LISD Expect Excellence Newsletter
January 29th, 2024
Hello Levelland Lobos,
The board and I understand that there has been some information being circulated pertaining to potential changes for our district. We know this can be very stressful and wanted to share official information and let you all know what the next steps for LISD will be.
As you will see in the attached document, we are not planning on any campus configuration changes for the upcoming school year. Principals are already working hard to plan schedules and campus operations for the next school year. We anticipate a fantastic school year for our students, staff, parents, and community.
On behalf of the board and administration, thank you for your continued commitment to Expect Excellence for our wonderful district.
Levelland ISD Expect Excellence.
Best Regards,
Becky McCutchen
Levelland ISD
Superintendent of Schools
All Things LISD..................
Mosaic Study....
Aren't you proud you live in the city of Mosaics? The Capitol 4th-Grade GT classes led by Pam Alexander and Barbara Utley went on a field trip to learn more about our mosaics, how they are made, and the story they tell. They began with a lunch and learn class with John and Betty Hope, followed by a downtown Mosaic tour and a Mosaic search around town. This year's GT project hits home and will generate an understanding of history, mosaics, and storytelling. This semester, these 4th-graders will explore stories told by mosaics and how narratives can be represented through art. As a group, students will choose a topic to write about and then retell their story through their own mosaic that they design and create.
This Little Girl's Story Became Huge................
Something huge came from this little girl! We published this back in December, but this little girl's story has grown so big! The Lubbock networks have picked up her story. She was on KLBK last night, The Hill in Washing DC published her story changing their Changing America segment, and USA Today has also taken notice and is interviewing her for a story last week! That's huge for such a tiny girl! This Capitol Elementary School second-grader raised money to make 100 care bags for the homeless in Levelland & Lubbock and delivered them in December. With a little help from friends and family, Davenee raised the money, brought everyone together, and made a difference for so many! Davanee, you are amazing, and we are so proud of you and your loving heart!
1) https://www.everythinglubbock.com/news/local-news/little-hero-from-levelland-7-year-old-digs-into-allowance-to-help-people-experiencing-homelessness/
STEM in the LMS Library
At LMS, Librarian Mrs. Mixie Clowe #expectsexcellence has created a fun space to learn with several levels of STEM engagement. Mr. Josh Randol’s 5th-grade students were caught excitedly participating in the interactive activities & challenges to help grow their imagination, creativity, and critical thinking skills. They were caught completing book reviews, designing and engineering, utilizing the new Oculus virtual reality adventures, and more! Our LMS students are loving library time with Mrs. Clowe!
LHS UIL Competing
The LHS UIL Coaches #expectexcellence and are proud to announce that our students did well in the Texas Tech UIL event over the weekend, bringing home some hardware. Austin Ellis took home a first-place medal in Accounting. Austin, Emma Pugh and Cy'Jai Mitchell make up the accounting team, and they brought home the Second-Place Trophy. Alvaro Loza placed third Overall in Number Sense and earned a second-place honor. Michelle Bustillos earned a 4th in both Number Sense and Mathematics. Nathan Ellis earned a third Overall in Math and a second in that same individual skill. Joleen Caballero placed 4th in Math. William Canon earned a 5th-place in math and a 4th-place in Science. And finally, Ada Niederhauser brought home the 4th-place ribbon for News Writing. We are so proud of these students' extra effort to improve their education! Congratulations! They will continue to compete at UIL events through March.
YELL Serves Others
Our LHS Young Emerging Leaders of Levelland Officers delivered goodie bags to the residents of Hickory Terrace today. This was the YELL project this month and YELL Officers delivered the bags. Residents enjoyed getting a goodie bag filled with tasty treats and info on YELL's mission to serve the community and people of Levelland. We send out a big thank you to all YELL kids for serving others!
Donuts with DOGS
ABC hosted a Donuts with DOGS (Dads Of Great Students) this morning and had a huge turnout! ABC #expectsexcellence and takes pride in all the Dads, Pops, Grandaddys, & Uncles that come to ABC daily to support our Littles' learning! When talking with teachers, they also love the DOGS in their classrooms because they pitch in to help and learn how things are taught that can be reinforced at home. This program is a win-win for everyone! Thank you, ABC, for hosting this amazing program, and thanks to all the DOGS for attending!
STAAR Parent Night @ Capitol!
Capitol hosted a STAAR Parent Night so parents could learn what their children must do on the STAAR reading and math tests in April. Third and fourth graders will all be taking the exams on Chromebooks. Principal Mrs. Runkles #expectsexcellence and explained that the test is not something to dread or be scared of. Students will start bringing home small homework assignments that will reinforce the concepts learned at school. Students already know the things on both exams because they are learning these concepts at school every day. Capitol teachers and students showed the parents what the tests will look like during the event. Students showed their parents all the accommodations & resources that will help them during the exam. The reading test will be given on April 16th and the Math test will be given on April 23rd this year.
LHS Student Perform in Honors Band!
Lobo Band Director Michael Cason and Assistant Band Director #expectexcellence and are so proud of these 25 LHS Honors Band Members. They rehearsed Friday and performed today in the All-Region Honor Band at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center. Congratulations to these students on going above and beyond! (Photo courtesy Mr. T.)
LMS Student Also Perform in All-Region Band....
Congratulations to the LMS All-Region Band students. They also performed on Saturday in Lubbock. We are so proud of the hard work they are putting in to be better musicians. (Photo courtesy M. Baern)
Notice of TAPR Public Hearing
You are invited to the Levelland ISD Board of Trustees TAPR public hearing of the 2022-2023 at the Regular Board Meeting in the Board Room on February 14th at 6 pm. The TAPR includes dropout and attendance rates; college, career, and military readiness; and participation in readiness assessments. The annual report also provides information on the District’s accreditation status, campus performance objectives, financial reports, disciplinary incidents, and the performance of former students in higher education.
Our Lobos beat Snyder 53-47 in a great comeback! Coach Windholz is very proud of how his boys "battled through adversity in a great team win!" The Lobos are three-and-two in district. They will host Sweetwater tomorrow head to Lubbock Estacado on Friday. (Photo courtesy KCBD)
Coach Brogden and the Powerlifting Coaches announce the results from the Frenship Powerlifting Meet! We are so proud to say that our girls finished 2nd overall and the boys came in 8th overall. Malaya Tiend, Maria Erriguin & Zaden Carrillo all brought home a first-place medal. Second-place medals went to Allison Monge, Ariani Lopez, Cy'Jai Mitchell, and Naylea Saucedo. And Emmina Collins, Salem Bailey, and Avani Lopez all placed third. Congratulations to these kids!
Our Loboettes beat Estacado and LakeView last week. They are now 5 & 0 in District play! Keep it up girls! (Photo courtesy Debbie Blackshear.)
Bill's Backpacks!
Cereal Cups
The item of the month is Cereal Cups!
BBP is always accepting donations.
Thank you..........
to the Levelland Noon Rotary for your generous donation that fed so many kids!
Levelland ISD
Email: rmccutchen@levellandisd.net
Website: www.levellandisd.net
Location: 704 11th Street, Levelland, TX
Phone: 806-894-9628
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LevellandISD/
Twitter: @LevellandISD