Jasper Counseling Update
October 2024
Happy Optimistic October
GOAL Setting
O represents the Obstacles that stand in the way of reaching their goal.
A represents three Action Steps students plan to help them move toward their goal.
L represents Looking Ahead to life afterward, where students visualize how they will feel upon reaching their goal and think about what they might strive for next.
2025-2026 Student Course Registration
More information will be coming this month about the registration process.
Advanced Academic Course Drop
Students are able to request to move to a lower level course at the end of the first grading period if they meet certain criteria. Here are the Plano ISD Advanced Academics Course Withdrawal Guidelines and Timeline. Use this form to request a change.
Academic Supports
Gradebook Notifications provide you with timely information regarding your child's academic progress and facilitate your ability to have family conversations to address academic needs.
Teachers often include notes in the online gradebook regarding the status of past due assignments and opportunities to improve failing grades. The schedule page in gradebook also provides you with the email contact information of your child's teachers. Teachers welcome students to meet with them during tutorials before and after school and during scheduled Connect appointments. Check with your teacher about tutorials.
Parents are also able to monitor Chromebook usage at home through GoGaurdian Parent. This mobile app gives parents/guardians the ability to manage and monitor student activity on school-issued Chromebooks during out-of-school hours. GoGuardian Parent is a companion to the classroom management and internet filtering tools that our district uses during the school day.
In the spirit of collaboration, parents and teachers are encouraged to communicate and work together to develop strategies and supports for struggling students. Counselors are available to support students, parents and teachers to collaborate for every student's academic and social emotional success.
Academic Support Resources
Jasper Academic Success Tips
Chromebook Basics, Tips & Tricks
Helpful Resources
Just A Little Guidance for Success
Helpful Links for Common Questions
JHS Counseling Website
Virtual Jasper Counseling Office
Get Involved!
Clubs and Organizations meet during Connect, before and after school and are a great way to get involved while meeting new people. Students may start a club by obtaining a faculty sponsor and completing the Non-Curricular Club Request.
Interested in your student participate in Small Group Counseling Sessions?
Jasper Small Group Counseling Sessions
The counseling department is starting to work with students in a Small Group Counseling space, specifically created for students to feel welcome and share in a group-led format. We will be working with students on a variety of topics such as: anxiety, grief, relationship building, conflict management, etc. If you are interested in your student joining a group, please reach out to your student's counselor. We hope in this new space we can continue to meet the needs of our students here at Jasper.
Parent Workshops and Webinars
Plano ISD Social Workers
Plano ISD school social workers are committed to empowering and supporting students, families, schools and communities by identifying factors and barriers to learning that affect student and family functioning, so that all students can realize their full potential and personal value. They provide mental health support workshops throughout the year about various topics.
District School Social Workers serve all 72 campuses in Plano ISD. They work closely with counselors, administrators, teachers, parents, students, and the community.
Services offered include:
- Individual mental health therapy
- Intense family case management and support
- Referrals to community agencies
- Staff consultation and collaboration
- Staff mental health training
- Home visits
- Trauma support
Please let your child's counselor know if you are interested in learning more about our social worker resources.
Parent Education and Engagement Program
The Parent Education Engagement Program (PEEP) is committed to engaging families in the education of their children and building capacity in all PISD schools to implement family engagement strategies and activities designed to achieve the district and student academic achievement goals. https://www.pisd.edu/Page/544
Jasper Counseling Contact Information
Counseling Office Hours: 8:30am - 4:30pm
We have an open door policy for student visits, parents are encouraged to make appointments as we are not always available.
Sheri Ray
Counselor Alpha A-Gap
Jami Emanuel
Counselor Alpha Gaq-Maq
Robin Gott
Lead Counselor Alpha Mar-Ra
Sarena Edwards
Counselor Alpha Re-Z
Brenda Jordan
Clerk Counselor Secretary
Lety Lozano
Website: https://www.pisd.edu/domain/495
Location: 6800 Archgate Drive, Plano, TX, USA
Phone: 469-752-7415