CGS Weekly Message
Good afternoon,
Happy Sunday!
This is our last week until the Thanksgiving Break holiday! Exams will begin soon for our high school students. Students, please stay focused for the next few weeks as we close out Semester 1.
Parents, we are very very close to the final completion on our expansion! We will communicate transition plans as soon as we are able to. We are simply awaiting the final Certificate of Occupancy. Thank you for your continued patience and flexibility during this time!!
- 11/13/2023-11/17/2023: High School Homecoming Spirit Week!!
- 11/20/2023 and 11/21/2023- SCHOOL CLOSED- Mental Health and Wellness Days
- 11/22/2023-11/24/2023- SCHOOL CLOSED for the Thanksgiving Holiday
- 12/4/2023-12/8/2023: K-8 Homecoming Spirit Week!
- 12/15/2023- Half Day! Dismissal at 11:45 A.M. for the K-8 Campus, and dismissal at 12:00 P.M. for our HS campus.
- 12/18/2023- 1/2/2024- Winter Holiday Break (Students return on 1/3/2024)
Community Events
Holiday Mail for Heroes
Operation Christmas Child
"Operation Christmas Child": Nov 13th-Nov 17th
The History Department is sponsoring the Operation Christmas Child campaign again this year. Please help support this worthy cause that brings joy to children around the world. The collection week is Nov 13th-Nov 17th. Please contact Mr. Johnson @ with any questions.
Texas Roadhouse Giftcard Fundraiser- Supports Dance Program
Middle School Art Showcase
Bus Transportation Updates
The new High School will be opening soon! When the official start date is announced, the bus stop times may need to change. More information will be coming soon about time changes that will take effect on the first day the high school opens to the students.
Major changes:
There will NO LONGER be shuttle service between the two campuses.
High School students will only ride their assigned bus - NO MORE transferring from one bus to another bus.
Please be on the lookout for more information about time changes.
Thank you,
CGS Buses
2024-2025 Academic Calendar
Cafeteria/Lunch Updates
Click on the links below to access November's Menu and Lunch Information. If you have any questions/concerns, please contact Ms. Robyn at
Ms. Robyn
Cafeteria Coordinator
Athletics Information
High School Homecoming Week- Monday, November 13- Friday, November 17
Friday, November 17th we will showcase our Homecoming Court at the halftime of our Varsity Boys Basketball game. Games that night start at 6:00 with our Varsity Girls kicking off their first Home Opener followed by the Varsity Boys at 7:30.
K8 Homecoming Week- Monday, December 4- Friday, December 8
Friday, December 8th we will have our K5 representatives presented during halftime of our MS Girls game which starts at 5:00, and our MS representatives presented during halftime of our MS Boys game which starts at 6:15.
Theme for both campuses: Are you UP for Homecoming?
T-shirt sales: We will be selling HS Homecoming T-shirts for $20. They will be set up for sale outside at Integrity in the mornings, and also can be purchased through emailing
T-shirts for K8 Homecoming will be coming soon!
Master Athletic Schedule:
For anyone looking to catch a CGS Game, here is the link to our master athletics schedule.
Parents/Students- PLEASE READ:
While we encourage and LOVE student engagement and participation at our after school athletic events, students are NOT allowed to stay after school and "hang out" until the games begin. ALL STUDENTS must leave school at dismissal and return when the gate opens prior to the start of the game and enter through the back gym entrance. We do not have supervision for our students after school and want to ensure the safety of all of our students while they are on our campus.High School Homecoming Spirit Week: (High School Students only) 11/13/23-11/17/23
K-8 Homecoming Spirit Week (K-8 Students only) 12/4/2023- 12/8/2023
Feedback Form FAQ Document for CGS Families 2023-2024
FAQ Feedback Form Submissions for 11-12-2023
Mrs Paschal is amazing. She wears so many hats; AD, teacher, Homecoming coordinator, Golf Tournament coordinator , plans/schedules all of the games, transportation, officials, etc. Mrs Paschal does all of this effortlessly. Best of all she is a role model for our kids. Thank you Mrs Paschal for all that you do.
