Early Dismissal Day at 12:45 p.m.
- Friday, February 14th- Teacher Workday (no school for students)
- Monday-Wednesday, February 17th-19th- President's Day & Winter Break
- No Sports Team Practices during Winter Break Days
- Thursday, February 20th- Students Return to School
- Wednesday, February 26th-HEMMS hosting Track Meet at the Bluffton High Track. PTO will need help with concessions. Sign up on the PTO website.
Student, Alexia who is blind, taught herself how to play our morning show song
Important Dates and Events
All County Band
On Saturday, 20 Bulldog Band students performed in the 2025 All County Band. They learned 4 brand new pieces in a day and a half and performed them, led by Mr. Benner from Beaufort High School. We could not be more proud of them for their hard work! Good job band!
PTO Sponsored Spring Dance
🎉✨ McCracken Middle School Spring Dance! ✨🎉📅 Friday, March 7th ⏰ 6PM - 8PM Get ready for a night of food, fun, and dancing with your best friends!
📸Snap pics at the photo booth, enjoy pizza, candy, chocolate & drinks (available for purchase), and make memories that last! 🍕🍫
🎟 Tickets are $12 and must be purchased in advance—NO tickets sold at the door
🎁 All students who attend will be entered into a drawing for 3 amazing prizes!
➡️Current HEMMS students only 🔗 Get your tickets & all the details here:
Sports Updates
Tryout Dates
Spanish Tryout Dates
Career Cafe Guest Attorney Marshall Horton on Wednesday
Beaufort County Library Winter Reading Challenge
Cozy up with a good book! Our inaugural winter reading challenge begins today! Read for six hours by February 15 to enter our grand prize drawing!
You have a chance to win a Books-a-Million or Barnes and Noble gift card! Grab a reading log from one of our branches, or download it on our website. https://www.beaufortcountylibrary.org/winter-reading One winner per location. All ages are encouraged to join.
Science Fair Winners!!!
Round 2 will be held on Wednesday, February 12th
Yearbook Orders!!!
Last Chance to guarantee a copy of the 2024-25 yearbook! Order online at https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/customer/1042972/H-E-McCracken-Middle-School/
Last chance to guarantee a basic copy of the yearbook is Feb 28.
PTO Sponsored Spring Dance
🎉✨ McCracken Middle School Spring Dance!
✨🎉📅 Friday, March 7th ⏰ 6PM - 8PM Get ready for a night of food, fun, and dancing with your best friends!
📸Snap pics at the photo booth, enjoy pizza, candy, chocolate & drinks (available for purchase), and make memories that last! 🍕🍫
🎟 Tickets are $12 and must be purchased in advance—NO tickets sold at the door
🎁 All students who attend will be entered into a drawing for 3 amazing prizes!
➡️Current HEMMS students only 🔗 Get your tickets & all the details here:
Safety at BCSD Sporting Events
To ensure a safe and secure environment at BCSD athletic events, all spectators and athletes entering our venues will be asked to remove hoods or face coverings that obscure one’s identity, such as balaclava-style masks. This practice, which is common at collegiate athletic events, will help us maintain safety by ensuring individuals can be easily identified if needed.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in creating a safe and welcoming atmosphere for everyone. If you have any questions, please reach out to District Athletic Director Dr. Carlos Cave.
Thank You Miler Orthodontics!!
We are so thankful to live in an area overflowing with community partners and support! Dr. Miler with with Miler Orthodontics donated $1,000 to our athletic program which will go towards the purchase of a batting cage for both softball 🥎 and baseball ⚾️ teams! 🐾💚🖤 Thank you Miler Orthodontics for your support!!!
Attention Parents of 8th Graders
Student Improvement Council Updates
The H.E. McCracken Student Improvement Council (SIC) is committed to enhancing the student experience by focusing on school climate, fostering meaningful student connections, and celebrating student achievements. We are developing our goals for the year and would love your input and involvement! By staying connected with the SIC, you’ll receive updates and have opportunities to share your ideas to help make a positive impact at McCracken. Join us in this important work! Email us at mccrackensic@gmail.com and sign up to stay connected here: https://forms.gle/z7J6yFbC8SazAF9S8.
District Book Challenge List For This Year
Clubs here at HEMMS
Weekly Staff Spotlights
HEMMS Athletics Information
PTO Updates and Information
PTO is selling this plush Bulldog Blanket for only $25!!!
Bluffton County Library Events for Students
Policy Updates from the District
Please print/complete the forms to turn in if doing the Before School Program
Updated Car Rider Information
In the morning, beginning at 8:15 a.m., all car rider, bicycle, and walking students should enter through the front entrance of the building. We will have more staff out front and create a larger drop off space labeled in yellow on the map. Students riding the bus will be dropped off at the back bus loop. Students arriving after 8:45 a.m. will need to sign in at the front office to get a tardy pass to be given to their homeroom or first period teacher. Students will go to the cafeteria for breakfast if they would like (it is free this year), or go sit with their grade level in the gym until they are dismissed for homeroom.
Dismissal begins at 3:45 p.m. Please notice that 6th Grade Students may be picked up at the lower exit area with the green arrow.
Need Athletic Information?
You can join the Band App for up-to-date information.
Go to the athletics website at https://hemms.beaufortschools.net/athletics and then select athletics communications to sign up for the Band App.
School Counselor's Corner
To contact your School Counselors:
Jennifer Lozan
6th Grade Counselor
Deanna Flores
7th Grade Counselor
Emerald Bowman
8th Grade Counselor
2024-2025 BCSD Calendar
Click below for printable versions of the BCSD Board approved calendars
HEMMS School Improvement Council's 2024 Report to the Parents
English Version
Spanish Version
Printable Versions
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Beaufort County School District’s new food service vendor, The Nutrition Group, has a menu app for families called Nutrislice.
HEMMS is an ABC school
Arts in Basic Curriculum
HEMMS is an ABC Project Site school! With this designation, we have been the fortunate recipients of a $10,000.00 recurring annual grant that allows our school to provide arts experiences for our student body and staff as well as the greater school community. Arts in Basic Curriculum Project provides programmatic support, training, and resources that assist sites with their strategic planning goals and philosophical commitments.
HEMMS Mission Statement
To provide a complete arts education for diverse learners across the curriculum through the arts.
HEMMS Vision Statement
Provide a unique learning community where students learn and grow in and through the arts.