Insight PA High School Newsletter
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
A Message from Mrs. Miller
As we enter the month of May, I am delighted to share some important updates, events, and highlights from our high school community. May is a time of growth and renewal, and we have exciting opportunities ahead as we continue to celebrate academic excellence and personal growth among our students.
Insight PA High School is committed to providing a nurturing and enriching educational experience for every student, and your ongoing support is greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Wishing you all a wonderful month filled with joy, growth, and achievement!
Mrs. Megan Miller
High School Principal
Important Dates
Monday, May 13th - Friday, May 24th - Spring Keystone Window
Monday, May 27th - School Closed (Memorial Day)
Tuesday, May 28th - Insight PA Board of Trustees Meeting
Thursday, June 6th - End of Quarter 4, Last Day of School for Students
Friday, June 7th - Senior Prom
Saturday, June 8th - Graduation
Students of the Week
Congratulations to our April High School Students of the Week!
Emily R G, 10th Grade
Nominated by Mrs. Hickman
“Emily is a hard-working student who consistently attends class, participates, and puts her best foot forward. She uses her camera and mic, answers questions, and is a student leader. Earlier this year, a teacher was having technical difficulties and could not speak or type to the entire class. Emily demonstrated maturity and problem-solving skills by sharing the teacher’s messages with her classmates and answering their questions. Emily went above and beyond and her efforts were greatly appreciated!”
Anthony G, 10th Grade
Nominated by Mrs. Barrett
“Anthony’s engagement level in live sessions is always consistent. He offers positive contributions to class and he motivates other students to contribute. Anthony encourages his peers, brightens class each day, and sets a great example for leadership.”
Shelbylynn O, 12th Grade
Nominated by Ms. Klan and Mrs. Raisner
“Shelby is an excellent student who has grown so much over the years. She always participates, completes her assignments, and encourages her classmates. Shelby’s positive attitude is fantastic! She often asks for more work and is proud of her accomplishments. Shleby advocates for herself and understands the importance of school for her future.”
Quarter 3 Honor Roll
Congratulations to our High School Students who made our Quarter 3 Honor Roll! Click the link below to join us in celebrating them!
Class of 2024 Updates
Graduation Updates
Did you miss the Graduation Information Session on April 12th? If so, join us at 9:30am on Friday, May 10th to see what you missed! (You'll see this session on your Class Connect schedule.)
Don't forget to visit our Class of 2024 website for all the information you need about prom and graduation!
MP4S Session (for Special Ed Seniors)
For more information, check out this video!
K12 Senior Reels
All current Insight PA seniors are invited to enter K12's "My Senior Reel" competition for a chance to win one of five $1,000 scholarships! Grab your phone and create a video telling us what you love most about your online school experience. Visit the link below for more information!
Submissions must be received by 5 PM (ET) on Friday, May 31st.
Show Off Your Work!
Summer Literary Showcase
Our Summer Literary Showcase will take place on Thursday, June 6th from 1:00pm - 2:00pm! If you are interested in having your work shared during the showcase, please visit the link below and complete the form by Thursday, May 30th.
HS Art Show
This year's Art Show will be held during the last week of the school year. If you would like to have your artwork considered for the show, please visit the link below and complete ALL parts of the form.
Please note the following:
- All submissions are due by Friday, May 17th.
- Completing the form does not guarantee entry into the Art Show.
- Please make sure you are submitting a quality piece of artwork and pay attention to spelling, layout, lighting, craftsmanship, etc.
- If selected, your artwork will shared with the entire school community.
Special Events in May
CTE Information Session - May 17th
Learn about the Career Pathways offered through our Career & Technical Education (CTE) Program!
Join members of our CTE Department at 2:00pm on Friday, May 17th. Students will see this session on their Class Connect schedules.
Holocaust Survivor Speaker - May 24th
Insight PA will have the great honor of hosting Holocaust Survivor and Guest Speaker Danny Goldsmith later this month. Students and their Learning Coaches are invited to join this special session at 2:00pm on Friday, May 24th. Danny will be sharing the story of the dark side of his youth and his harrowing and inspiring journey to freedom and America.