- Thank you for sharing!! We agree!!
I am concerned with pick up, anyone can come through the car rider line and say a child’s name and no one checks Id or the form we filled out at the beginning of the year. The first time my dad came to get my kids no one questioned who he was and he had never picked up before. I know most kids say they know the person picking them up but what happens when a young child is scared to speak up and gets in the car anyways? The front office is not monitored well right now and I understand Mr. Graham is at the other location. Sometimes the front can be chaotic and all you have to do is come in and tell them who you are there to get and they call the child from the classroom and no one checks id or walks the child to the office to make sure who is picking them up. Someone could just grab the child and walk out. I understand you are supposed to sign the child out but people can write anything on there and be gone before anyone notices. The security with this is very very concerning. We live in an evil world and people are crazy.
- Thank you for sharing your concerns! You're exactly right, we feel our security can be tightened up as well especially at our K-8 campus which is the busiest overall with traffic. You will soon see some additional security measures being put into place. We've taken for granted that our campus is generally very safe but we absolutely must plan for worst-case scenarios. Thank you for your very valid concern! We are in the process of making changes to improve our security. Thank you for your patience as our adjusted measures may cause a slight inconvenience or cause check out times to slow some.
I am STILL seeing parents attempt to pass in the K-2 line. Parents, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in this world worth risking or taking a child's life. Do not pass. If you need an expedited process use the 3-8 line or simply leave your home earlier. Cars with passengers in the front passenger seats are forced to exit on the right. You can run over a child by passing. You know who you are! Although there are teachers doing their best to help the children, we all know children have minds of their own and sometimes deviate from the normal exiting routine.
- Very good point!! Thank you for pointing this out. Parents, please plan for "extra time" when dropping off in the mornings. At no time ever should you be passing on the K-2 side. We will make sure our cones are out in the mornings and afternoons to assist with this visual.
What is the point in the afternoon of telling me my kids will be at cone 8, them being at cone 8 then when I stop at cone 8 I get yelled at by a women to pull down further to probably cone 3. My kids are confused they think I am either leaving them or it’s not me then they come running almost knocking kids over to chase me down, how is this safe? What is the point in the cone system if we are to just fall in as tight as possible???
- Thank you for your feedback. If all students go to the correct cone, we should be able to load 12 cars at one time... Unfortunately, this doesn't take place at all times because students don't "hear their name" or aren't paying attention in our cafeteria for dismissal when their name and cone is called. If students aren't at their designated cones when you arrive, you will be asked to pull all the way down to where the gap starts to allow us time to get more cars loaded. Students can simply walk from their designated cone down to where we've asked you to move if your students did go to their correct cone. Worst case, you'll be asked to park in visitor's parking until we can locate your student. The cone number system gives us a spot for students to load and when all students follow the instructions, our car rider line moves swiftly. Sometimes, students forget their cone numbers and this messes the line up. We will ask kids to walk down the sidewalk if there is a huge gap in between cars to help fill more cars and expedite the car rider line. Students shouldn't run down the sidewalk as this is a big safety concern. We happily welcome additional help running our cone system and volunteering in our cafeteria to help remind students to go to the correct cone if you're willing to volunteer!! Please let us know. Thank you for your patience with our procedures. We are always looking for ways to improve.
So we can't park, and walk our child to the sidewalk so that they're getting in school on time? We have to attempt to cross union ridge for over 10 minutes, then pull behind the school for another 10 minutes and pray we don't get written up for being late in the line that moves at the speed of smell.... I watched two adults stand and watch a child struggle to get out of the car just this morning. Leaving 30 minutes early to do a 7 minute commute seems a bit much. What is being done to help move the lines in the morning and afternoon since we can't use the front circle?
