BISD Staff Board Newsletter
Monday, May 13, 2019
Board Members
President: Tom Talley
V President: Charles Mauldin
Secretary: Scott Hiler
Ass't. Secretary: Alan Powers
Member: Jim Bost
Member: Duane Sutherland
Member: Jessie DeLuna
Recognition of State Qualifiers
Reorganization of BISD Board of Trustees
The board officers will remain the same;
President: Tom Talley
V President: Charles Mauldin
Secretary: Scott Hiler
Ass't. Secretary: Alan Powers
Member: Jim Bost
Member: Duane Sutherland
Consent Agenda
April 8, 2019 meeting Minutes were approved
TEA Application for Expedited and General State Waivers
Education Service Center Region XI Master Interlocal Agreement and Contract Summary
New Personnel
Staci Barrios, Math
David Dillard, Math
Jordan Sarten, Girls Head Basketball/ ELA
Steven Valkenaar, Principal
Bailee Luttrell, Athletics/ Social Studies
Jessica Jefferson, ELA
BIS - Sheila Christopher, Special Ed.
BES - Brandi Dagley, Kindergarten
March Budget Comparison
March checks payment report
March finance reports
Superintendent Report
Enrollment is down 13 student from when school ended last year.
May 14 - 6-7pm BHS Scholarship & Awards nightMay 15 - 7pm Baccalaureate @ First Baptist Church
May 18 - 10am Graduation @ UNT
May 20 - No School, Bad Weather Day
May 24 - End of School Breakfast, Years of Service awards
DC(LOCAL) - June 1-Aug. 31 giving the superintendent authority to hire
June 10 - School Board Meeting
Summer Leadership Institute - June 13-15 in San Antonio, June 20-22 in Fort Worth
Bridgeport ISD
Website: www.bridgeportisd.net
Location: 2107 15th Street, Bridgeport, TX, USA
Phone: 940-683-5124