PRSD Pulse

PRSD Pulse: October Round-Up 🍂
Superintendent's Update
Greetings Pearl River School District Families and Staff,
October was certainly a busy and exciting month across our school buildings! As our K-12 students settled into new routines and made great strides in their academic and personal growth, I feel grateful for the hard work of our administrators, educators, clinicians and staff, as well as the support of our school community, who’ve all ensured a strong start to the 2024-25 school year. Now in the month of November, there is much to look forward to as we approach the Veterans Day and Thanksgiving holidays - which both serve as important reminders of all that we have to be thankful for, both in our community and in our country.
Throughout the month of October, our District launched our Coach To Class social media campaign highlighting the multi-faceted work of our Instructional, Tech and Literacy Coaches; celebrated National School Custodian Day, Unity Day, School Board Recognition Week, Digital Citizenship Week, Fire Prevention Month, National Principals Month, and Halloween; continued lessons centered on exploring Hispanic heritage, digital fluency, and creative approaches to arts education; and, spotlighted our National Merit Scholarship Commended students and Pirate Rep Theatre’s production of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow at the high school level.
I always look forward to sharing news of the incredible work that happens in our district across all of our programs; academics, the arts and athletics. Please expect to see much more in the coming editions of our monthly PRSD Pulse e-newsletters. Stay tuned!
Marco F. Pochintesta
Superintendent of Schools
Spotlights Section
Technology Coaches Help Students Create Kami Monsters
Learning STEMs From Pumpkin Investigations
Class of 2025 Celebrates Halloween at PRHS
PRMS Celebrates Halloween
ELFs Celebrate Halloween
Carving Out Time for Pumpkin Fun!
Students Explore Indigenous Birds
Three Students Earn National Merit Commendation
Three Pearl River High School seniors have been named National Merit Commended Scholars by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation! Using Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test Selection Index scores (calculated from the Reading and Writing, and Math section scores), NMSC determines 50,000 high-scoring participants who qualify for program recognition. These PRHS Pirates were selected and notified before being presented Letters of Commendation by Principal Robert Zegarelli, Ed.D. in recognition of their commitment to high achievement and potential for post-secondary academic success, often recognized by colleges and universities in their admissions decisions. The PRSD extends congratulations to: Timothy (T.J.) McDermott, Owen Burke and Sean Raumberger! Read more about Timothy, Owen, and Sean's many successes on Facebook and Instagram.
PRMS Students Develop Digital Fluency
ELFs Incorporate Music Centers into Arts Education Approaches
PRHS Pirate Rep Theatre Debuts The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Spooky folklore with a backdrop that takes place close to home...it's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow - and Pearl River High School's Pirate Rep Theatre excitedly geared up for its debut on October 25-26! Audiences followed along on the journey of schoolteacher Ichabod Crane who competes against local prankster farmer Brom Bones for the hand of Katrina Van Tassel, as he learns about and believes he comes to face the legend of Sleepy Hollow: the Headless Horseman. Just in time for Halloween, student performers and stage crew were hard at work rehearsing for their performances. Bravo! More on Facebook and Instagram.
Cultural Puppetry Shows Engage ELF Students
Celebrating Our School Principals
The PRSD spotlighted our five incredible principals in celebration of National Principals Month during October! Across our K-12 schools, our building administrators' roles run the gamut from overseeing daily operations and activities, to providing instructional leadership, to hiring and evaluating school staff, to disciplining and counseling, to supporting professional development, to parent and community engagement. Wearing many hats, our principals ensure a positive and nurturing school culture where students have the tools to succeed. Thank you: Principal Kathleenann Cool - Lincoln Avenue Elementary School, Principal Joe Avdek - Evans Park Elementary School, Principal Kristin Talleyrand, Ed.D. - Franklin Avenue Elementary School, Principal Dave Wright - Pearl River Middle School, and Principal Robert Zegarelli, Ed.D. - Pearl River High School. More on Facebook and Instagram.