- Thank you for the comment. Yes, we ask that parents stay in their vehicles and adults will help open the door and help your student out. Our K-2 car rider line side works quickly but there are mornings where some of our kids just don't want to get out. They've had a rough morning, etc. You will need to prepare for those potential situations by ensuring you can get on campus earlier so that your student isn't late. Our car rider lines open at 7:15 A.M. and ends promptly at 7:45 A.M. Thank you for your patience!
Very excited to see the new high school is almost ready!! Will the bus route change once the kids have moved into the new school?
- More information about this will be coming soon!!
I have not seen anything regarding the after-school clubs ? Can we get a update on those and which ones will be starting.
- Student Council (at both campuses) 7th-12th graders
- Art Club (K-8 Campus) 3rd-8th graders
- Yearbook (K-8 Campus) 8th-12th graders
- Envirothon (K-8 Campus) 8th-12th graders
- Jr. Civitans (High School)
- Lego Club (K-8 Campus) 5th-8th Graders
- FCA (High School) 9th-12th graders
- Mentor Club (High School Campus) 9th-12th graders
- Chess Club (K-8 Campus) 3rd-8th graders
- Beta Club (High School)
- AYLA (8th graders)
- DREAM team (High School)
- History Club (High School)
- Crochet Club (K-8 Campus)
Good day, i just want to make something aware to yall's point of view, CGS website needs to update their band picture and bio, It is back from 2019-2020.-a fellow marching band person.
- Thank you so much!! We agree! We will share these with our website coordinator!!
We are so excited about the new high school and the opportunities that the extra space will provide. Could you possibly go over the different phases of development, and what will be added during the next 2 phases? Will the land be used for Agriculture classes? Will creating areas for competitive sports be a focus? Are any different sports not currently offered at clover garden, going to be added in the future? Thank you for any information you can provide.
- During our planning and design process back in 2020, we developed a long range master plan (LRMP) just for the new 67.55 acre campus. The LRMP involves several phases of development which includes an extension of another classroom wing, future auditorium, café area that complements our beautiful courtyards, future gym, athletic fields, additional parking spaces. Although we could not build the auditorium, gym and additional classrooms during Phase I because of inflation and high construction prices, we went ahead and completed all the clearing, earthwork, stormwater system (pipe), grading, and building pads for those areas. Once we can secure the funds for those projects, we can then start the design and construction process. Once we get Phase I complete and fully operational, the long range planning committee (LRPC) will discuss the other phases and the possibilities of using some of the land for agricultural classes. With regards to athletics, the LRPC will continue to work with the Athletic Director, Mrs. Paschal, and athletic boosters to see what the additional sports program looks like for Clover Garden.
Will the basketball practices time change once the students move to the new school? I am hoping the practices will be after school. Thank you for taking the time to review my questions.
- Thank you for your question. All practice times will remain the same.
**Parents, just a note- if you have a specific issue/complaint/concern with a member of our CGS staff, you will need to email me directly. I will not post concerns specific to an individual staff member in this forum.
Click on the link here to ask your question! Also, if you have any GOOD NEWS to share, please use this link as well! Sometimes your emails get lost and we appreciate any/all feedback! : )
Volunteering Opportunities
Grizzlies Families, don't forget to log your volunteer hours!! We had so many of you working to help with our fall festival, don't forget to email our volunteer coordinator to log your hours. Reminder that we request that each family volunteer at least 4 hours per month (Total of 40 for the school year) towards events and helping at CGS. Thank you for putting CGS 1st and helping us to be successful! We couldn't do it without you!
To participate in volunteer opportunities check out the Volunteer Calendar and you will see a view of volunteer needs. If you see an opportunity that interests you please email and let us know where you want to sign up. Our parent volunteer liaison will add your name to the volunteer list and confirm via email. We will also use this process to log your volunteer hours by your child/childrens names.
Feel free to reach out to with any questions!
