September Parent Newsletter
Important Dates:
Monday, September 2nd - No School (Labor Day)
August 19th- September 27th- 5th & 6th Grade Girls BB practice 3:30-4:30(unless game)
Tuesday, September 3rd - Flag Football begins for 3rd & 4th graders @ 3:30 (see flyer below)
Thursday, September 5th- 5th & 6th Grade Girls BB vs Midway 4:00 pm
Monday-Friday, September 9th-20th- STAR Assessment Window
Monday, September 9th- 5th & 6th Grade Girls BB game in Grafton 5:00 pm
Monday, September 9th- School Board Meeting @ 5:00
Tuesday, September 10th - St. Jude's Bike-A-Thon @ 3:30 - 5:00 pm (see flyer below)
Monday, September 16th- Hearing Screenings
Tuesday, September 17th - 5th & 6th Grade Girls BB game in Park River 4:00 pm
Wednesday, September 18th - PTO Meeting @4:30
Thursday, September 19th - School Pictures with Behl's Photography starting at 8:00 am
Thursday, September 19th - 5th & 6th Grade Girls BB game in Midway 4:00 pm
Wednesday, September 18th - PTO Meeting @4:30
Friday, September 20th - Connection Time @ 10:00 am
Monday-Friday, September 23rd-27th- 8th Grade Wolf Ridge Trip
Monday-Friday, September 23rd- Oct. 4th- ND+ Assessment Window
Monday, September 23rd - 5th & 6th Grade Girls BB game in Minto 4:00 pm
Tuesday, September 24th - 5th & 6th Grade Girls BB vs. Emerado 4:00
Thursday, September 26th - 5th & 6th Grade Girls BB game in Emerado 4:00
Monday, September 30th- 5th & 6th Grade Boys BB practice 3:30-4:30-FIRST PRACTICE
*Physicals have to be completed before the first practice.
Thursday, October 3rd - Flu shots 12:30-3:00 pm
Manvel Spirit Wear!
Here is the link to our Manvel Spirit Wear site.
We had a great couple of weeks! There is a lot happening in the month of September!
PBIS/Positive Office Referrals
We will continue to use the positive office referrals this year. We also formed a PBIS committee this year to review all the behavioral supports we currently have in place and discuss what we can do to make it even better.
St. Jude's Bike-A-Thon
Mr. Pederson will be organizing the St. Jude's Bike-A-Thon again this year on Tuesday, September 10th after school from 3:30-5:00. Students may bring their bikes to school and ride for a wonderful cause. Pledge sheets from Mrs. Pederson will be given out to students at school. We will have an online pledge option as well.(flyer & route is below)
Picture Day
Behl's Photography in Grand Forks will take school pictures on Thursday, September 19th starting at 8:00 am. More information will be sent home as we get closer to this date.
Girls Basketball, Boys Flag Football, & Volleyball Skills. (Flyers below)
Thanks to Mrs. Dub, Girls Basketball coach and Ms. Fuller, Flag Football for their extra work and dedication to our students.
Girls Basketball practice is after school in the gym from 3:30-4:30 Monday-Fridays, unless there is a game.
Flag football practice and skills is after school 3:30-4:30 Tuesdays & Thursdays on the soccer field.
Also, Thank you to Bri Jones & Holly Gowan for starting up 3rd & 4th grade Volleyball skills. They will start Sept. 9th and will be every Monday & Wednesday from 3:30-4:30.
Flu Shots
On Thursday, October 3rd, Welcore Health will be at MPS in the afternoon(12:30-3:00) to administer flu shots to any families interested. Forms will be sent home. Signed permission is needed before any student is able to receive a vaccination. Community members are also welcome to attend. Please call the school office for more information. A Welcore flyer will be sent out closer to the date.
PTO will meet on Wednesday, September 18th at 4:30 for our first meeting of the year. Thanks to PTO for the donation of the Back to School meal and our teacher gift certificates. Please join us if you can! We will meet in the library. WE WOULD LOVE TO HAVE MORE PARENTS AT OUR PTO MEETINGS! 😀
Connection Time
September 20th will be our first Connection Time for the year. Staff will meet with a group of students every other month to do a connection activity and build relationships.
Wolf Ridge
Our 8th-grade class will spend a week at Wolf Ridge in northern Minnesota this fall starting on September 23rd-27th. Special thanks to Ms. Gottwalt, Mr. Grosskreutz, Mrs. Schuster, Mrs. Syverson, Mrs. Lunski, and Mrs. Marshall. who will be spending a week with our 8th-grade class learning and growing at Wolf Ridge.
Yearbooks are here and are on sale for $25.00 in the office. They are full of fun memories and great learning and are a wonderful keepsake for years to come. Special thanks to Mrs. Blackwell for creating and publishing our MPS yearbooks! If you were an 8th grader last year, please stop and pick up your FREE yearbook, compliments of Manvel PTO.
Social/Emotional Learning Skill
We are focusing on "Kindness" the month of September with our students. Please ask your child to tell you ways to show kindness~ our staff is watching for students this month who demonstrate kind acts to others and will be selected as the September Mustang of the Month for their classroom.
Benchmarking with STAR 360 and ND+
All teachers will be assessing students this month to determine levels in reading and math. PreK & K will continue to use ESGI. Once students have been benchmarked, we will use the data to help drive instruction and interventions for all of our students. The testing window is STAR 360(Sept. 9th-20th) and ND+(Sept. 23rd-Oct. 4th).