Cragin Community Update
September 2024
Message from Mr. Rodriguez
Dear Cragin families,
We are up and running with this new school year. A lot of exciting things are happening at Cragin Elementary. We have wonderful new staff and veteran staff that are working together to provide your student with a rigorous and relevant education. Teachers are working hard in their professional learning communities strategizing how to best teach your student. Our 21st Century program started on Sept. 9th. We have exciting and fun PTO events planned this year. Also, don’t forget to attend one of our Cafecito/Coffee talk this year. Our first one was Sept. 9th at 8:45-9:30am. Our Next Cafecito will be October 14th from 8:45am-9:30am in room 5. Please reach out if you have any questions or ideas.
Principal Rodriguez
Cragin Cougars know they can!
21st CCLC
Gifted & Talented (GATE)
Opening Minds thru The Arts
September Dates
- Monday, September 2nd
- Labor Day - No school
- Monday, September 9th
- Cafecito/ Coffee Talk with the Principal @8:45am Room 5
- Tuesday, September 10th
- PTO Meeting @5:15pm Library
- Friday, September 13th
- EEF Shoe Field Trip @8:45am-10:30am
- Wednesday, September 11th
- Site Council Meeting @3:30PM Zoom
- Wednesday, September 18th - Friday, September 20th
- Parent-Teacher Conferences - Early Dismissal @11:45am
- Monday, September 23 - Friday, September 27
- Benchmark Testing
- Friday, September, 27th
- Movie Night - Doors open @ 5:30pm, Show starts at 6:pm
October Dates
- Tuesday, Oct 1st
- All School Picture Day
- Friday, October 4th
- Grading Day - No School
- Monday, October 7 - Friday, October 11th
- Fall Break - No School
- Monday, October 14th
- Cafecito/ Coffee Talk with the Principal @8:45am Room 5
- Tuesday, October 15th
- PTO Meeting @5:15pm Library
- Thursday, October 17th
- PTO Panda Express Fundraiser @10am-930pm Panda Express (2800 N Campbell Ave, Tucson, AZ 85719)
- Wednesday, October 23rd
- Professional Development - No School
- Friday, October 25th
- Spooky Night @5:30pm
- More events to come!
Bell Schedules
Daily Schedule
School Hours
8:00am - 2:45pm
Main Office Hours
8:00am - 4:00pm
Cafeteria Hours
8:00am - 8:30am
11:00am - 12:50pm
Warning Bell
Late Bell
Daily Dismissal
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
Lunch Schedule
Kindergarden 11:00am - 11:35am
1st Grade 11:15am - 11:50am
2nd Grade 11:30 - 12:05am
3rd Grade 11:45am - 12:20pm
4th Grade 12:00pm - 12:35pm
5th Grade 12:15pm - 12:50pm
Early Dismissal
Parent - Teacher Conference
September 18th-20th, 2024
February 13th-14th, 2025
Early Dismissal Lunch Schedule
Kindergarden 10:00am - 10:10am
1st Grade 10:10am - 10:20am
2nd Grade 10:20am - 10:30am
3rd Grade 10:30am - 10:40am
4th Grade 10:40am - 10:50am
5th Grade 10:50am - 11:00am
Front Office Corner
Attendance Matters
The regular school attendance of a child of school age is required by state law. Regular school attendance is essential for success in school; therefore, absences shall be excused only for necessary and important reasons. Such reasons include illness, bereavement, other family emergencies, and observance of major religious holidays of the family's faith.
In the event of a necessary absence known in advance, the parent is expected to inform the school; if the absence is caused by emergency, such as illness, the parent is expected to telephone the school office. When a student returns to school following any absence, a note of explanation from the parent is required.
When Absent from School
State law mandates that the school record reasons for all student absences. Therefore, when a student is absent, it will be necessary for the parent to call the school on or before the day of the absence in order to advise the school as to the reason for the absence. When it is impossible to call on the day of the absence, the school should be notified on the morning the student returns, in time for the student to obtain an admission slip prior to the student's first class. All absences not verified by parental or administrative authorization will remain unexcused.
If a parent does not have access to a phone, either at home or at work, a note will be accepted for verification purposes.
Regular participation in classroom activities fosters critical thinking, communication skills, and responsibility, all of which are essential skills for future employment. Good attendance in school is also part of the self-discipline that we try to instill in our students to enable them to act as responsible members of the community.
- Attendance: The presence of each student in scheduled instruction.
- Excessive Absence: 10% or more of the required attendance days (180 days).
- Tardy: Not in the classroom by the time the bell rings.
- Register of Attendance: Any written or electronic record maintained for the purpose of recording the attendance, absence, tardiness, or early departure of a student.
- Scheduled Instruction: Every period that a student is scheduled to attend actual instruction or their designated learning environment of study.
- Truancy: An unexcused absence of a child who is between six and sixteen years of age for at least one class period during the day from compulsory school.
