Panther Pride News
Week of September 16-September 20, 2024
🎉Panther Pride: Mears Fine Arts🎉
US Capitol Christmas Tree is Coming from Alaska
The US Capitol Christmas Tree is coming from Alaska this year! Mr. Beardsley cut birch tree cookies for us. Students in Mrs. Crumm’s 7th and 8th grade art classes are painting uniquely Alaskan ornaments to send to Washington, DC to decorate the tree.
The Art room needs magazine and newspaper donations please for upcoming collage and paper mache projects. Please consider donating materials for our projects.
🎉Panther Pride: Mears Career Technical Education Department🎉
In Video Production . . .
This week our eighth grade students learned all about the DSLR(Digital Single-Lens Reflex) Camera. Students got a chance to try out some of their photography skills including: macro photography, composition, bokeh photograpy, street photography, and ten points to a photo. They did a great job editing the photographs in Google Photos.
In Family and Consumer Science . . .
The Family and Consumer Science 7th and 8th grade students will start making our quilted Chromebook covers soon. If you have broken or extra metal tape measures, we would love to use them in the FCS classroom. The tape measures are cut to help make the closure on our Chromebook covers.
Thank you!
Mrs. Cindy Trawicki
FCS Instructor
In Design and Modeling News . . .
Meet Florence and Beatrice. Florence works for NASA and needed a special thinking chair. Here is an example of a chair made by our 8th graders for Florence. It had to be made only of cardboard and Elmers glue and hold 10 pounds.
Upcoming School Events
Monday, September 16: ALICE Barricade Discussion
During, Panther Read time, all students will do a short lesson in the Homeroom Canvas course completion of this ALICE Barricade lesson.
Monday, September 16: Virtual Town Hall ASD Math Curriculum Shifts
Town Hall Zoom Sessions hosted by ASD and Liz Peyser, Curriculum Associates
Tuesday, September 17: Virtual Town Hall ASD Math Curriculum Shifts
Town Hall Zoom Sessions hosted by ASD and Liz Peyser, Curriculum Associates
Thursday, September 19: NJHS Meeting
Attention current members of NJHS. Our first meeting will be Thursday, September 19th at 8:40am. At this meeting we will introduce the officers and advisor, and talk about the plans for this school year. Please RSVP to Mrs. Bookman in room 110.
Officer Meetings are Tuesdays at 8:40am in room 110.
Monday, September 23: ALICE Evacuation Lesson and Drill
During, Panther Read time, students will be doing our annual ALICE Evacuation to our Bayshore Elementary School Rally Point as well as complete a lesson in the Homeroom Canvas course.
Friday, October 4: Picture Retakes
9:30-1:30 Lifetouch Picture Retakes in the Mears Library
PTSA Membership Drive, Join Today!
Consider formally joining our PTSA! Your membership dues go directly towards supporting our organization which goes right back to the school by purchasing items outside of the regular school budget to support classes, buses for field trips, the 8th grade bash, and positive behavior incentives. Click on the link below to learn more.
Counselor's Corner
The counseling department will be starting our Monthly Character Theme Recognitions.
This month is Respect: treating others with honor and dignity.
In Library Media Center News . . .
Are you a creative digital designer? Create a poster for this year’s ASD & Adobe Express contest by October 25th. See info in the flyer here (pictured below).
In 6th Grade Science News . . .
Outdoor ecology field observations
In Team News . . .
In Team Alliance . . .
Students are transitioning well to middle school. They are learning great things in their core classes including; world geography, 3D shapes and surface area, ecosystems, biomes and will be starting personal narratives. Their electives are giving them a chance to sample the options of middle school and learn a new instrument.
We have completed our in-class ELA MAPS testing and we will be starting our Math MAPS testing on Monday. Students need charged Chromebooks and a book to read.
Notifications will be sent out for students with D’s and F’s within the next week. Please take the time to look at student grades on Parent Connect or Canvas depending on the class.
“It is your destiny. Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son, teacher and student” Darth Vader (with some editing from Team Alliance) RIP. James Earl Jones
In Team Synergy . . .
Science: Students made observations and inferences this week about the skulls of Alaskan mammals.
Social Studies: Students have been learning/practicing with latitude and longitude. This week we are doing a fun game called “The Amazing Race” using these skills.
Enjoy the pictures below of learning in action on Team Synergy
Mathematics: Our Math MAP testing is next week. Please remind your students to charge their Chromebooks each night, ensuring they are ready for school each day.
In Team Solidarity:
It has been a great first month of school for Team Solidarity and getting to know our students and families. If you ever have any questions for any of the teachers, please reach out to the following emails:
Parchman_tina@asdk12.org (ELA)
Jones_kristin@asdk12.org (Science)
Stewart_justin@asdk12.org (Social Studies)
Reed_clinton@asdk12.org (Math)
We have our math MAP testing next week. Please help your students remember to charge their Chromebook each night so they have it ready for school each day.
Team Solidarity
In Team Fusion News . . .
This is a great time to check grades. If you have questions, please
In Team Nexus:
Team Nexus presents Franceska Fairbanks as our Student of the Week (September 9 - 13)! Frankie pursues excellence and exudes kindness towards her peers and her teachers! Thank you for being YOU, Frankie. We appreciate your hard work and your big heart!
In Sports and Activities . . .
In Archery News . . .
In Indigenous Ed News . . .
Please visit this link to stay up to date on all that is going on in our program Indigenous Education News.
Parents as Partners
We need Photos for the Yearbook!
Yearbook will be looking for possible photos to use in this year’s yearbook! If you happen to take any photos at sporting events or after school activities, please e-mail them (highest resolution) to barclay_holly@asdk12.org.
What Every Parent and Caregiver Needs to Know about Fake Pills
Is your child going to absent from school? Save time and send a quick email to our attendance email box, mearsattendance@asdk12.org or you can call the school at 907-742-6400 and select the Attendance Line option to leave us a voice mail, either option is a great way to notify us!
Main Office Hours
Our office staff is available daily, please don't hesitate to reach out if we can help you in any way, our hours are 8:45-4:15. Thanks so much, we are here to help serve you!
No Door Dash/Uber Eats/ETC
We do not accept, Door Dash/Uber Eats/ETC, food deliveries for students before, during, nor after school. We will NOT accept deliveries of any kind. We have a school meal program offering balanced meal choices daily. In addition, the Black Cat Cafe offers smart snacks daily for purchase
Lunch Detentions
Lunch Detentions are held daily during each lunch wave in Room ST6.. Students are expected to check-in with the supervisor at the beginning of lunch. Students who need to purchase food from the cafeteria will be issued a fast pass to procure their food and return to Room ST6 to serve the assigned lunch detention.
Morning Detention
Detentions are 8:45 am-9:20 am, in Room ST6, Tuesday-Friday. Please drop-off your student at the MPR EAST entrance to access the building. Security staff will greet your student and escort them to Room ST6. Please contact AP Svendsen or AP Matthews with any questions.
Jane Mears Middle School
Email: marquand_carla@asdk12.org
Website: https://www.asdk12.org/mears
Location: 2700 West 100th Avenue, Anchorage, AK, USA
Phone: 907-742-6400