Miller Elementary Weekly Update
May 24, 2024
Mrs. Goodman's Message
Hello Miller Families!
We cannot believe that we have officially ended the 23-24 school year! We wrapped up the year with our preschool graduation, we had end-of-the-year parties, field day events, slime day, and we partied on the playground with our preschool families to say thank you for a great year! We had a lot of fun celebrating all week long!
This was indeed an amazing school year and I want to thank each of you for partnering with us to make this year so successful. I especially want to thank our PTO, all our end-of-the-year volunteers, and each family member for making our final days so special. Please make sure you take a peek in your child's book bag to find important end of the year papers, locate any lunch box items that you don't want to find later in the month, and you should find some memorable school pieces that you can cherish for years to come!
Our kindergarten families will be able to access their child's Gather narrative report by next week! We are wrapping up our final comments about your child's growth and success this year in kindergarten. I have included an important letter below about how to access and navigate Gather to read your child's end of the year report.
In the months ahead, Ms. Stewart will be sending out a Summer Newsletter to our new first-grade families and I will be sending out a Summer Newsletter to all our returning preschoolers and new kindergarteners!
Our summer days are officially here and I'm sure your days are quickly filling with play dates, roasting s'mores, and enjoying the slower pace of summer. I want to wish your entire family a happy, healthy, and safe summer!
Happy Summer Vacation to ALL!
Maria Goodman
Important Building Information:
Miller Elementary Office Hours
7:00 AM - 2:00 PM until June 14th (Closed 6/15 - 8/1)
Contact Maria Goodman
Miller Elementary Principal
Craddock, Here I Come!
Hello soon-to-be 1st grade families!
It was a pleasure spending time with many of you Tuesday evening to share our excitement in welcoming your child to 1st grade at Craddock! I hope you found our time together informative, as well as reassuring! It's going to be a wonderful summer, a smooth transition and a fantastic 24-25 school year! I can't wait!
As I shared last night multiple times, please don't hesitate to reach out now or later with questions or concerns! I am here to help!
Take care,
Kim Stewart
Principal of Craddock Elementary School
105 Hurd Road
Aurora, Ohio 44202
330-562-3175 - office
216-849-2552 - cell
SLIME Day - Kids Heart Challenge Celebration Assembly
Kindergarten Field Day
Preschool Parties
Important PTO Information
Important Dates for 2024-2025
- Friday, August 16th - Miller Elementary Open House/Meet the Teacher 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
- Tuesday, August 20th - K-5 Staggered Start Last Names A-L & Assigned Staggered Start for Preschool
- Wednesday, August 21st - K-5 Staggered Start Last Names M-Z & Assigned Staggered Start for Preschool
- Thursday, August 22nd- ALL Preschool and K-5 Children Attend School
- Friday, August 23rd - ALL K-5 Children Attend School (No Preschool on Friday's)
- Friday, August 30th - Back to School Assessment Days - K-5 Children A-L attend School and M-Z NO SCHOOL (NO PRESCHOOL)
- Monday, September 2nd - NO SCHOOL FOR ALL - LABOR DAY
- Tuesday, September 3rd - Back to School Assessment Days - K-5 Children M-Z Attend School and A-L NO SCHOOL (ALL PRESCHOOL STILL ATTENDS)
2024-2025 School Year Calendar
Craddock's First Grade School Supply List
Miller's Kindergarten School Supply List
Miller's Preschool Supply List Will Be Shared in the Summer
Miller Elementary: Preschool & Kindergarten
Vicki Wolf
Email: mgoodman@aurora-schools.org
Website: aurora-schools.org
Location: 646 S Chillicothe Rd, Aurora, OH 44202, USA
Phone: 330-562-6199