ELF Students Hone Digital Citizenship
Lessons and discussions centered on the importance of using technology responsibly and respectfully take place across the PRSD throughout the school year - including during Digital Citizenship Week! Guided by our team of K-12 Instructional Technology Coaches Jess Kearns and Kim Ulrich, third graders in Jen Coppola's class at Evans Park Elementary School explored expectations and correct behaviors within various online communities, selected norms to share with the class and signed a classroom pledge. Beginning with a review of class norms, these Evans Park Tigers delved into the types of online communities they're familiar with (video sites, school apps, etc.) and rules they follow (like posting appropriate comments) - turning and sharing with their desk partners. In small groups, students selected norms to include in their own classroom digital citizenship pledge when sharing, responding, working and playing with others. With ever-growing and emerging technology at our fingertips, K-12 students are learning how to protect their privacy, utilize information responsibly, contribute to the community, healthily balance virtual time and remain mindful of online interactions. More on Facebook and Instagram.
Election Season Begins for ELF Fourth Graders
It's election season...and this time, it was student council's turn! Across our elementary buildings, fourth grade learners are excitedly campaigning - and showcasing their leadership skills and dedication toward building positive change in their school. We stopped by Evans Park Elementary School to capture Tigers' Student Council Elections as fourth graders took to the podium to give prepared speeches detailing their ideas and initiatives with the goals to empower student voice and promote school-wide values and missions. Following the election, students in attendance headed back to their classrooms to cast their votes via ballots. Newly elected students will soon begin their term - meeting routinely as a group each month with their club advisor to explore goals ranging from advisory/student leadership, to in-kind donations/drives, to school beautification. All fourth grade students also have the opportunity to take on other leadership efforts through applying for 'student jobs' which include Safety Team and Hallway Monitors. More on Facebook and Instagram.
First Grade Students Learn About Fire Prevention
Thank You, BOE Members!
Did you know that October 14-18 marked New York State School Boards Association's School Board Recognition Week? The PRSD extends gratitude to our five Board of Education members for their unwavering support and commitment to fostering high-quality education. Through their voluntary efforts and dedication in prioritizing educational excellence, the Pearl River School District plays a crucial role in shaping the future of countless students - helping to ensure that all K-12 learners have the opportunity to reach their full potential. We sincerely thank: BOE President Jackie Dubil Craig, BOE Vice President Denise Caunitz, BOE Member Terrence Cortelli, BOE Member Thomas DePrisco, and BOE Member Dr. Kathleen Ann Kelley. As the legislative and policy-making body of the District, the Board is firmly committed to providing the best education possible within the resources of the Pearl River School District, always striving for continuous improvement in public education. More on Facebook and Instagram.
ELFs Celebrate Unity Day
Hand in hand, the PRSD is building commUNITY through coming together to celebrate kindness, acceptance and inclusion! In celebration of PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center's Unity Day, our school buildings wore orange to send a powerful visual message of a shared effort to prevent bullying through our missions and values. Across our three elementary schools during October, Evans Park Tigers, Lincoln Ave Lions and Franklin Ave Stars worked with school clinicians and social workers through push-in lessons and open discussions to develop an understanding of the importance of Unity Day. During morning assemblies at Evans Park Elementary School, Lincoln Avenue Elementary School and Franklin Avenue Elementary School, K-4 students recited the Unity Pledge and shared out ways they've showed support and compassion. Tying into our ELFs' 'spot' focus of the month, students completed an 'Investigation Spot' to share how they spread kindness, accept others' differences and include their peers. Once finalized, the spots create a 'Unity Universe' bulletin board display that serves as a reminder of the ways in which they can do their part each day! More on Facebook and Instagram.
Second Graders Learn the Solfège Scale
It's important to NOTE...knowledge of scale reading enhances musical perception and facilitates sight reading skills! Second graders in Kim Mealy's class at Franklin Avenue Elementary School learned about the solfège scale - which includes the notes do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, and ti - and how it uses syllables to name pitches. Music teacher Scott Louis prompted students to carefully listen to the pitch of each syllable, and practice their own vocal technique in a call and response warm up. Using a felt scale board and notes, Mr. Louis worked with Franklin Ave Stars to accurately place the note on the correct staff line represented on the SmartBoard. Laying the foundation for future music education focuses, these student musicians are quickly developing an understanding of vocal agility/control and memorization - paving the way towards learning major scales! More on Facebook and Instagram.