- Truant Child: A child who is between six and sixteen years of age and who is not in attendance at a public or private school during the hours that school is in session, unless excused.
- Habitually Truant: Is a child who is truant for at least five school days within a school year.
- Excused Absence: Absences that the parents/guardians have documented/authorized with time and reason.
- Unexcused Absence: Absence without approval of parents/guardians is considered truancy and unexcused.
For guidance on setting up and using the ParentVUE app, please check the link below.
Attendance Reporting on ParentVUE
Parents, you can now easily report your child’s absence using ParentVue. This streamlines communication with our attendance office and allows you to directly input the reason for the absence. To self-report, just follow these steps:
- Log into ParentVue on the app or your computer.
- Click on the "Attendance" tab in the left column (or tap the blue "Report Absence" button with the bell icon in the app).
- In the top right corner of the page, click the blue link labeled "Report Absence."
- Select the dates using the calendar and choose the reason for the absence from the drop-down menu.
- You can also add notes or upload a doctor's note, then click "Save."
If you prefer, you can still call Ms. Lori Munday at (520) 232-6702. Thank you for keeping us informed about all absences!
Parent Drop-Off
If you use the parent drop-off bay before school, please remember that the gate opens at 8:00am and learning time begins at 8:30a.m. The gate will close promptly at 8:35 a.m. If you arrive after 8:35 a.m., please walk your student to the front office for a late slip. In case you find yourself inside the building after 8:35 a.m., please use the front office exit to leave the campus. Breakfast is served from 8:00 to 8:30 a.m., so be sure to bring your students on time to ensure they don’t miss their morning meal and are ready for a successful day ahead!
Parent Pick-Up
Pick up time is at 2:45pm. If you use are parent pick-up bay after school, please remember to stay in your vehicle and we will bring your student to you. If you would like to get out and greet your child, please park in the parking lot, we have plenty of parking. Also, a good tip to avoid long waits in the pick-up bay is to arrive a few minutes after the rush. Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we get our cougars connected with you.
Health Office Corner
As we settle into a new school year, please ensure that your child’s immunization records are up to date as required by state regulations. Additionally, if your child has any allergies or medical conditions kindly inform the health office so we can provide appropriate care. Lastly a friendly reminder to encourage regular handwashing at home. Good hand hygiene greatly reduces the spread of germs.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our school community safe and happy.
Riley Volpe BSN, RN
Jackie Freed Health Assistant
Health Office
September Highlights
Cafecito / Coffee Talk
Cafecito/ Coffee Talks with Mr. Rodriguez is a great way to come and talk about new and exciting ways to help our campus feel safe, fun and welcoming! Please join our Cafecitos/Coffee Talk once a month (Next cafecito Oct 14th)! We had a great first meeting on Sept 9th in which one of the many initiatives was to have a dance party in the morning to bring more excitement and community building! We want to hear your ideas and are looking for Volunteers! Congrats to Kathleen Schooshtari for winning a little something at the cafecito! We will always have a raffle for those in attendance! Please reach out to Karina.Acuna@tusd1.org if you have any questions!
Dance Party Recap!
A huge thank you to all the parents who brought their kids to our Dance Party!
It was a hit!
Special thanks to Ms. Arely, Ms. Karina, and Ms. Karen for leading our morning dance sessions. And a big shoutout to Ms. Leslie for sharing her amazing dance moves!
You’re all incredible!
Join us for more fun every Monday and Friday from 8:15 to 8:30 AM in front of the Kinder Playground—stay tuned for updates on this exciting project!
See you on the dance floor!
EEF Shoe Field Trip Success!
We had a fantastic Shoe Field Trip to Skechers, where students were randomly selected to receive a brand-new pair of shoes. What a wonderful way to kick off the school year!
A big thank you to Ms. Karina for leading this trip, and to our amazing chaperones—Ms. Karen, Ms. Alma, and Ms. Liz N—for keeping our students safe and ensuring everyone had a great time!
A special shoutout to the Education Enrichment Foundation (EEF) for hosting us, and to Citi Bank for sponsoring our students. Your support made this event possible!
Here’s to an exciting school year ahead!
Counselor's Corner
Week 9/2-9/6
Happy September!
This month our focus is responsibility.
As we start the month defining responsibility each grade engaged in an activity in which
students had to demonstrate their responsibility skills.
Kinder: "Grew" pets & spoke about how they would be caring for their new pet.
Ist & 2nd: Decorated bookmarks to keep track of their library books and were able to go
outside to play a game of "Red Light Green Light" where we practiced impulse control and nd
control over our own body.
3rd: Had the opportunity to use their computers appropriately, to share their favorite song
with the class.
4th: Students took part in Charades! Students were responsible for raising their hand, not
shouting, etc.
5th: We took responsibility and focused it in on sports and teamwork.