Staffing Updates
Current Openings:
- EC T.A./Bus Driver
- 7th/8th Grade Math Teacher
- High School Art Teacher
- High School History Teacher
Testing Updates
Please click here the attached PSAT letter.
Please click here for the PreAct letter.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our Assistant Principal/Testing Coordinator, Mrs. Morris at
Mental Health Survey 23-24
PTT Updates
Thank you to our CGS families that continue to volunteer and donate items to our school community. We appreciate YOU!
We have kicked off our Turkey Grams this week to raise money for our K-8 Bathroom remodel. Click here to place your online order. Only $1!
Don't forget our fundraisers this month!
· Envirothon – Texas Roadhouse Spirit Night, 11/16
· Dance – Texas Roadhouse Gift Cards 11/6-11/28
· Father / Mother Dance – Cici’s Pizza – 11/14
· PTT –Turkey Grams – 11/1-11/15 - Only $1! Help remodel our K-8 Bathrooms and give your child’s homeroom a pizza, donut, or ice cream party! Click here to order online Our goal is $5000 and to date we have raised $1400.
Our next PTT Virtual Meeting is December 7th via Microsoft Teams. Save the link below and we hope to see you there!
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 264 685 257 731
Passcode: EfMQzC
Thank you for all you do for our staff and children at CGS. Please like us on Facebook for weekly updates or click here to sign up to receive emails.
As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns please email us.
Thank you,
Melissa Blanchard
Parents Teachers Together
Clover Garden School
2454 Altamahaw-Union Ridge Rd.
Burlington, NC 27217
Expansion Updates
As mentioned in our last couple of messages, we have been working hard prepping for final inspections and final walk-thrus. All required inspections have passed except building final (Alamance County) and elevator/DOL (State). We hit a slight delay last week with the elevator and hoping that will be passed by the end of this week. We are now at the mercy waiting on NC DOL (Division of Labor). According to our latest schedule given on 11/9/23, our GC (CT Wilson) is now hoping to receive CO (Certificate of Occupancy) by Monday 11/20/23!!
See below progress in the last week. We continue to have many construction workers onsite last week and this weekend (even through the night).
- Continue with touch-up spots and painting throughout the building
- Continue with a few electrical items
- Installed corner guards at all wall corners
- Installed wood panels at reception center and common area on 2nd floor
- Kitchen equipment was delivered
- Waiting on finished material for the stadium seating common area (This area is unfinished but not holding up CO)
- Finalizing the elevator
- Continue installing Landscaping plants/trees and mulch all around the building. Bermuda Sodding is coming this week!
- Backfilling and final grading around sidewalks
- Began tilling and mixing in topsoil for grass seeding outside of the landscaping areas
- Began power washing sidewalks
- Installed road signs and striped fire line
Began Final Cleaning throughout the building (includes cleaning windows inside and outside)
All brand new furniture is being delivered and assembled starting tomorrow 11/13/23!!
Again, we appreciate your patience throughout our challenging construction times/delays and we are so excited that we are so close to the finish line. Once we have our CO, we will be announcing the transitioning from Integrity to our 1st official day of school in the new HS building. Also, we are working on maps on how traffic will be handled.
As we get closer to Thanskgiving, we should remind ourselves to be HONORED and THANKFUL for this new beautiful building and campus!
Concrete Island and Traffic Signs
Final Cleaning
Front from Pagetown Road
Front View at Night
Landscaping Status- waiting on sodding
Rear Courtyard
Have a fantastic week!
As always, thanks for all that you do,
Mrs. Vereyken
Executive Director
Clover Garden School
*If you need this weekly newsletter translated into a different language, please let our Title 1 Coordinator, Mrs. Simmons know at
*If you have any thoughts, feedback or suggestions for our Title 1 team on ways to improve our practices, please contact Mrs. Simmons at
Clover Garden School
Location: 2454 Altamahaw Union Ridge Road, Burlington, NC, USA
Phone: 3365869440