Blue Water College Access Network
St. Clair County's College Resource | September 2023
College Knowledge for EVERYONE
Welcome to your resource for planning, preparing, and going to college after high school. Blue Water College Access Network is here to provide information and opportunities that will ensure you graduate confidently prepared, with plans for career and college beyond high school. Whether you choose to go on to earn a bachelor's degree, an associate degree, or an industry credential, we can help you get there!
Each month, we will publish a newsletter to keep you on track, informed, and engaged in college activities provided by organizations across the county. To subscribe to the newsletter, submit your email address using this form. Past editions of the newsletter can be found at bwcan.org. Contact Nick Beaudry with any questions you might have at beaudry.nick@sccresa.org.
BWCAN Fall Events Calendar
The beginning of a new school year is an exciting time for all high school students to take the next steps in your career and college planning for after graduation and beyond. The Fall Series is here to help you navigate this process whether you’re considering attending a trade school, community college, or 4-year university or even entering the workforce.
There is no cost to attend, but registration is required. Register online at bwcan.org.
All St. Clair County high school students and families are welcome!
New College Advisers tour St. Clair County
St. Clair County welcomed the NEW 2023-24 College Advising team as they toured the county to meet community partners at St. Clair County RESA, Community Foundation of St. Clair County, SC4, and YMCA of the Blue Water Area.
Advisers serving at our local high schools help support students and families with their post-secondary planning from navigating the application process and FAFSA completion to scholarship searches and the successful transition to a four-year university, two-year community college, or trade school.
Michigan College Month
October is Michigan College Month! This annual statewide initiative is to provide every graduating high school senior the opportunity to apply to college. During this time, many of Michigan's two- and four-year postsecondary institutions are waiving college application fees. Check out these lists and apply to the college on your list for free today!
Colleges with No Application Fees
Colleges Waiving Application Fees
Michigan Assured Admissions Pact (MAAP)
Beginning with the Class of 2024, 10 of Michigan's 15 public universities have committed to joining the Michigan Assured Admissions Pact. The MAAP ensures every Michigan high school graduate with a 3.0 GPA or higher will be admitted to participating universities.
MI Student Aid
Virtual Financial Aid Presentations
Students and families looking for help paying for college are encouraged to register for a Virtual Financial Aid Presentation provided by Michigan Department of Treasury’s MI Student Aid team.
Participants will be able to gather information on the following financial aid topics:
- FAFSA application information
- Federal financial aid programs
- State financial aid programs
- Scholarship searching resources
October 5, 2023 at 12 - 1 p.m.
October 19, 2023 at 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
November 2, 2023 at 12 - 1 p.m.
November 16, 2023 at 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Michigan Achievement Scholarship Informational Sessions
High school students and families interested in learning more about the Michigan Achievement Scholarship are encouraged to register for an informational webinar provided by Michigan Department of Treasury’s MI Student Aid team. Participants will be able to gather the following information:
- Michigan Achievement Scholarship eligibility requirements
- Michigan Achievement Scholarship award amounts
- Important action items for students and families
- Additional resources and program information
All sessions are free of charge and open to the public.
October 4, 2023 at 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
How to College Crash Course Playlist: To College or Not To College?
In the final video in the series, Celebrating Accomplishments and Lifelong Learning, Erica talks about the importance of reflection, celebration, keeping track of experiences, and planning when transitioning from college to your next chapter. Get a list of upcoming episodes for Fast Guides and How to College at https://gostudyhall.com/
Because there's a lot of information to keep track of when you're applying to college, Crash Course made an easy spreadsheet to help you compare schools, keep track of application requirements, and set your goals! Copy this free template and make it your own: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ycGCb-JeGpiu0LLJCUVvV_Zlm5W8u5eimgk3N3blmug/edit#gid=0
To preview upcoming topics, check out the episode guide.
