We would like to thank those who actively promoted 4-H during National 4-H Week. We appreciate your time and dedication to the 4-H Program in Brown County. We have “Join 4-H” yard signs. If you are interested in displaying a sign, please stop out to the 4-H office.
Everyone is invited to attend the Brown County 4-H Recognition Event on Sunday, November 5, 2023, at the Brown County Courthouse basement. The awards banquet starts at 2 pm. Clubs that are helping with set up (please be there by 12 pm) and take down are: Westside Ranchers, Dakota Sharpshooters, Lincoln Maids and Spaids, Lazy Farmers, and Denim and Dust.
This event marks the conclusion of another Brown County 4-H year. We will recognize those who have excelled throughout the year and say “thank you” to those who support the 4-H program in so many ways. We encourage you to attend even if you do not expect to receive any awards, as it is a great way to become familiar with the various awards given each year.
12/4/2023 from 5-7pm in the Courthouse Community Room (Basement)
Cloverbuds are starting a new 4-H year, too! We’ll meet 4 times this year to learn the 4-H Pledge, and find out more about the 4 H’s – Head, Heart, Hands, and Health.
In our first meeting, we’ll use our Heads for clearer thinking by making a holiday craft that the ‘Buds can enter at the fair! (Project TBA – watch the Newshound for details) We’ll make our project and talk about the things we’ll do this year in “Buds, the Visual Arts and Home Environment project areas and how important it is to keep safety in mind as we try new things.
If you have kids 5-7 in your club, we’d love to have them join us! Jr./Sr. members can come along to mentor the buds and work towards their own projects in Leadership, Child Development, Community Service, and more!
Contact Becca in the 4-H office for more information and to RSVP.
Each 4-H main club leader will receive your club’s 2023 4-H ribbon premium check in your club packet at the Recognition Event. Club leaders are encouraged to cash or deposit the club’s total ribbon premium check and distribute to the club members as soon as possible. There will be a premium report in your club packet with a list of your club members and the premium amount paid.
Premiums for 2023: Costco Rewards, Farm Credit, Agtegra, Brown County Community and Family Extension Leaders, Register of Deeds Donation, Brown County Fair Board,
Remember to write a thank you to these sponsors of our Brown County 4-H Program.
Tentatively Hold 2024 Leaders Meeting Dates:
· - 01/29/2024
· - 04/29/2024
· - 07/15/2024
· - 09/30/2024
All meetings will be held at 7PM in the Brown County Courthouse Basement.
Leaders: Please send your 2023-2024 Leaders Association dues to the Treasurer or the 4-H Office. Leader's names and dues are to be mailed to Ellen Schlosser (37751 106th Street, Frederick, SD 57441) or can be dropped off at the 4-H Office (Please contact Ellen if you drop them off at the 4-H Office). Please include all the leader’s names that you are paying for so that credit can be given to the correct person. Dues are $4.00 before December 31, 2023. After January 1, 2024, dues are $5.00. The dues need to be to Ellen Schlosser by December 18th to be postmarked by December 31st. Checks should be made payable to: Brown County 4-H Leader’s Association. Please do not submit cash.
Also include the following to Ellen: Name, Address, City, Zip Code, Email, Years of Service.
The 4-H Christmas Tree will be at the Brown County Courthouse from November 27 until December 31st. This year’s charity is Aspire. Items needed are: Coloring books, crayons/colored pencils, sheets/pillowcases (twin-queen), Towels/Wash Cloths, Shampoo/Conditioner, Body Wash, Lotion, Deodorant, tooth brushes/paste/mouthwash, hair brushes/ties, Legos, Popcorn tins, Playdough, activity sets (painting, stepping stones, rock painting, etc.), and gift cards.
All Brown County 4-H volunteers must pay a $10 re-enrollment fee for the new 4-H year. Be sure to talk to your club leader to determine if they will cover the cost or if the individual volunteer is responsible. The checks should be made out to the State 4-H Office. Any NEW volunteers must fill out the work agreement form (which can be found on the SDSU Extension website or 4Honline), they will also need to submit the $10 fee and will have a background check completed by the State Office. The forms and checks for volunteers should also be sent to the Brown County 4-H Office by December 26th as they will be mailed in with the renewal fees. The Brown County 4-H Office will mail in all the checks at one time. It is extremely important that all fees and forms are turned in on time. Per the State Office, Lapsed Volunteers - $75 and Volunteer Work Agreement. Please contact the Brown County 4-H Office if you have any questions on this process.
