Dike-Newell School Newsletter
October 25th, 2024

October 25th - TONIGHT! PTA Halloween Monster Mash Dance @ BMS - 5:00 to 7:00
October 26th - YMCA Family Harvest Day @12 to 2 & Trick-or-Tromp! Library Park @ 3:00
November 5th - Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL
November 11th - Veterans Day - NO SCHOOL
November 13th - PTA Meeting @ FMS - 6:00
November 25th - 1/2 day for student - Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 26th - 1/2 day for students
November 27th - 29th - Thanksgiving Holiday - NO SCHOOL
A Halloween Message from Ms. McKay
Greetings Dike-Newell families,
This year Halloween falls on a Thursday and I want to share with you that we ask students and staff NOT to wear costumes to school. Our focus during the day is on learning, and we want to minimize distractions as much as possible. If your child is feeling festive, they are welcome to wear Halloween colors of orange and black! Please note there are no masks, pretend weapons, or other props allowed at school any day, including Halloween.
Take care,
Ms. McKay
Celebrating Veterans Day
Once again, we will take time to honor veterans at an upcoming November community meeting. In preparation, we invite you to submit a veteran in your family to include in our slideshow presentation. If you submitted a veteran last year, please complete the form again as we are creating a new presentation. Veteran photos, accompanied by his or her name, can be sent to Mrs. Raedel at mraedel@rsu1.org. Feel free to complete the form more than one time. Thank you for helping us pay tribute to the veterans in our DNS extended family. Last day for submissions is November 1st. Veteran Submissions Link.
A Note from the Nurse
Stop the Flu
It’s hard to tell when the flu season will start but now is the time to think about prevention.
How is it spread? Flu viruses are spread by droplets when someone coughs, sneezes or talks. It is important to teach your children to cover their coughs and wash their hands after using a tissue.
How can we prevent the flu? Prevent the spread of the flu by getting a yearly flu vaccine. Talk to your healthcare provider or pharmacist about how to get your flu vaccine. There are other daily actions you can take to stop the spread of the flu such as; regular handwashing, stay away from people who are sick, and avoid touching your face and stay home if you are sick.
If your child is sick: Make sure they get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids. Contact your healthcare provider as needed. Stay home until fever free for 24 hours (without the help of fever reducing medicine) and coughing is controlled.
The RSU1 website has more information on when to keep your child home from school
Your family can order FREE Covid Tests through USPS.com.
Internet Safety Night
Date: Monday, November 4th
Time: 6:00-7:00pm
Location: Montgomery Auditorium, Morse High School/Bath TechRSU1 and the Sagadahoc Sheriff's Office have partnered together to invite parents, guardians, and caregivers to an Internet Safety Night. Come learn how to talk to students about what they see on the internet, as well as ways they can avoid being victimized on the internet. The Sagadahoc County Sheriff's Office, a local affiliate of Maine State Police Computer Crimes, has been working with RSU1 to share internet safety presentations to its students. These presentations cover privacy and security on the internet, good citizenship, and social media use. This new presentation is designed for adults trying to guide and safeguard their students online.
PTA Information and Updates
We hope to see you tonight at the Monster Mash at BMS! 5:00 to 7:00
Keep an eye on our FACEBOOK PAGE for all PTA related events.
Volunteering in RSU1
Are you interested in being on a list of eligible volunteers? Visit the RSU1 website to learn more and to sign up: https://www.rsu1.org/page/volunteer-information. At site preference, scroll down to select DNS and be sure to click Submit after the form is complete and signed. Please allow one week prior to a field trip or event for processing.
Dike-Newell School Information
Email: kwalker@rsu1.org
Website: https://dns.rsu1.org/o/dike-newell-school
Location: 800 High Street, Bath, ME 04530
Phone: (207)443-8285