The Buzz at Westbrook School
August 26, 2022
From the Principal...
Dear Westbrook Families,
Kindergarten and Early Childhood started this week. We are so happy to have all of our Westbrook students back in the building.
Each year a Westbrook school-wide theme is chosen to be reinforced with staff and students throughout the year. I introduced this year’s theme of COURAGE to the Westbrook staff at our opening day presentation. Our team is committed to helping our students be courageous by exploring new opportunities, developing skills and doing what is right. Today we had a school-wide assembly to review the theme of courage. Please feel free to watch this video from the presentation. Mr. Anderson and I will visit classrooms this school year to reinforce the theme of courage through read-aloud.
During our assembly, we also shared our Westbrook behavior expectations; be kind, safe and ready. You can find our behavior expectation videos at the links below. Please feel free to watch these videos at home with your child.
This past week we started our Fall benchmark assessments for kindergarteners and first graders. Students will work with their teacher or benchmarking team members to assess reading and math skills. Grade-level teams use the assessment data to ensure core instruction meets the needs of students. We identify students needing additional support through interventions and review progress towards grade-level academic goals. These assessments are for internal problem-solving. We will notify families if their child qualifies for a reading or math intervention.
Thank you for partnering with us to make it a great start to the 22-23 school year.
For Your Children,
Danielle Crandall
Back to School Night will be held on Tuesday, August 30th at Westbrook. Please review the back-to-school night schedule linked below to identify the presentation time. This event is for parents only. Please note that there will not be a PTO meeting on back-to-school night.
Transportation Reminders
Our bus company, First Student, offers parents an opportunity to sign up for bus bulletins. Buses may be delayed throughout the year due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g., vehicular congestion, train traffic, weather, mechanical issues, etc.). The district has been using Bus Bulletin for several years now and is confident that this online notification system is the best way to inform parents should the need arise. For more information about Bus Bulletin and to sign up for notifications, visit If you have questions regarding transportation and routing, contact First Student at (847) 635 - 9877.
If you are changing your child’s pick-up plans, please call the Westbrook office at (847) 394-7340. Teachers may not see your email during the school day.
Safety Reminders
Please ensure you use the crosswalk in the parking lot to and from Westbrook.
Please do not walk between the buses. Staff members will be in front of the school each morning, reminding families to only cross at the crosswalk.
We kindly request you do not bring dogs or animals on school property. Many of our students are frightened of dogs.
Please contact the classroom teacher if you have a friend or family member picking up your child. Please communicate to the adult which door your child is dismissed from.
If you would like to use the Westbrook playground during the school day, please sign in at the office to receive a badge. This is an added safety measure for our teachers to identify approved visitors.
All visitors must ring the bell at door #1 and sign in with the office.
A NOTE from the NURSE
URGENT REMINDER: Physical/Immunization forms (completed by your child's pediatrician) for all Kindergarteners and new incoming students to Westbrook are needed by the health office. A parent needs to complete the health history section found at the top of the physical exam form; answer all questions, including any allergies/medication, sign, and date this portion. These are due ASAP or BEFORE October 15th, to avoid exclusion from school, as per the IDPH and the Illinois State Board of Education.
In addition: All Kindergartener's need an Eye Exam report (by an eye doctor), due BEFORE October 15th and a Dental Exam report (by a dentist) due BEFORE May 15th, 2023.
All forms (see below) must be the Illinois State form.
If your 1st grader or Preschooler (unless they are a Kindergartener this school year) was enrolled last school year, no health forms are required; the exception is if medication is needed in the health office for your child.
Entering all this information takes time and receiving it earlier than later is greatly appreciated!
Thank you to all the parents who have already submitted these forms!
If your child has any medical concerns (allergies/asthma/seizures/diabetes, or other health concerns) and you have not notified the health office please do so ASAP. If your child is in need of Emergency Medication in the health office, please bring all needed specific paperwork with his/her medication ASAP. Medication needs to be in the medication boxes/containers with your child's prescription label on the package. Please contact the health office if you are unsure of the needed forms.
Finally, if your child has a cast/sling/bandaged arm/hand/leg/foot, please notify the health office prior to sending your child to school. A physician's note will be required to attend school.
Please call/contact me with any questions or concerns.
Warm regards,
Julie Tworek, RN
Phone # 847-394-7340 Ext: 2005
Fax # 847-394-7349
Westbrook School - Save the Date
Tuesday, August 30th
Monday, September 5th
Non-Attendance Day
Monday, September 26th
Non-Attendance Day
Tuesday, September 27th
Westbrook Picture Day
Wednesday, October 5th
Walk for Westbrook
Rain Date- Thursday 10/6
Friday, October 7th
District Institute Half Day
EC and Kindergarten Students do not attend school
1st grade Students attend from 9:20 a.m. -12:20 p.m.
Monday, October 10th
Non-Attendance Day, Indigenous People’s Day
Friday, October 28th
Non-Attendance Day, District Institute
For more dates, please click: D57 Calendar
A Message from the PTO
Spirit Wear from the PTO ......Order Deadline September 5th
District 57 Information and Community News
Westbrook School for Young Learners
Location: 103 Busse Road, Mount Prospect, IL, USA
Phone: (847) 394-7340
Twitter: @westbrook_d57