Jaguar Monthly
September 2023
Welcome (or welcome BACK) to Clifton Park! We have had a great first two weeks of school. Our students are learning procedures and routines, and have begun to feel more "at home" each day. Students are smiling and happy during the day, and they are making great connections in their classrooms. Our teachers are working hard to plan and provide rigorous, aligned instruction that will help our jaguars to be successful this year.
Each of our staff members is dedicated to building BRIGHT futures for their students. We believe that our students are capable of magnificent things, and we can't wait to show what they know! We will host an open house this month on September 14 from 4:00-6:00 PM. We will showcase our students' learning and their ability to create and collaborate with each other. There will be several informative presentations that evening, as well, including Title I parent/family awareness (5:30 in the library) and Dyslexia Awareness for all interested parents (4:30 and 5:00 in the library). Please attend if you can!
On September 12, Clifton Park's PTA will have a meeting for ALL interested parents in the library at 4:00. They will be discussing the year's planned events; please consider coming so you can learn about ways to help or to join!
If you have a child that is three years old, we would love to have you both join us for our Little Jaguar classes! These events are presented by our Parent Liaison, Linda Berry, and allow our future Jaguars to experience what it's like to come to school. These free classes are offered weekly in our library. See the ad below for details!
Morning Drop-Off:
If you need to drop off prior to 7:00, you can make arrangements with our wonderful YMCA program. We partner with them, so you'll need to call them at 254-690-2622.
Beginning on Tuesday, September 5, breakfast will be served in our classrooms from 7:00-7:30. Students will enter the building, go STRAIGHT to their classrooms, and begin eating. Because we are a CEP (Community Eligibility Program) campus, ALL students receive breakfast and lunch free of charge. We are very excited to feed all students each morning in their rooms - what a great way to start the day!
Pre-K students will continue to eat breakfast with their class and teacher in the cafeteria so they can learn and practice cafeteria procedures.
We need our Jaguars at School...
Math Tutoring available for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders!
At this point, young siblings will not be allowed to wait with those students who are in tutoring; please pick them up at dismissal.
Call 254-336-1580 if you have questions... remember the teacher has the permission slip that must be filled out!
Acting in a way that shows you care about other people's feelings and well-being. This month, counselors will be giving lessons on the importance of respect and care for the people and things around us.
Cover Art Competition
September 11 - Patriot Parade
Military and First Responders
As our honored guests, we encourage you to come in your uniform to parade our halls. Please check in at the front office at 7:45 a.m. to begin the parade at 8:00 a.m.
See below for more information!
Parenting Pre-School Program. Please contact Mrs. Berry for more information. (254) 336-1580
School Safety is important to us.
Every room has a poster of the drills we practice (see graphic below) with reminders of the steps to take for each type of drill. We practice fire drills once a month and other drills once a semester. Teachers talk to their students about how to be safe and remind them that drills are just for practice so we can be ready in case of an emergency.
In addition to all classrooms having safety backpacks, every other room is equipped with a "Stop the Bleed" kit. These kits contain equipment that will allow teachers to aide someone who is bleeding until medical help arrives. For those parents with older students, KISD will be offering Stop the Bleed training to all 7th-12th grade students on early out day with parent permission.
If your child rides a bus... download the Edulog Lite app to track the bus! See video below and get the Clifton Park code from our front office
Killeen ISD wants YOUR input!
Throughout Killeen ISD, we place great importance on the input of our community partners and parents when making significant decisions within our district. If you are interested in contributing and serving on one of our NEW District Advisory Councils, please take a moment to watch the video below. The online application will open on September 5, 2023, and close on September 15, 2023.
For more information on the councils, visit www.killeenisd.org/councils .
Upcoming Events
Monday, Sept. 4: NO SCHOOL - Labor Day Holiday for students and staff
Monday, Sept. 11: we celebrate Patriot Day with a morning parade; students/staff wear red, white, and blue
Wednesday, Sept. 13: progress reports sent home with students (2nd through 5th graders)
Thursday, Sept. 14: OPEN HOUSE, 4:00-6:00 PM; Title One Awareness session at 5:30 in the library - come learn about our Title One program and how it benefits our students! Dyslexia Awareness sessions in library at 4:30 and 5:00 in library; open to all interested parents.
*September 15-October 15 - We celebrate HISPANIC HERITAGE all month!*
Wednesday, Sept. 20: FALL PICTURE DAY! We'll take individual and class pictures.
Thursday, Sept. 21: 11:00am Pre-School Learn & Play (see above)
Monday, Sept. 25: SBDM (site-based decision making) committee meeting in library, 3:30
Tuesday, Sept. 26: SUPPORT CP! Come out to TEXAS Roadhouse 4:00-9:00 and say you're a JAGUAR!
Thursday, Sept. 28: 11:00am Pre-School Learn & Play
Thursday, Sept. 28: Character Lunch - celebrating our RESPECTFUL students!
WE NEED YOUR HELP... please consider volunteering! Open the attachment below...
Clifton Park Elementary
Email: jennifer.carranza@killeenisd.org
Website: https://schools.killeenisd.org/Page/21
Location: 1801 South 2nd Street, Killeen, TX 76541, USA
Phone: 254-336-1580