Designers' Reminders
May 5, 2024

Weekly Messaging from Design39Campus
Here What's Happening in May and June
May 12: Mother's Day
May 17: Minimum Day/39XD (Release at 1:10 pm)
May 22: Tk-K Welcome Chat
May 27: Memorial Day (No School)
June 3: Master Sports for 6/7/8
June 5: Master Sports for Tk-5
June 6: Last Day of School (Minimum Day)
Facilitators' Findings
At Design39Campus, we are well into our CAASPP testing schedule, and by all accounts, our students are doing very well. CAASPP (California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress) testing holds significant importance for schools like Design39Campus within the broader Poway Unified School District (PUSD). These standardized assessments serve as crucial tools for evaluating student proficiency and progress in key academic subjects such as mathematics, English language arts, and science. By participating in CAASPP testing, Design39Campus and other schools within PUSD gain valuable insights into student learning outcomes, identifying areas of strength and areas in need of improvement. This data-driven approach enables educators and administrators to tailor instruction to meet the diverse needs of students, ensuring that all learners have equitable access to a high-quality education. Moreover, CAASPP testing plays a pivotal role in accountability and transparency within the educational system. The results of these assessments are used to measure school and district performance, providing stakeholders with valuable information about student achievement and academic growth. Design39Campus and PUSD leverage CAASPP data to inform decision-making processes, allocate resources effectively, and implement targeted interventions to support student success. By holding schools accountable for student outcomes, CAASPP testing promotes continuous improvement efforts aimed at enhancing educational equity and excellence across the district. Here are a few ways to support your student as they prepare for the CAASPP test:
8th Grade Promotion Yard Signs
If you are looking to purchase a promotional yard sign for your 8th grade student, we have provided Papercut Invites' information. Purchasing a sign is not required and is an option if you are interested. Please fill out THIS FORM below by May 17, 2024.
- Papercut invites' Pricing
- 1 single customized yard sign with the student's name: $20
- 1 single generic/not personalized $10
- Shipping to school for parental pick up: no cost
- Shipping to home: $10
Tk-K Welcome Chat
Hello Future D39C TK/K Families,
We are beyond excited to welcome our new designers and their awesome families to our learning community. We are looking forward to a new school year and hope to share about what the learning will look like for our youngest designers. We will also cover the logistics of our beginning of the year expectations.
We would like to formally invite you to a Welcome Chat with your TK/K LEDs and parent supporters to share our vision for the next school year. We will be sharing resources and will send an email out for all families that are unable to attend.
Welcome TK/K Chat Information:
When - May 22nd from 9:30am-10:15am
Where - Showcase (Located next to the Welcome Center)
What - All essentials for our TK/K students and families
We will be starting the meeting promptly at 9:30am and we will have a parking lot for questions. To respect all parties and their time, we will answer all questions collected during the meeting and send a separate email with responses.
Your TK&K LEDS: Kara Miller, Maria Fanianos, Conor Beatty, Lauren Dotson, Bailey Princell, Michele Janette, and Jaymie Sacramento
(RE) Imagine All The People
Del Norte High School is hosting a 2024 TEDx event with the theme Home Court Advantage. The event will take place virtually on May 26th. At DNHS , home court advantage is commonly used to cultivate an environment where everyone feels supported, safe, and valued. TEDx serves as one such platform for individuals to share their ideas and unite people for a shared experience. The event will feature a diverse array of topics, ranging from entrepreneurship to science to art performances.
Please see the sign up below.
SDCOE/Computer2SDKids Computer Event
2024-25 ESS Interest Application
There is a new, centralized application management system for families interested in applying for before and/or after school program services through Extended Student Services (ESS). If you are interested in the program for the upcoming 2024-25 school year, please visit the ESS webpage for the latest information on the lottery draw and enrollment timeline. If you need help submitting an interest application or have questions about the ESS program, please send a message to enrollment-ess@powayusd.com.
Couraging with Design
Equitable Spaces
No Place For Hate Identity Wall
The D39C No Place for Hate committee invites you to participate in sharing your identity with our community. Visit the Identity Wall in the Welcome Center to engage in this interactive activity. Take a moment to examine the words displayed on the wall and consider which ones resonate with you. Then, select your color string and use it to connect around the words that reflect your identity. This activity aims to visually illustrate the diverse components that comprise our community.
AVID Tip of the Week
The AVID tip of the week is apply for AVID. Students must be logged into their PUSD accounts in order to access the application. As a reminder, the application will be considered incomplete if it is not accompanied by a video interview submission. Directions for submitting the interview are listed in the application. Incomplete applications will not be considered. For additional information, please click here for additional information.
If you have questions, please contact Ms. Asmann, D39C Counselor: jasmann@powayusd.com
All applications must be submitted by May 15, 2024. All current AVID students must reapply to the program.
Click on the photo below for the application for grades 6, 7, and 8.
Counseling Connections
Our Outstanding Team
Matt Bibby (last names A-I): mbibby@powayusd.com
Jennifer Asmann (last names J-R): jasmann@powayusd.com
Andrea Guevara (last names S-Z): aguevara@powayusd.com
Lofty Ideas
As we approach the end of the school year, please remind your designer(s) to keep an eye out for Loft books. We are in the process of reshelving books as part of our reorganization efforts and would greatly appreciate your help in locating these missing books.