Veolia Water Professionals Visit Sixth Grade Science
Sixth grade scientists at Pearl River Middle School were visited by professionals from Veolia Water New York for a lesson and activity on the water cycle and conservation efforts! Inside Brittany Martinez's Science classroom, PRMS Pirates learned about the continuous movement of water within the Earth and the atmosphere. In small groups, students engaged in a game - moving to stations located around the classroom each representing the places where a water droplet can 'travel' (like clouds, oceans, plants, rivers, lakes, ground water, glaciers, soil and animals). Along the way, groups collected beads from each station to create a bracelet - rolling the dice to determine which station to move to next. H20 educator Jess Moore (pictured) also spoke about the importance of water conservation and how individuals can do their part in making every drop count, as well as the impact of water pollution on our watershed. Later this academic year, sixth graders will delve into units centered on weather forecasting and water cycling - and they'll be able to apply this knowledge to their understanding! More on Facebook and Instagram.
Kindergarteners Create Treasure Maps
X marks the spot...and we've located the hidden treasures of art education! Inside Tom Price's Art classroom at Evans Park Elementary School, kindergarteners in Joanne Martini and Tobi Breslaw's class excitedly worked on their treasure map projects - incorporating knowledge of map keys and symbols (like water and trees), cardinal directions, as well as fine motor skills to cut and draw. Using paper, cotton swabs and glue, these Evans Park Tigers carefully placed their dotted lines along their painted brown maps. Mr. Price explained how each creation will look different based on the paths they choose to make on their projects - and that's what makes their work special! More on Facebook and Instagram.
Fourth Graders Complete Research During Hispanic Heritage Month
K-12 students across our school buildings engaged in lessons, projects, activities and readings centered on Hispanic Heritage Month...and Franklin Avenue Elementary School fourth graders completed research about a Spanish-speaking country with the help of English as a New Language (ENL) teacher Beth Toubin! Starting with a discussion of the importance of recognizing diverse cultures' history, traditions and significant contributions, Franklin Ave Stars delved into gathering information about their assigned country - using their Chromebooks to determine geographic location, population, climate, and popular and traditional foods. Following their research, students shared aloud what they learned about their country with classmates. More on Facebook and Instagram.
Students Celebrate School Custodians
In celebration of National School Custodian Day (October 2), kindergarteners at Lincoln Avenue Elementary School excitedly gifted School Custodians Frank Shine (pictured) and Alex Carroll with a poster they created to express their appreciation for all of their efforts! Beaming with happiness, Mr. Shine thanked students for always making his "job" one that he looks forward to. On this day, and each day, we are so grateful for our District's custodial staff who work behind the scenes to keep our school environments mighty clean. As the foundation of our school community, we thank our custodians for their significant impact! More on Facebook and Instagram.
PRSD Spotlights Our School Custodians
The PRSD extended a sincere THANK YOU to our hardworking custodial staff across our K-12 buildings as we celebrated National School Custodian Day! Pictured, are just a few faces of the many individuals whose efforts ensure that our schools remain clean and safe learning spaces for all. From early mornings, to late evenings, to everything in between, we express our gratitude for the countless ways you support our school community. More on Facebook and Instagram.
Kicking Off #CoachToClass
Our PRSD Instructional Coaches (K-6 Instructional Coach Katie Gruffi, K-4 Instructional Coach Regina Zito, K-12 Instructional Technology Coaches Jess Kearns and Kim Ulrich, and Gr. 5-12 Literacy Coach Dana Silver) serve as key members of our school community as they enhance both teaching and learning! As dedicated and passionate partners for our K-12 educators, they provide insight, support and strategies to ensure student success across subject areas. In October, we kicked off our Coach To Class campaign - highlighting the progression of their work spanning various 2024-25 curriculum focuses and initiatives, and spotlighting their multi-faceted roles within our District. K-6 Instructional Coach Katie Gruffi is working closely with teachers in grades 3 and 4 to delve into Institute for Multi-Sensory Education (IMSE) Morphology instruction - the study of word formation and structure. Partnering with teachers, Katie begins with initial planning sessions to discuss ideas, goals and classroom instruction strategies before rolling out student pre-assessments. With pre-assessments providing a measure of what students know and what they need to be taught, Katie then works with educators to implement lessons targeting paced concepts. In September, Mrs. Cooperman's third graders were introduced to Morphology through a Three Part Drill as they began to develop an understanding of words' sounds, syllables and morphemes. More on Facebook and Instagram.