JMS Family Newsletter
January 12, 2025
Welcome Back!
Our first week back went quite well. It was wonderful seeing all of the students. I listened to many stories of what they did over break. Some traveled and some stayed close to home and enjoyed time with family and friends.
It's always shocking to me how much they grow and mature over just a short couple of weeks. This is the time of year students start to realize that the next level is just ahead. They start to realize that they may need to work a little harder and listen a little more. Our 8th graders start having mixed emotions about the excitement of high school and the anxiety of leaving a campus they are comfortable with.
During this last semester please let us know how we can support your student. We will be working hard and discussing goals with students. We will recommend tutoring where we feel it is needed and we will let them know how great they are doing.
It's an exciting time and we are honored to be a part of it.
Awards Ceremony
On Monday we will have our First Semester Awards Ceremony. We will recognize students who received perfect attendance, A-honor roll, AB-honor roll and SR2 students.
Due to the number of students that are receiving an award (over 500) I have made the decision to have 7th and 8th grade awards at 5:30 and 6th grade at 6:30. All parents of students who are receiving an award were notified today.
We look forward to seeing you there and celebrating these great accomplishments.
This week at JMS
5:30 - 7th and 8th grade awards ceremony
6:30 - 6th grade awards ceremony
5:00 - PTO movie night (invite only)
6:30 - School Board Meeting - "School Board Appreciation"
5:00 - Boys Basketball at Salado
5:00 - Girls Basketball vs. Marble Falls at Home
Upcoming Events
We have several things that are in the works to be planned and I wanted to give you a heads-up as soon as possible.
Multicultural NIght
Fine Arts / Electives Night
Athletic Banquet
End of Year Awards
PBIS Celebrations
Attendance Celebrations
As soon as we have more information we will send it out.
A note from your principal
JISD is always looking for ways for parents to become involved in the education of their students. We have PTO, parent volunteers, subbing opportunities and much more. When you take an active role you are helping to develop a partnership with us that will have a positive impact on your students academic success, social well-being, and future goals.
Middle school can be a challenging time for students as they are learning where they "fit" and what type of person they want to be. We encourage you to join this journey with us. It's really very simple. Stay in contact with your child's teachers, join and attend PTO meetings, volunteer at the school or at events, and if your schedule allows it think about subbing for us.
We look forward to this new semester and continuing to work together for the success of our students.