Project Press
December Newsletter
Navigator Spotlight
"What is your favorite holiday tradition?"
Justin Agulto
My favorite holiday tradition is celebrating the holidays with family. I always have a great time with them, especially when they karaoke. The joy, happiness, and positivity they bring are incomparable.
Nina David
My favorite holiday tradition is gift-giving. It feels good to give no matter the cost, knowing that it puts a smile on their faces.
Claire Barrozo
My favorite holiday tradition would be on Thanksgiving where everyone would gather altogether. Either your friends or family and just have a meal together to give thanks for anything they are grateful to have for the year.
Bonnie Sagana
My favorite holiday tradition is definitely being with my family and friends, spending time with the people that make me the happiest, and just giving gifts that remind me of the people I love. Happy Holidays everybody!
Gelomener Narciso
Gift-giving is one of my favorite holiday traditions. It shows you care for someone and you have them in your thoughts and vice versa. Even if you don't get what you wanted, the simple fact that they thought of you and put effort, time, and money into getting you a gift helps you to appreciate what you got even more.
Kayla San Nicolas
What I like doing as a holiday tradition would be putting up Christmas decorations. Also, enjoying the food and spending time with family are my favorite things to do.