Students will see this session on their Class Connect schedules.
End of Year Celebration Events
Have you signed up to attend one of our end of year celebration events yet? During the month of May and first week of June, we will be hosting 14 different events across the state! Cheer on your local minor league baseball team while enjoying delicious food, special group seating options, and on-field activities. Come sliding with us at the world’s only indoor carpet skate park. Or practice your jumps, flips, and ninja skills at trampoline adventure parks.
Some events already have wait lists, so act quickly! Visit the link below to learn more and secure your spot. We hope to see you soon!
- Chelsea Burke (cburke@insightpa.org)
- Courtland Handy (cohandy@insightpa.org)
- Kristin Seidel (krseidel@insightpa.org)
May Parent/LC Trainings
Attention Parents, Guardians, and Learning Coaches!
Please join us at the following sessions during the month of May:
Learning Coach Cafe - Mental Health Awareness
Tuesday, May 7th from 12:30PM - 1:00PM
Presenter - Sarah Ridder (Student Resource Specialist)
Zoom Link - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4080572556
Special Education Training - Behavior Tips (Part 2)
Tuesday, May 14th from 12:30PM - 1:00PM
Presenters - Anthony Grande (Assistant Director of Student Services)
Zoom Link - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4080572556
Learning Coach Cafe - Effective Communication Strategies
Tuesday, May 21st from 12:30PM - 1:00PM
Presenter - Erica Evans (Student Resource Specialist)
Zoom Link - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4080572556
Transition Team - Citizens Bank (Finance Focused)
Tuesday, May 28th from 12:30PM - 1:00PM
Presenter - Bianca Charity (from Citizens Bank)
Zoom Link - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88152243807
K12 Cook-Off Competition
Calling All 6th - 12th Grade Chefs!
The K12 National Cook-Off is here! Think you’ve got what it takes to be a creative cooking champion? Visit the link below to learn more and register by May 31st!
Five finalists will be determined by a panel of judges featuring Chef David Ho, winner of Food Network’s Chopped. Entries will be judged on presentation, dish criteria, and creativity. One additional finalist will be chosen by public voting during the judging period. The six finalists (plus one chaperone each) will receive a paid trip to compete at the K12 National Cook-Off in Arlington, Virginia, on July 13, 2024.
Counselors' Corner
Current high school students will have until May 10th to submit their course selections for the 24-25 school year in PowerSchool. If your student needs help, please have them reach out to their school counselor.
Lastly, we are excited to be hosting several Move-Up Week information sessions for current 8th grade students at the end of May, including a Learning Coach session! Students moving up from 8th grade to 9th grade will learning about the high school in general, scheduling courses for next year, activities to get involved in and so much more!
Contact Your Counselor
Our HS students are assigned a counselor based on the first letters of their last name. Not sure who your counselor is? Check the list below!
- Dr. Klepfer (Last names A - Bra)
- Ms. Johnson (Last names Bre - Cri)
- Mrs. Lanzendorfer (Last names Cro - Fra)
- Mr. Blackstone (Last names Fre - Hop)
- Mrs. deTurck (Last names Hor - Leo)
- Ms. Babu (Last names Les - Mile)
- Ms. Clark (Last names Mill - Ph)
- Mrs. Orbin (Last names Pi - Sag)
- Ms. Christ (Last names Sai - Str)
- Ms. Benvenuti (Last names Stu - Wh)
- Mrs. Tate (Last names Wi - Z)
To enable, inspire, and prepare students to achieve the highest levels of academic standards so they make a powerful contribution in their communities.
Our Vision
To ignite a desire for learning in every student and nurture them to understand their goals and create a clear path to achieve them.
Website: https://insightpaschool.org
Phone: (484) 713-4353
Location: 350 Eagleview Blvd suite 350, Exton, PA, USA