From the Study Hall Program:
Dr. Erica Brozovsky (from PBS's Otherwords) hosts and breaks down how to apply for, succeed at, and graduate from college. We hope you'll join us for this journey and check out our all new Study Hall Channel where you can watch Fast Guides about college majors and even more series. Get a list of upcoming episodes for Fast Guides and How to College at https://gostudyhall.com/
Counselor Corner
Earn Free School Counselor SCECHs
Counselors looking for opportunities to earn credits to renew their certificates have flexible free online courses that may fulfill your needs:
Understanding the Modern Military - 5 SCECH Credits
MCAN Upcoming Webinars - .5-1 SCECH Credit each
MCAN Webinar Recordings - 1 Credit each
Full list from MDE: Free and Low-Cost Online Professional Learning Options Approved for Certificate Renewal and Progression
SC4 Resource for Counselors and Advisers
SC4 has a handy webpage for those guiding students' college and career planning. They have updated English and math placement information, AP course equivalencies and more. Check it out here: https://sc4.edu/admissions/high-school-counselors/
Resources for Supporting Students
Award Letters Are Arriving — Do Your Students Understand Them?
Students might need help navigating financial aid offers. These offers, often referred to as award letters, should spark conversations about college affordability between students, families and the professionals who help them along their postsecondary pathways.
Learn more about Award Letters here.
2023-24 FAFSA and FSA Updates: What Do You Need to Know?
National College Attainment Network highlights the latest changes in the 2023-24 Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
Learn more about the latest FAFSA changes here.
Virtual College Financial Aid Nights
MI Student Aid hosted virtual college financial aid nights for students and families looking for college financial assistance.
Watch 2022 Virtual Financial Aid recordings here and find information for 2023.
FAFSA Completion Challenge Grant: Application Now Open
The Michigan Department of Education, working in collaboration with the Michigan Department of Treasury and MCAN, is implementing the FAFSA Completion Challenge Grant to build the capacity of school districts as they support students in completing the FAFSA. The deadline to complete the application form is Oct. 6, 2023. The application must be completed by the district through the GEMS/MARS system.
Data indicates that a senior who completes the FAFSA is 84% more likely to enroll in postsecondary education, and 90% of high school seniors who complete the FAFSA immediately enroll in postsecondary education programs. The State of Michigan is providing financial incentives to support schools as they prioritize FAFSA completion. Now, more than ever, it is critical that schools and districts create FAFSA completion goals and monitor them regularly, build shared ownership, establish partnerships, and spread awareness.
Award Amount
Through this opportunity, districts will be eligible for $50 per student in the 12th grade. Maximum award amounts will be determined based on the spring 2023 11th grade enrollment counts.
Districts are eligible if each high school from the district has a data use agreement on file with the Department of Treasury naming at least one data receiver designee to access student-level data regarding FAFSA completion.
Districts that apply for grant funds must assure that they will use these funds to participate in and implement strategies and activities known to drive FAFSA completion rates. Strategies can be developed after districts submit the form. MCAN is ready and available to provide district and school-level support on strategy development.
For application assistance and questions, contact Bill Witt, manager of the Continuous Improvement Unit in the Office of Educational Supports at the Michigan Department of Education.
For strategy development support, contact Jeneen Hatoum, MCAN's director of high school innovation.
College Bound Michigan Registration Now Open for 2023-24
Registration is now open for the 2023-24 cycle of College Bound Michigan, MCAN's suite of initiatives designed to build and support college-going cultures in high schools and their surrounding communities. This program helps school counselors, college advisers, community-based partners, and other educators create systems and practices that connect all students with the opportunity for formal education beyond high school, including postsecondary certificates and academic degrees.
CBMI brings together three statewide high school initiatives — Michigan College Month, College Cash Campaign, and College Decision Day — into one campaign to help bring Michigan closer to Sixty by 30. There is no cost to participate, and all Michigan high schools and community-based organizations that work with high school students are invited to sign up. Click the register button below to learn more. Current CBMI sites, be sure to register to ensure you are included as a host site for next year! Registration will remain open through the fall, but signing up now ensures timely delivery of resources and takes something off your summer/fall to-do lists.
Why should my school or organization sign up?
As a CBMI Host Site, you will have access to:
- Exclusive funding opportunities
- Promotional materials
- Student-facing, grab-and-go resources
- Counselor/adviser-facing toolkits and implementation guides
- Professional development opportunities
Contact Nick Beaudry, Supervisor of Career and College Programs, St. Clair County RESA
Email: beaudry.nick@sccresa.org
Website: bwcan.org
Location: 499 Range Road, Marysville, MI, USA
Phone: 810.455.4261
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BlueWaterCAN/
Twitter: @BlueWaterCAN