From clinics to competitions, the South Dakota 4-H program has a long history of promoting livestock education. Though youth are encouraged to maximize their livestock education by taking advantage of many learning opportunities, one Youth Livestock Literacy (YLL) certified event is required each program year for youth interested in exhibiting livestock in a county fair/achievement day or state fair. This YLL safety requirement mirrors South Dakota 4-H standards in other higher risk project areas. In the livestock project area, the primary safety concern is that youth understand the role they play in producing safe food for others to eat.
Brown County 4-H Livestock Literacy Program opportunities, exact dates will be shared as soon as possible.
· January 2024 – Grocery Store Scavenger Hunt
· February 2024 – LSI Beef Nutrition Workshop
· March 2024 – Ear notching workshop – Jeff Howard
· April 2024 – Understanding Livestock Performance Date
· May 2024 – Warner Dairy Tour
The start of the new 4H year also means it’s time for our annual fundraiser. Each year, the 4H members participating in the horse project help raise money by selling Boston Fern Fudge. We would appreciate it if everyone could help as this allows us to offer prizes at our horse show each year. The fudge arrives just in time for holiday parties, teacher gifts, or enjoying while binge watching holiday movies. 😊 You can start selling now and orders must be turned in to the 4H office no later than Monday, November 27th.
Link to fudge order form - https://brown.sd.us/sites/default/files/Brown%20County%204-H%20Horse%202023.pdf
Questions- you can reach out to Corrie at CorriedotSprinkel@gmail.com. Thanks for your help!
2nd Annual Ugly Christmas Sweater Dash Mixer
Join the fun during our 2nd Annual Ugly Christmas Sweater Dash Mixer
· Open to youth in grades 7-12 from counties of Brookings, Brown, Clark, Codington, Day, Deuel, Grant, Hamlin, Kingsbury, Marshall, Roberts & Spink
· Saturday, December 2
· 10 am - 1 pm
· Watertown Regional Library, 160 6th St NE, Watertown, SD
· $10 to cover the cost of materials and supplies
· Register by November 28 - https://form.jotform.com/233045717323148
New to Brown County 4-H’s monthly newsletter is Becca’s Corner.
This area will be two part, I will have suggested project ideas
for you and your club members to complete throughout the year and
a personal development section for members to build life skills with.
Project Idea: Wood Slice Turkeys
Here’s what you need to make one:
· Wood Slices – wood slice ornaments from Hobby Lobby (wood craft aisle, not the holiday aisle).
· Feathers – you can find a bag at the craft store
· Googly eyes
· Red and orange felt
· Brown pipe cleaners
· Hot glue gun, or use wood glue
· 0.75 inch or 1 inch wood cubes – one for each turkey
CuCut out a beak and a wattle out of felt. Grab some googly eyes and a wooden cube (or something similar) to help the turkey stand up.
Glue on the beak, wattle, and googly eyes. Glue the wood cube on the back of the wood slice. Then bend some brown pipe cleaners to make feet. Each foot requires about 1/2 of a pipe cleaner.
Use hot glue to attach feathers to the back of the wood slice. Glue them on one at a time, and it really doesn’t take much glue! Then glue on the feet.
If you want to, you can make these wood slice turkeys into place card holders or photo holders. Twist some floral wire into a couple of overlapping circles, as shown. Then you can slide an index card or a photo in between the circles.
A gratitude letter is just as it seems: a letter of appreciation that you write to someone who has impacted you personally. Writing a letter of gratitude is a great way to show appreciation for someone who made a difference in your life. Sitting down to construct your letter, whether you handwrite it or type it out, allows you to reflect on how someone helped shape you into the person you are today. I challenge you to sit down and write a letter of gratitude during the month of November.
Brown County 4-H Office
Stacey Usselman, Admin. Assistant
Email: becca.tullar@sdstate.edu
Website: http://brown.sd.us/department/4-H
Location: 400 24th Ave NW, Aberdeen, SD
Phone: 605-626-7120
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064794066271