Where to look, you might ask? Well, the elusive lost book is known to magically disappear into the depths of a student's home, only to resurface at the most unexpected moments. To embark on a quest to locate these elusive tomes, one must first venture into the heart of darkness: the abyss known as the bedroom. Amidst the chaos of tangled headphones, rogue socks, and forgotten homework assignments, lies the potential hiding spot for the missing literary treasure. Check under the bed, where books often seek refuge beneath a fortress of dust bunnies and discarded candy wrappers. Next, brave the treacherous terrain of the closet, where forgotten textbooks and novels may lurk amidst a mountain of outgrown clothes and abandoned toys. Proceed with caution to the kitchen, where lost books have been known to masquerade as cutting boards or serving trays in an attempt to evade capture. Finally, don't overlook the enigmatic realm of the bathroom, where a book may have sought solace amidst the pages of a magazine or atop a precarious tower of toilet paper rolls. With a keen eye and a touch of luck, the lost book may yet be found, bringing an end to its mysterious journey through the labyrinthine halls of home.
D39C Be Blogging
The Design39Campus student blog is a vibrant hub where designers share their experiences, ideas, and unique perspectives on Design39Campus. It offers a firsthand glimpse into student life, showcasing creativity and the power of student-led initiatives within the educational sphere. Reading this blog provides a direct connection to the student community, fostering empathy, understanding, and a glimpse into D39C.
Please click on the button above periodically to see what is happening around our learning facility.
Redundant Repetitious Reiterating Repeated Recurrent Routine Reminders
Please see the flyer below for information about the D39C 2023-2024 Yearbook, including ordering information.
Attendance and OCIS Contracts: If you have a student who will not be in class for 5-14 days, please notify the office so we can have the parents fill out an OCIS contract for their child. The forms will have to be completed and signed by parents 5-10 days in advance of the absence. Click here for a link to the OCIS Contract.
Parents are required to give 5 days notice for absences up to 5 days, 10 days notice for absences more than 5 days.
Prepping work for students who are absent is an incredible amount of work for our teaching staff and we ask that you give your child’s teacher as much advance notice as possible beyond the above guidelines.
We do not write contracts beyond 14 days. If you plan to be away for 15 or more days please contact the Welcome Center for the necessary procedures.
Would you like to become a part of the Design39Campus Team? Do you like to be outside and work with children? If so, we are looking for a few quality Motion Managers to help support our designers during body breaks and lunch during the middle of the day. Possible times are 10:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. or 11:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. If interested, please apply through Poway Unified School District at the this link.
Attendance: To report your child's absence or early checkout, please email the attendance office at d39cattendance@powayusd.com before 10:00 am on the day of the absence. Please include your child's name, homeroom/grade, dates of absence, and reason for absence. We kindly ask that you avoid checking out your student during the lunch period from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. Please refer to the attendance section of our Design39Campus website for protocols regarding reporting student absences and requesting early release for your student.'
California Education Code 48205 states that a student may be excused legally from school when the absence is due to:
- Personal illness or injury
- Quarantine under the direction of a county or city health office
- Medical, dental, or chiropractic services
- Attendance at funeral services for a member of the immediate family
- Justifiable personal reasons, including, but not limited to, an appearance in court, observance of a holiday or ceremony of his or her religion, attendance at religious retreats, attendance at an employment conference, when the pupil's absence has been requested in writing by the parent and approved by the principal or designated representative
- For the purpose of serving as a member of a precinct board for an election
- Exclusion for failure to present evidence of immunization
- Exclusion from school because student is either the carrier of a contagious disease or not immunized for a contagious disease
Communication with your Designer: If there is a need to communicate with your child during the school day, please send a message to your child’s LED or the Welcome Center. Please refrain from communicating with them directly through text messages or phone calls as it disrupts their learning.
Personal Items: For equity reasons, we are asking that students keep their personal playground equipment at home or in their backpack. Our wonderful Collaborative supplies us with enough funding to ensure that there is enough equipment during recess and lunch.
The D39C Collaborative
The D39C Collaborative is a 100% volunteer-run foundation designed to be responsive to the needs of students, parents, and learning experience designers of Design39Campus. Their mission is to expand and enhance the educational experience of every student attending Design39Campus.
What's Up With Poway Unified?
PUSD Substitutes Needed: With flu, cold, and COVID season upon us, we are once again in need of qualified substitutes to support PUSD and our campus in the event of an LED absence.
If you or someone you know are interested in applying to become a substitute teacher with Poway Unified School District, please click here.
EmpowerED Digital Magazine: We are excited to debut the first-ever edition of our new EmpowerED Digital Magazine, to highlight all the ways you are empowering world-class learners every single day! We want to share with each other and the rest of our community what makes Poway Unified students, staff, and families so special in this visually pleasing, multi-media platform moving forward.
Click here to be taken to a flipbook to enjoy the magazine. You'll see slideshows, links, and videos embedded in the pages. We hope you love it as much as we do! Feel free to share it with your family, friends, alum, retirees - anyone who might enjoy it too.
Food and Nutrition Updates and Reminders: School breakfast and school lunch are FREE for all enrolled students, every school day. Meals must still be entered into the cafeteria computer by individual student account.
Even though meals are free, families are still highly encouraged to complete the application for free and reduced-price meal eligibility. School site funding depends in part on the number of students eligible for free/reduced-price meals. Families that qualify for free/reduced-price meals may qualify for other benefits, as well. The meal application is available online at MySchoolApps.com.
Printer-friendly PDF menus are available on the PUSD Food and Nutrition webpage. At the top of the page, click or hover over School Menus + and then Printable PDF Menus.
Interactive, web-based menus containing nutrient and allergen details are available at MySchoolMenus.com, as well as via links from the F&N webpage.