Week of 9/9-9/13
Thank you to all the parents that joined us
at our first Cafecito! I look forward to
working with each of you as we move
towards implementing many of the ideas
Kinder & 1st: worked on bumble bees that
stated our B's (be safe, be respectful, be
2nd, 3rd & 4th: participated in a
competitive game of hangman were the
words were all relating to this month's focus
of responsibility
5th: Split into groups and identified
different areas in which they are responsible
and what that looks like (ex. home, school, environment, self)
Week 9/16-9/20
We had a short, short week with students so I will keep this
newsletter just as short and sweet.
Kinder-3rd: As we continue talking about responsibility, students
discussed the responsibility each of them have in being a good
friend and what this looks like. Students then were able to create
friendship bracelets/friendship people chains.
4th: created F.R.I.E.N.D.S "photo frames" of them and their
friends demonstrating positive friendships
5th: Took on a different responsibility this week and designed their
idea of the Cragin Cougar. Stay tuned as many of these will be
turned into stickers.
Family Engagement Corner
Cafecito / Coffee Talk
We want to thank you for assisting our first Cafecito Meeting of the school year. We hope you can join us once a month and talk about important topics and new ideas for our school. We thank each one of you for joining the conversation and bringing new, fresh ideas to the table as well as your concerns. It is important to us to hear you and support you. Please join us on Monday, October 14th, 2024
Morning Dance Party
This month, we launched the morning dance parties to boost excitement, foster community and help reduce bullying in the playground. We thank everyone who as joined us as we develop a solid dance party plan. We also remind students to please have breakfast before joining the dance party. Dance parties are Mondays and Fridays from 8:15am-8:30am in front of the playground but we hope to move it to the basketball court soon! Parents are more than welcome to dance with us as well!
"Never miss a chance to Dance"
"Life is better when we are dancing!"
"My superpower is Dancing!"
Shoe Party Field Trip
A big THANK YOU to our friends at Citi for sponsoring our Shoe Shopping party Fieldtrip!
Randomly selected Students received new SKECHERS shoes and socks.
The day was filled with shopping, games, and delicious freshly popped popcorn.
We appreciate Citi and SKECHERS for creating this unforgettable experience for our students!
"So many shoes and only two feet!"
"Good shoes will take you places!"
"It's always SHOE O'clock somewhere!"
Volunteers and Visitors
We Need Volunteers!
Parent volunteers are welcome on Campus! If you are interested in volunteering, please contact our office manager (Ms. Lupita Rivera-Madrid) or our Community Liaison (Ms. Karina Acuña) to learn how you can volunteer throughout the year. We also highly encourage families to attend PTO Meetings and Cafecitos / Coffee Talks to learn ways how you can support our school. Please register as volunteers on the TUSD website (https://jobs.tusd1.org/volunteer) as the process takes a few weeks. For all non-parental volunteers, please contact the front office before registering as a volunteer so we can explain the process and coordinate.
Please sign-in at the front office anytime you are on campus.
PTO Board Members
- President - Liz Niemeyer
- VP - Pat Schwichtenberg
- Secretary - Liz Niemeyer (Interim)
- Treasurer - Jonathan Niemeyer
Coupon Book Fundraiser
This is our first fundraiser for the year. Your child might have brought home a packet about this. This starts September 3rd - September 24th. You can start selling starting on the 3rd. These are very similar to the Entertainment books back in the day. They are a small book that has tons of coupons to different restaurants, businesses, and entertainment. These books are $25 each. However, if you sell 5 books, then you get 1 FREE!!! Relatives in other states can even buy one in their area. The whole family can get one. If you need help, just ask PTO President Liz Niemeyer.
Fill out your child's info for online selling here:
Let's see how many we can sell:
PTO Movie Night
Mark your calendars!!!
Friday, September 27th, 2024
Doors open at 5:30pm and Show starts at 6pm
We will be playing The Garfield Movie.
Bring your pillow and blanket and get cozy with your friends.
Hope to see you there.
Spooky Night Volunteer Sign Up!
We will have a table set up at Movie Night for those parents who want to Volunteer for Spooky Night coming up in October 25th! We have volunteer opportunities available, including helping with setup and decoration, leading activities in the cafeteria, and assisting with cleanup, among other areas where support is needed. We’ll discuss this further at our next PTO meeting on October 15th, as well as in the days leading up to Spooky Night (date to be announced).
21st Century
Homework Help
All students are eligible!
Please come between 7:30am - 8:15am, Monday - Friday starting on September 9th -December 13th!
Students need to come through the front door from 7:30am-8:00am. Please use Parent Drop-Off after 8:00am
Stay in contact and check out our latest School news on our Facebook page and Cragin website!
School Contact Information
2945 N. Tucson Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85716
Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday
520-232-6700 – Attendance
520-232-6700 – Office
520-232-6701 – Fax
Mission / Vision Statement
The mission of Cragin Elementary School, in partnership with parents and the Cragin community, is to assure each student receives an engaging, rigorous and comprehensive education.