Falcon Flyer
Week of 8/19/24
Principal's Messaage
Together We Soar!
Dear Falcon Families,
Join the PTA to support our school community! Your involvement, whether big or small, directly benefits our students and strengthens our programs. Our first membership meeting is tomorrow, and remember—every parent event you attend earns your child 10 Falcon Bucks. Let’s work together to give our kids the best experience possible!
Your partner in education,
This Week's Events
Monday, August 19
Falcon Store is open during recess
PTA General Membership Meeting
8:15-9:15 in the MPR
Join the PTA $10 membership
Tuesday, August 20
Wednesday, August 21
School Site Council Meeting
Thursday, August 22
Friday, August 23
FALCON SPIRIT DAY/Wear Falcon T-shirts or colors
Falcon Store is open during recess
SOAR Assemblies
1st-6th 8-8:30 blacktop
TK/K 8:30-8:45 Kindergarten playground
Our first assembly celebrating students who excel in demonstrating the Falcon 4: being safe, respectful, responsible, and kind.
Minimum Day Dismissal
TK 1:00 pm
K-6th 1:15 pm
Upcoming Events
- 8/29 5-6:30 pm Family Math Night
- 9/4 TK-3rd Literature Comes to Life Assembly
- 9/5 4th-6th Literature Comes to Life Assembly
Important Information & Resources
Families, Here is the presentation I shared at Back to School Night.
Click on title.
Community School Grant
Hello Falcon Community,
We need your help! We are applying for a grant to receive funding to help Otay Elementary School become a Community School.
Community Schools are public schools that partner with families and community organizations to provide well-rounded educational opportunities and support for students’ school success. This grant would help us bring more resources, more support, and funding to our students and families. To receive the grant funding of $300,000 for the next 5 years, we need 75% of our school community to support us. Please complete the form below to support us with this grant opportunity. This would be an amazing opportunity for our school community!
Internet Safety Tips for Families
Counselor's Corner
Friendly Reminders
Together we soar! #Partnership
- For safety reasons, students must wear flat, close-toed shoes
- Every minute of instruction counts. If your child forgets snack, lunch, or water, do not worry. Second Chance and lunch will be provided. They also have access to water fountains. We kindly ask that you refrain from dropping off any items. Let’s work together to help our falcons build responsibility.
- Please note that if your child is not picked up on time at dismissal, you'll need to sign them out from the office.