Cambridge Headlines
January 17, 2024
Thursday, January 9, 2025
What you need to know today!
2025-2026 Course Registration Begins February 4
Students are advised to consult the Cambridge 2025-2026 Curriculum Guide, accessible through the Cambridge website,to learn about their course selections for the upcoming academic year. It is the responsibility of each student to thoroughly investigate and consider courses of interest.
Visit Course Selection and Resouces (2025-2026) for step-by-step information, timelines, and instructions to guide you through the registration process. At Q&A is also available to address commonly asked questions and concerns.
Tennis Tryouts
Tennis tryouts will be the week of January 27, 2025, as follows:
- Girls - Monday and Tuesday at Cambridge courts (3:45-5:30); Wednesday at Milton Tennis Center (4-5:30)
- Boys - Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (3:45-5:30)
Please dress accordingly. All athletes must be cleared in Rank One prior to tryouts. If you have any questions, please see Coach Rishel or Coach Brougher. Go Bears!
Mid-Year Transcripts Available January 15
For seniors who applied to a college through Common App required a mid-year transcript with semester 1 grades included, counselors will upload their updated transcripts to Common App starting January 15, 2025. No action is required on your part as Common App will flag colleges that need this information.
Seniors who need a transcript for a non-Common App college will need to request the transcript starting January 15, 2025, the Scriborder. Simply select "Current Student" and complete the form. Transcripts will be sent electronically to the college.
B2 This Week and Next
We will have Choice B2 through Friday of this week. If you have make-up work that needs to be done with a teacher, arrange to have it done this week during B2.
Next week (January 13 through 17), we will be on a regular B2 schedule to complete various required activities. On Thursday (January 16), Juniors will report to the theater for a Vape Seminar sponsored by our PTSA.
ACT Sign Up for Seniors
Cambridge is offering the ACT exam for free at the school on March 6, 2024, at 8:30 am. All juniors will sit for the test. In addition, this is one last free opportunity for seniors who do not yet have a Zell Miller qualifying score on a nationally normed exam (ACT or SAT). Seniors who qualify and want to test should complete the form below to sign up for the March 6 administration. Only seniors who sign up on the form below will be ordered an exam and be allowed to take the ACT in March. Please sign up by Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at 3:30 pm. There will be no extensions.
Senior ACT Sign-Up (only for those seniors who qualify)
Student Information and Resources
Junior Privileges
We are excited to extend our Off-Campus Lunch Privilege to our Juniors starting in February. This is an EARNED privilege! The requirements are:
- All grades must be 70 or above and on track for graduation.
- No unexcused absences.
- Three or fewer tardies (cumulative).
- No behavior write-ups that resulted in a consequence. We will look at this data from January 7 through February 7. Stickers will be given out the week of February 10. We will review the information again at the end of the 9 weeks.
The off-campus Lunch Privilege is reviewed every nine weeks, so if a student does not earn it in the first nine weeks, they can earn it for the second nine weeks. Students who earn the privilege must sign or have their parent/guardian sign a waiver of liability and receive a sticker on their Student ID before they are allowed to exercise lunch privileges. Students must wear their badge and display their stickers at all times, even when entering and exiting the building.
This is a reminder to seniors and juniors who may earn the privilege—this privilege is for lunch only. It does NOT apply to B² or any other time of the day and can be revoked at any time a rule is broken. Seniors or juniors caught off campus during B² and/or skipping classes will lose off-campus lunch privilege as part of the discipline consequences for those actions.
Cap and Gown Orders
Please note that the deadline to order graduation packages, including caps and gowns, has passed. If you have not ordered your seniors package, a rush charge has been added to the fee to ensure it arrives in time. If unsure if you have ordered, send your senior's name to Carol Bybee at for verification. For more information and to order, visit the Senior Activity and Graduation Package.
Scholarship Database
Seniors looking to apply for scholarships to earn extra money for college should visit Naviance to access the Scholarship Database. Naviance can be accessed through Classlink. Once in Naviance, select Colleges at the top of the page, then select Scholarship and Money. Seniors can find college-specific scholarships and access the National Scholarship Database.