February Family Update
The Learning Center 2025
Winter Weather
Greetings TLC Families. We hope you were able to stay warm and safe throughout this extreme winter weather. Let's hope that February is a little more calm.
During the month of February, we will be focusing on student academic success in the classroom. Remember, we want all of our students to pass ALL of their classes and remain on track to graduate. If your student is struggling, please reach out to your student's Advisory teacher or Ms. Jamill Smith our ESS Coordinator (jamill.smith@fayette.kyschools.us) to sign up for after school tutoring. ESS will start on February 11th and will be available every Tuesday and Thursday from 4:15-5:15.
In addition, during the month of February, we will be focusing on preparing for the ACT in all of our core content classes (English, Math, Science, and Social Studies). All 10th and 11th graders will be taking a free and official ACT test on March 11th. Eighth and ninth graders will be taken a practice ACT and 12th graders will be working on college entrance exams. For more details and how you can support our efforts, please review the following resource: ACT Resources for Students and Parents
Please make sure you have access to Canvas, EOS, and Infinite Campus, so you can support your student behaviorally and academically.
- Instructions and Information for Guardian Access to Canvas
- Instructions and Information for Guardian Access to Infinite Campus
- Instructions and Information for Guardian Access to EOS (Employability Operating System)
Please review the important dates below. Here are a couple of important dates that I would like to highlight and provide a little more detail.
- February 12th and 26th are Working Wednesdays. Students will be in the community and they will be dismissed around 1:00 pm.
- On February 25th, students will be able to take the ASVAB in the library. The ASVAB test is required if a student desires to enlist in the armed services.
- On February 27th, our first progress reports will be sent home with students.
- On March 1st, there will be a Special Programs Showcase at Tates Creek High School from 10:00-2:00: Showcase Flyer
Finally, please take the time to nominate a staff member that made a difference for your student(s):
February Staff Member of the Month
Please email me if you need anything: bryan.kennedy@fayette.kyschools.us
Bryan Kennedy
Program Director
The Learning Center
TLC Robotics Team
Lunar New Year
TLC School Improvement Update
1. ATTENDANCE--We want every student to have a minimum of 85% attendance for the entire school year.
- CURRENT STATUS--Our school wide average daily attendance for the Fall Semester is 82%.
2. ACADEMIC GROWTH--We want every student to pass all of their classes.
- CURRENT STATUS--52% of TLC students passed all their classes. Overall, the passage rate for all classes at TLC is 79%
3. LIFE READINESS--We want every student to meet the requirement for post secondary readiness according to the Kentucky Department of Education.
- CURRENT STATUS--44% of our Seniors have demonstrated post secondary readiness according to KDE.
Breaking It Down
Important Dates
February 2nd--Groundhog Day
February 3rd--Nurse at TLC
February 3rd--Student Safety Focus Group
February 4th--TLC Family Tours @ 10:00
February 4th--OMAC Mentoring
February 5th--D-Day
February 5th--Invention Challenge
February 6th--Fire Drill
February 7th--Chik-fil-A Leader Lab
February 7th--STEM Cafe in Library @ 3:00
February 10th--Nurse at TLC
February 10th--Voyage Movement Mentoring
February 11th--OMAC Mentoring
February 11th--ESS (After School Tutoring)
February 12th--Working Wednesday
February 12th--Superintendents Student Advisory Council
February 13th--Walker Reconstruction Mentoring
February 13th--Sister Keepers with Booker T
February 14th--Valentine's Day
February 14th--Black History Month Assembly
February 17th--Presidents' Day (No School)
February 18th--OMAC Mentoring
February 18th--ESS (After School Tutoring)
February 19th--D-Day
February 20th--Walker Reconstruction Mentoring
February 20th--ESS (After School Tutoring)
February 24th--Nurse at TLC
February 24th--Voyage Movement Mentoring
February 25th--ASVAB Testing in the Library
February 25th--OMAC Mentoring
February 25th--ESS (After School Tutoring)
February 26th--Working Wednesday
February 27th--Progress 1 Reports Sent Home
February 27th--Walker Reconstruction Mentoring
February 27th--ESS (After School Tutoring)
February 27th--Sister Keepers with Booker T
February 28th--PBIS Rewards Day
The Learning Center
Email: bryan.kennedy@fayette.kyschools.us
Website: https://tlc.fcps.net/
Location: 475 Price Road, Lexington, KY, USA
Phone: (859)381-0597
Facebook: https://facebook.com/groups/TLCWhiteTigers/
Twitter: @TLCWhiteTiger